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Posts posted by twinkles2

  1. How much younger than Savi is Joss supposed to be? They just said Savi is 40, and surely they don't expect us to believe Joss is younger than 30. Harry and Savi were together 15 years, right? So even if Joss is 10 years younger than Savi, she would have still been in high school when Harry and Savi got married, so while young, not exactly a young child.

    I don't know, I just like this story line and the characters. But, for one, it's fiction and I'm much more tolerant of things I wouldn't be in real life, and two, one of my favorite books is "Emma" by Austen, which this story line resembles, so I kind of love it. It's a stupid soap called "Mistresses", which pretty much implies improper relationships, practically the first scene was Savi cheating on her husband, and I don't personally see Joss and Harry getting together as somehow worse than all the other improper relationships on this show.

  2. Me too! I'm glad it ended how it did, though. There was enough resolution (Karen doesn't have HIV, Paul is really dead, April and Daniel are probably back together, Harry and Joss are together, Joss likely doesn't marry Shoeguy) but still some suspense for a new season (what else is wrong with Karen, Savi finding out about Harry and Joss, Lucy finding out about her dad). Granted, i don't actually really care about any of those, so I wouldn't be too broken up about it if it was cancelled.

    I'm actually surprised and relieved that they had Harry and Joss get together at the end of this episode. Not that she ran out on her wedding, that was a given either way. I just thought out would end more cliffhanger-y with Joss seeing Harry and Savi together or something and they wouldn't get together until the end of season three, but the show would get cancelled and there wouldn't even be a season three. So I'm glad we got the big declaration and a make out on the beach at least.

    I'm also glad that Savi is going to find out too. I don't think she even really wants Harry. She wants to be happy and she's lost and floundering and thinks that will be the answer.

    I seriously could not care less about Shoeguy though. He still creeps me out big time. I just have red flags all over the place with him and if this were real life I'd be telling Joss to run long before the surprise wedding.

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  3. Privileged! Thank you! Both the guy on that show and the older sister have shown up on Mistresses this season and I couldn't remember the name of the show or be bothered to look it up. I loved the entire cast on that show.

    I also really loved Detroit 187 and was mad it was cancelled. I think that year pottery much everything I really liked got cancelled.

    I'd also add Life with Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi. It only got 2 seasons and had a great finale, but it was such a good show. It totally got screwed by NBCs stupid Leno show.

    • Love 3
  4. My favorite part was when April told the FBI "maybe YOU'RE the bad guy." Yes, April, they are the bad guy, not your ex husband (actually still husband because they aren't divorced) who cheated on you for years, then faked his death to

    to run off with his new family abandoning not just you but his daughter, who still thinks he's dead btw, got involved with a drug cartel and managed to involve you and your child compromising both your safety and financial security. But yeah, the FBI is the bad guy because you got your feelings hurt.

    • Love 6
  5. That would be hilarious if they did send her to jail. But Dom's awesome lawyering will get her out of it (along with Paul's actual death). And April with get back together with Daniel because Lucy had decreed it shall be so. Although, I actually agree with Jlina that she and Dom would be an interesting couple. But then Karen would have to date Zach so everyone would be with one of Savi's guys. But then how would she know which one she wanted back?

    Seriously I hope Savi's clarity is not that she really wants to be with Harry, the guy she cheated on and can't have children with even though she really wants a baby. If it is, then I hope she decides to try at Joss's wedding only to have Harry declare his feeling for her sister and the two of them run off together. Idk, i just really don't like Savi.

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  6. Oh, I'm pretty sure nothing will happen to April. Because Dom's her lawyer. Also, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to think that she's a poor victim of the big bad Feds and sympathise with her rather than straining our eyes rolling them at her self-righteous idiocy.

    • Love 2
  7. Ok, I did not see the Daniel thing coming. Good, anything that keeps Ricky Whittle on the show is good with me.

    Anything else that isn't Joss and Harry feels like a waste of time. Who knew? They were my least favorites last season. But somehow in the midst of all this terrible acting and writing, they are actually getting this story line right, taking their time and hitting all the right notes so far. I mean, until they inevitably ruin it in the end. I thought the season was going to end with Savi wanting Harry back and him having to choose between the sisters, but now Joss is "engaged." So now I think she'll decide to not go through with it because she's in love with someone else. They could literally drop Shoeguy (seriously, what is his name? Josh?) completely and never mention him again and I would not even notice he was gone.

    Savi is officially the worst. In a show with Karen in it. At least Karen is somewhat amusing in her idiocy. Like, surely she can't get any stupider? Why yes! Look she can. But Savi, I don't know. She's boring, awful, and hypocritical. Maybe Alyssa Milano's pregnancy is affecting her chemistry, although she and Dom always sucked, just less than she and Harry. But the Savi character just sucks. Except for pointing out to April that she was guilty of insurance fraud. I think I would like her more if they focused on her being a lawyer.

    This is the first show I've ever really hate-watched. It's horrible. I love it.

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