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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. I thought the episode was very sad. It must have taken Babe a tremendous amount of effort to dress , put on makeup and jewels just to have to take everything off for radiation. I decided I have to view this as just a story rather than constantly wondering about what’s real. I also thought the scene of Babe and Bill dancing was very emotional. Naomi Watts is excellent in this. I still despise Truman; I dislike people who are constantly sarcastic. This was my favorite episode so far.
  2. I think there must be time for all of the women to talk to Joey. My guess is they know he has a better connection with others so it’s easier to just complain that you didn’t get your time. They all think if Joey only had time with them they would be the one. Yet they are on group dates and cocktail parties and it’s probably obvious Joey is reacting more to others. I really hate the constant bullying of Maria and the sobbing that she is doing something wrong. I don’t think Maria is the one for him but she deserves to be there as much as everyone else.
  3. Every time I see the women bring out one suitcase I think they must be magic cases that hold ten heavy full length gowns, shorts, shirts, short dresses, bikinis, jackets, sandals, sneakers, boots, pjs and makeup! I can’t stand Sydney.
  4. I really like the show but it’s going in a depressing direction. Bash seems like he wants to be back in the refugee camp but the whole show would have to pivot and lose most of the cast to go in that direction. Theo is a nice guy but keeps getting in trouble and treated poorly. June and Mags are both depressed and I wouldn’t want a depressed doctor working on me unless they were being treated. I am glad June has shorter hair, seeing her operate with long hair hanging down and not under a cap was driving me crazy.
  5. I went to the theater to see the first three episodes of season 4 and it was amazing storytelling. It was actually more powerful watching it on a big screen and I will watch it again when it airs on the app.
  6. I don’t like Maroun. She always acts like she is better than Price and he never lives up to her expectations. I think they could find another way to go after the video guy but it wouldn’t be right to set a murderer free and let people think the victim was a drug addict stealing from her clients.
  7. I apologize for my mistake about the black and white ball. I read a review on another site which stated that the ball didn’t happen so I didn’t check further. I still feel the series is lacking some excitement factor for me but I understand others feel differently.
  8. Yes, me too. But the writers of the show are being careful to keep the conversations about things known in the news like someone’s divorce without going into details that would make the scenes more interesting. Since the black and white ball never happened, I’m thinking the real life lunches and dinners were boring and the show doesn’t have anything interesting to say about the swans except that they are rich and either cheated or got cheated on in one of their many marriages.
  9. Having a bunch of people go on a marriage retreat but staying in separate rooms says it all. I thought Michael and Chloe might be a match, but I don’t think she is into him and I think he may be more interested in being on TV than getting married. I do think Emily‘s accident is real but I worry that her constant injuries may be related to a drinking problem. Michael has a right to express himself however he wants but I know I wouldn’t be attracted to someone who wanted to share my clothes and jewelry. I also think his need to have the biggest closet and take 6 suitcases on the honeymoon shows a level of self involvement I don’t find attractive. I think something weird is going on with Austin and Becca and they don’t want to address it. He even evades all questions in the after party show and he seems like a pretty outgoing guy.
  10. This isn’t as fun as I thought it would be. I love seeing some of my favorite actresses but I think the writers are caught between trying to be truthful about what is actually known and telling a good story. The article Capote wrote for Vanity Fair and the aftermath are known but exact meetings and conversations between him and the swans is just being guessed at.
  11. The same kids who have to walk around with designer Stanley cups!
  12. The acting is good and I like the scenery and music. But very little is spent on the mystery with the scientists and instead we are spending lots of time showing how each person is miserable in their own depressing way. I don’t mind supernatural but I want more focus on the main case.
  13. I no longer work in an office but when I did I wouldn’t want to carry two purses just to disguise my lunch. It also seems like there are sections in the bag which don’t allow you to use it as an actual purse because things like a wallet or sunglasses wouldn’t fit. I asked my niece who is in the Air Force if she would like the bodysuits and she said she wouldn’t buy it because she works with mostly men and wouldn’t want to have to take her top down to use the restroom in case someone walked in by accident.
  14. I think the same thing whenever I see this commercial. I would be scared that I would drive off the edge. I assume it isn’t real but why would you suggest that people park at the edge of a cliff?
  15. Michael has a nice smile but his style is a bit much for me and if he really spends a fortune on shoes that might be a problem. Chloe seemed too good to be true so I can see why people think she is an actress. I don’t think she is an actress but think she is trying too hard and won’t be able to keep that up all the time. I continue to think Emily has issues with drinking too much and then trying to force herself on Brennan and she also probably acts embarrassing and he has to take care of her. I have been in that situation of having to take care of someone who got drunk and started fights with people, knocking things over and generally being idiotic. I don’t like Brennan but also think he shouldn’t have to be in that position with a woman he barely knows. Emily is her own worst enemy and she needs to find out why she never has more than date. Still don’t like Orion and hate it that he is trying to get hugs and friendship from Lauren. She is being way nicer then I would be in that situation.
  16. I thought the episode was ok but I too am tired of the opening skits. The point of the short bachelors skit was that a women would pick any guy that was tall even over handsome and accomplished shorter guys. My husband is 6’7 so I guess I agree ( he really is that tall but I don’t agree with that premise lol). The women supporting women was about him being hot but I think Elordi is good looking enough for that to work. He did look better with longer hair in Saltburn. Weekend update kind of felt like they were phoning it in this week.
  17. I didn’t have a problem with the overweight person on Shark Tank; overweight people are business owners too. I don’t think they were trying to suggest the product would help you stay thin as much as the gluten free/organic aspect. I think it would be complicated to invest in a company with so many funding sources. I thought the light product would be good for renters. The baby products always seem like a bad invest to me; they will never make someone a millionaire and there are so many similar products out there. My son never chewed on tables as a baby , is this a big problem?
  18. I thought the ball was pretty boring. I never heard of many of the nursery rhyme characters and apparently the famous mother one was just make any woman and call her a mother? I understood some like Kris Jenner but others were lost on me.
  19. I didn’t care for Johnathan talking about how stiff he gets when Gordon compliments him-blecch! They show him way more than the other chefs.
  20. Yes, I’ve been telling my son he’s a dream come truer and he thinks it’s hilarious. I notice they took that line out of the theme song in later years. I like the earlier episodes which are more ‘western-like’ rather than the later ones where Daniel is dressed in finery.
  21. These women are finally going to see there is a difference between a weekly phone call complete with love bombing and actually living with a felon. The woman from Germany who will have to live in a basement is probably regretting her choices already. I have no idea what the Australian woman sees in that dumpy looking hot head. He won’t adjust well to everyday life.
  22. But we don’t know exactly what was said off camera or that any gaslighting has actually occurred. Neither Brennan or Austin are having sex with their wives and neither has said they are in love or things are perfect. If Emily thinks things are going great when she is drinking to excess and tearing down shower curtains that is more delusional than anything else.
  23. Brennan is getting a lot of flak in social media but Emily talks in circles and is no more clear about what is really happening. And she was rude on After Party. I really think these guys don’t want to be trashed on SM for saying they are not attracted to their wives. People are still talking about how terrible Zack was for not finding Mindy attractive. Lots of over the top sex talk but no one says what the real problems are.
  24. I just watched The Wrong Life Coach and the actresses who played both life coaches looked exactly alike to me. I thought they were the same person with different hairstyles but the lifetime site says they are different actresses! I liked this although they have done the psychotic life coach thing a few times now.
  25. My son and I just started watching the old Daniel Boone show with Fess Parker. We especially like the theme song 🎵 Daniel Boone was a man, yes a big man! Lol
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