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Everything posted by TresGatos

  1. "He has had a canvas support made and embossed with his name in white 4" letters on one side, and the other side reads LIEUTENANT JOE KENDA: HOMICIDE HUNTER in blue. Why don't I have such a chair?" And this is Example #1 of why I love the original Kenda.
  2. The (adoptive) mom who wanted to take custody of the grandchild as soon as it was born. Both the dad & mom were Native American. I know Dr. Phil has had one or two other couples on where child custody issues were the domain of the Tribal Court. Did he mention this at all or did he just try to scare the bio-parents with talk of how CPS can take their child because they are poor and live in an impoverished area?
  3. I hope the rest of the season revolves around organizing to save the Archives! I was distracted by Ichy's floppy hair. He needs a headband. When Ichy was going on about not having a family or anyone I thought hey, go after Dani and you can have all of that! I also thought "Project Anaconda" might be a sly reference to a certain photograph published a year or so ago.
  4. "If he is the Joker it makes it ridiculous that a decade from now Bruce and Jim can't figure out the actual identity of the Joker." I put it down to repeated violent head injuries.
  5. "And guess what? Even when weed is legal, that doesn't make it cool to show up on TV stoned out of your mind. Alcohol is legal too but would someone drunk off their ass be funny?" Drunk History?
  6. Coco Rocha was a judge on the Naomi Campbell modeling competition for one season (so was Lydia Hearst - Chris Hardwick's fiancée) and I really like her on that. She looked so angry that Laurie would send a model down the catwalk with all her T & A hanging out.
  7. "The cinematography and production design in this episode alone are Emmy worthy." The premiere reminded me so much of how much I loved the production design and its element of being out of time & space that I checked to see if they were nominated for an Emmy and they were, in production design, but they lost to Game of Thrones, which, I hear, has some pretty spectacular natural scenery to work with. I loved the street scene that read 1970s to me, espeially the ATM sign advertising $10 bills and the part where Barbara wanted a phone and te next scene she has this big, black rotary phone in her cell I just laughed out loud. Loved her entrance into Arkham with the rolling vintage looking luggage and sunglasses, that part seemed really kind of 1950s with a "Women in Prison" sort of ethos. Loved it! I also loved the opening with Perfect Day though I really wanted to return to it with the end and the refrain, "You just keep me hanging on."
  8. Today's episode was the Creepy Craigslist Landlord who got thrown out when the Judge told him not to say another word and he says "Word." Who does that? 12 year olds? Sonia used to be the Bailiff for Judge Joe Brown where she was invariably "Madam Sonia." I bet she has some stories to tell.
  9. I thought Mike was much handsomer whith the full beard. It really set off his Errol Flynn smile.
  10. The letter at the end where the murder blamed his victim for the murder was beyond disgusting but it looks like Robert Hall got everything he wanted by killing the man his "perfect" family, his wife and children to be there to "support" him. What a piece of garbage. His wife was no better. When she started talking about how quickly the widow remarried and how her new husband was driving her dead husban's truck it just sounded like jealousy and Khandi would probably lay down with the new hubby if he would give her prematurely aged self a second look. I wonder if it's the same truck Khandi and Emmett had sex in before Rob hunted them down and murdered Emmett. Plus the widow is gorgeous. Hard to believe she's had five children. Ms. Hall, based on her actions with Mr. Corrigan and based on her conviction for embezzeling from her employer, has no morals and her performance on the Dr. Phil show demonstrates she has no remorse whatsoever.
  11. Novalee sounds, ironically, like a form of birth control.
  12. If you watch South Park you'ss see how Edwards does what he does.
  13. "I've Divorced My Ex Twice, but I’m Still in Love" This one infuriated me over the way Dr. Phil questioned the ex-husband about reporting domestic abuse. He asked him if she had split his lip or broken a bone in a real sarcastic way as if belittling the ex-husband's manhood but domestic abuse is never OK and the crazy ex-wife had clearly been trying to drum up false allegations about him abusing her. It was also irritating that Dr. Phil caught the ex-wife in at least two documented lies but he didn't seem to press her on those and continued to act like the ex-husband was dealing with a sane person which he clearly was not. On the other hand - I totally believe the ex-husband smacked the dog with the uneaten flip-flop.
  14. It would be so funny, in a cosmic sense, if David Jessup goes back to court alleging parental alienation, wins primary physical custody of his children and Robin ends up having to pay him child support.
