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Everything posted by leslieo54

  1. "It was in the script" is literally all I've got. You guys, I honestly have no idea what's going on in *any* of these damn timelines anymore... and wasn't 'oh my god, the terrorists are among us and we don't know who's good and who's bad!!' totally the plot of the first few episodes? Have they so run out of plot or ideas how to fix it that they're recycling from the same season and hoping we don't notice?
  2. Oh my GOD - I'm a dope. I kept thinking 'hey, she looks familiar, I should see what else I've seen her in...' and then never did, and then even on reading this, I was all 'huh, who was she on that..? Maybe something to do with dopey Duncan...?' but not so much - admittedly I didn't pay much attention to her scenes because oh-dear-god-no, not another Kelly inappropriate romance storyline, but the thought of Peck never crossed my mind. Hey, she's a good actress! And what a difference hair makes...
  3. I live in Honolulu and watched the season premiere for last year at Sunset on the Beach, outside in Waikiki (I think? I've seen most of them that way - I'm thinking of the one that opens with the drone attack on the beach). Let me tell you, sitting on Waikiki Beach watching people being *shot* on Waikiki Beach is pretty freaky... But no nuclear devices yet. ?
  4. Hahaha - as soon as that scene ended, I turned to my mom and said 'Isn't she a pediatrician...?' Glad to see I'm not the only one who is confused ?
  5. Oh, thank god, you are all my people! I had never even thought to check if there was a forum for this, but this week's ep finally pushed me to it. I was *cringing* at Cabe trying to guilt Paige into inviting her mom to their holiday celebration. 'But they're FAMILY' is one of the absolute worst tropes out there - there's a reason some people choose to disengage from relatives, and no one should make them feel bad about it. And if I never ever ever hear another word about Walter and Paige, I could die a happy woman... It's like literal anti-chemistry, considering they're presenting Walter as someone who doesn't react emotionally in a standard way (if at all). Not that nonstandard folks don't deserve love, but I don't think the writers are getting their storyline across the way they think they are if they're trying to make this pairing appealing.
  6. I totally wondered about this - if he was 'eliminated' with the understanding Tim would bring him back. The judges weren't too impressed with the bus-throwing, I didn't think, and they knew Erin had basically stolen/benefited from Cornelius's skirt, but his look was still the worst. This way, they didn't have to get rid of a designer whose look wasn't quite as horrid, but wouldn't get their hands dirty in the end.
  7. Honestly, that final shot of Alex slo-mo pulling up the mask and down the headpiece? I literally said 'I hate this show' out loud. She (or the writers, at least) legit thinks she's John McLane. She is and they are wrong...
  8. This was my question, like so many of you - Hudson is now the next best thing to a Ivy League school, and Elliott's dopey kid(s) got in? Yeah, that's likely... I also didn't really understand how the mother's computer seemed to work - didn't she say she had seen the guy under the admissions director's name on some random professor's Instagram? Was she directed there by the worst search engine in the world, did Tom thrust his phone in her face, opened to it, mid-coitus, or was it something else entirely? Oh, SVU... why can't I quit you?
  9. Thank you so much for writing all this down, because between the summer hiatus and my general lack of caring and paying attention, I couldn't remember what New Old Jeff's story was, and it was driving me nuts! I was hoping someone had mentioned it in his season one ep threads, and here you go... I still have only a vague memory, but at least it's there. ?
  10. For me, I'd have to amend that to 'I love to hate this stupid show' because I swear to god, it's the worst show on tv, but I can't seem to quit it. How is it so implausible? Literally, what do they talk about in the writers' room? Am I giving them too much credit even assuming they *have* a writers' room? and yet, here I am....
  11. Okay, you're psychic - well done, you! Very late to the party as I've been saving these up and just marathoned, but I'm pretty impressed with this prediction.
  12. Haha. And also, as someone who's in Hawaii and six hours away from both Jersey and North Carolina, I have to take issue with your original statement, anyway... ? I got really confused there for a minute! Slightly on topic - thanks to all the feed watchers/recorders who keep those of us who don't have them up to date on what's going on in the house. Thanks, guys!
  13. This is legit the only thing I remembered, I swear. I mean, I remembered Captain and Jayne, but I couldn't have told you their names if you were draining my blood to get me to talk... And I like the show!
  14. Thank you! It's been a while since I've even thought about this show and my memory's obviously not what it used to be, because I couldn't remember if she was an existing character or someone new (I missed Sasha bringing them to her). I just kept picturing her verbally sparring with some hot dude in the jungle and I couldn't remember if that had been Wolf or if it was a completely different show... I feel much better now ?
  15. I thought the same thing! She looked really good on screen, especially considering she was being shot from below, which usually makes people look like horrible monsters. If I could do that, I'd only interact with people onscreen. ?
  16. O_o She spent $8k on eating out/entertaining/vacations, but she paid her housekeeper $480? that seems odd...Edited bc punctuation is obviously tricky
  17. Hahaha - okay, I am a total lurker, I'm on my phone, which I never have signed in, and I'm ultimately just completely lazy, and I still had to sign in and comment on this. I may have woken up the children with my bark of laughter. Holy goodness, these people are idiots... Fruit loop dingus fooligans, all of them. Except poor Donny, who can't make anyone else see it to save his (metaphorical/game) life.
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