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Sew Sumi

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Everything posted by Sew Sumi

  1. Jeremy pimps out Punchable Aunt Cade in exchange for podcast hits.
  2. Sew Sumi

    MLB Thread

    I can see why players wear them, though. They're easy to keep track of during a game, especially if you're an infielder. Or order masks from whoever provides Didi his. He seems to be able to see over it, but it has to hamper a player looking down. Didi wears his all the time, so I hope it's not hindering him in the field.
  3. Seattle has waived a rookie CB who tried to sneak a woman into the team hotel.
  4. Is it true that Jeremy might have said "Oh shit!" when Jana's gingerbread house collapsed? I mean, they obviously would have muted the sound, but we can read lips. 😁
  5. It had to be an interview as opposed to being show content. It's only been in the last couple of seasons of CO that you could actually hear the producers asking the talking head questions.
  6. In Anna's defense, those Keller girls are made to give birth. I think all of Esther's and all of Prissy's have been homebirths.
  7. The Duggars couldn't have said that on the show. That would have broken the fourth wall. If it was said, it would have to have been in an interview. But no, I do not ever recall them saying they didn't film in pajamas for privacy concerns.
  8. Sew Sumi

    MLB Thread

    Any word on when they will play again? I haven't seen anything, but to be honest, I haven't been looking that hard. eta: Looks like they will play the White Sox this weekend. For now.
  9. Yeah, this is how I read the situation.
  10. Punchable Aunt Cade and Gabby are this week's guests on the Podcast. Who wants to take one for the team?
  11. The FJ sleuths were all over that. She appears far too worldly for our preachy little "cowboy."
  12. Jill will keep one of the NotNuries around until Tessie and Hannah are a couple of years older. Can't have Jill messing up her press on nails mani doing such mundane tasks as housework.
  13. Sssshhhhh.....don't tell the Vuolos. 😂
  14. The Dingus family attends Jill's church, Joy Baptist. They gifted Jill "a whole half cow" about six months ago.
  15. I know the Rod birthdays are out there somewhere (Fundie Wiki?). I bet that would match several more of us. 😁
  16. I guess the producers see her as more palatable than her spouse. That said, weren't they both supposed to be banished from Counting On?
  17. Exactly. So, she may not say anything, but her lack of assistance speaks volumes.
  18. Jill was there? Very interesting...
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