  15. The young woman who was planning her wedding was so sad when they showed her Countdown to the Wedding list and her receipt from David's Bridal.
  16. I can't get the cat labor case out of my head. It was so horrible. At one point the female defendant sounded as if she had the momma cat for some time but the judges never asked her why the cat wasn't spayed or what happened to the kittens or if they still have the cat. The one judge did point out that with having a newborn the female defendant would have known what agony the cat was suffering and in that one little moment she looked ashamed of herself. 32 hours. They could have taken her to a humane society and left her. They were such a horrible, disgusting couple. I wanted want of the judges to ask these amoral morons how they think they can take care of a baby when they can't take care of a cat. I would have sold my wedding ring to get my cat to a vet in similar circumstances except that I am a responsible pet owner and my cats are all neutered (and past girl cats spayed). Poor Paisley! They just started showing this at noon in my area so I can watch it at lunch but this case almost made me not want to watch any more.
  17. It still seems pretty bad for a show where one of the judges was popped for DUI on a show where the excessive use of alcohol fuels many a raging plotline and one of the remaining contestants complaining about Josh smoking to relieve anxiety while he his sucking on a ciggie. Just highlights the insanity of marijuana prohibition.
  18. I have been aware of Honey Boo Boo but had never watched a show or the pageant shows from which she emerged but Ma Boo Boo just made my skin crawl and her daughter Pumpkin asking Dr. Phil if he would take his child to meet a convicted sex offender and seeming truly flabbergasted when Dr. Phil said no way in hell would he ever do that. Just disgusting. Poor Alana. Her mom trying to prod her into admiring Dr. Phil's grandchildren and the little girl was just so disengaged and Mama June's grasping at straws about putting Alana back in the pageant grind if only she could afford the $2500.00 dresses. Pathetic. Todd seriously reminds me of Jeff Conaway in Jeff Conaway's later years.
  19. There's a story about the dog bite to the eye case here http://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninterest/romano-a-dog-bite-dispute-in-pasco-county-gets-judge-judy-justice/2201714 it's interesting because it says the defendant also got paid by Judge Judy which is counter to some things I'd read before.
  20. OK..rules are rules and Josh signed a contract so he had to go but I think the rest of them should be eliminated as well for being a bunch of whiny pussies.
  21. Kaitlin, The wife of the abusive UFC fighter, said they'd been together since they were 13 and she acts like she has never progressed past 13. Also, the haunted house and the ghost picking up the baby and putting him in the crib? Well at least the ghost has enough sense not to leave the baby alone on the floor with a pit bull. Oh, excuse me, Staffordshire Bull terrier. I'd really like to see the papers on that one. How is UFC/MMA even legal when boxing has so many rules? In the Maria Ridulph case I do not believe any evidence from the photo lineup should have been used and the convicted man should get a new trial over it. The lineup had all photos from yearbooks with all the men wearing regular jackets and ties in what was obviously a formal school photo while Mr. McCullough's photo was obviously taken from a candid snapshot where he is wearing a white dinner jacket and bow tie. It was so much a case of one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other that it practically screamed PICK ME! Maybe he did it, maybe he didn't but that photo lineup was fatally flawed.
  22. I found a strong physical resemblance between Bruce and Selina when coupled with her curiosity about "the Kid" made me suspect she may be Thomas Wayne's biological daughter. I know it's not canon but the poster thinking that Thomas Wayne may have been more linked to Falcone than merely traveling in the same wealthy circles made me think it again.
  23. TresGatos

    S01.E04: Arkham

    I really enjoy how out-of-time Gotham feels with boxy cars that look like they are from the 1970s and all the glorious interiors that looked from the 1920s. The set designers were awesome tonight. Episodes of the 1960s series Batman have been airing in a couple of places recently and picturing Ben McKenzie, who reminds me of a young Lt. Kenda, as Commissioner Gordon (Neil Hamilton) which has really helped me buy into the story on both ends now. I also adored the Penguin when he gave his name as Peter Humboldt and in the telephone scene where he looked uncannily like a penguin in profile. Very well done. Less well done was the girl kiss and the girl fight. Like someone else noted, totally exploitative and not needed. Still, I am really enjoying this show.
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