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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. Oh my god that Say Yes to the Candidate ad was real? When I saw it on the Daily Show I thought they made it to mock that Obama = abusive boyfriend one. It was so stupid I thought it had to be done ironically
  2. Shocked by Germany's loss to Poland though I'm proud of Szczesny for his many good saves (and there were many.) All the possession, all the chances but no goals? Germany looked almost like Arsenal out there. XD Everyone looked a bit sloppier than usual, even Muller. A rare bad game for Neuer but nothing to concerned about in the long run I'm sure.
  3. Tony and Maria were one my favorite parts of West Side Story. My favorite non musical number scene is the one of them in the bridal shop imagining meeting each other's parents and what their wedding would be like.
  4. The Germany/Poland game may be the only time I actually want the ball to get past Wojciech Szczęsny lol.
  5. Glad to hear it, Gillian Rosh lol. I had to avoid ESPNFC and other sites for a while after the game. I thought they made out Arsenal to be worse than they were. "Boys against men," which I last heard after Germany crushed Brazil during the WC, was a bit much. Plus, Chelsea's fans on social media are some of the biggest assholes, much more so than the usual ones I see. And to help with the Everton/Wolfsburg win, Wolfsburg are currently 7th in the Bundesliga table, which reflects better on Everton for beating them so thoroughly. Yes, that Arsenal/Chelsea game definitely ended my tentative admiration for Chelsea (how could Eden Hazard betray me this way?! lol) It sucks that Man City and Chelsea, two teams I now dislike (City still takes the cake though), are likely going to top to league this season. I'm still faintly hoping that Arsenal can pull off a breakthrough and at least snag 2nd! And that Bayern Munich or some other team will take care of Chelsea in the CL. Though that's more than a faint hope, I definitely think BM, or even RM/Barca (still haven't figured where my allegiances lie there) can beat Chelsea. And it seems like City might not even make it out of their CL group
  6. Sigh. Well...I never thought Arsenal would win. Was hoping for a hard-won draw. They put up a good fight, did well considering their opponent. In general, I'm happy with their performance. Hull shouldn't shouldn't be too much trouble after the international break. Where do we post about that? ETA: In spite of the loss, I'm still proud of the team. Chelsea only had three shots on target, side from Hazard's penalty. Well, I still have Bayern Munich and Real Madrid/Barca for stress free winning to balance it out. Gillian Rosh, how are you holding up after Man United/Everton?
  7. I've generally just heard Hong Kongese, which is almost never. All of the people that I know from there just refer to themselves as Canto (Cantonese).
  8. Not really sure what happened with Bayern today, but they got the three points so I'm not too concerned if they're not firing on all cylinders during the group stage. LOL to Man City drawing with Roma. Still don't like them, so it would be hilarious if they didn't even make it out of the group stage.
  9. I was a hardcore (and still am) Germany fan, so it was bad enough that I was missing a very important and entertaining game (Brazil and Germany had never played each other in the WC, despite both holding the records for playing the most games. How could I miss that?!) but hearing about each and every goal over text and my friend's pure excitement freaking drove me crazy. At least I was able to watch when they won the thing. Still disappointed it wasn't a German/Holland final (Holland were in my top 3.)
  10. The Arsenal induced stress headache starting now...and we're playing Chelsea next week! Ugh. ETA: Arteta, Ramsey, and Wilshere all set to miss next saturday's game? The headache gets worse.
  11. LOL. Also known as the only major (non-group stage) game I missed. Getting text updates about the sixth goal? Not as fun.
  12. I wouldn't call Villa a weak team, so I'm sure their form on saturday will be much improved than last week. I just hope Arsenal don't have the humiliation of losing to the Spurs at home on saturday.
  13. When you say bad defending this year, you mean this season, right? Because we only need to look back at the World Cup to see some truly awful defending (you know which game I'm talking about.) At least it was that bad. Villa, unlike Arsenal, also had that nasty stomach bug to deal with that put a lot of good players out of commission on saturday. Hopefully they'll all be back for the game against Chelsea.
  14. Anyone listen to Men in Blazers? Their weekly podcast is hilarious with some great commentary and they sometimes have some surprising guests like John Green (of The Fault in Our Stars), who is a Liverpool fan. Their most recent one was their revue in NY featuring Kevin Love (who, as luck would have it, is an Arsenal fan!) as one of their guests.
  15. He didn't seem very happy about it. Which, if I were in his position, I would feel mixed feelings about scoring against my former team too. It was a bit touching that he didn't celebrate. He knew the implications (and the irony, which was perfect.) I thought an ESPNFC article said it best: "his is a bond with the London club that will never be broken." It was, however, exactly the score I was hoping for. I really didn't want Man City to win, but I didn't want to Chelsea to get those three points either. Though between the two, Chelsea's the lesser evil for me. Oh man, Man United. I have a soft spot for them, so I continue to have faith that they are simply in a transitional period. It gets worse before it gets better? Looking forward to Arsenal vs Spurs on Saturday. Hopefully it'll be a successful North London Derby for us.
  16. Tell me about it. He's my almost absolute favorite player (it's neck and neck with Thomas Muller...and Manuel Neuer...and some others...) so I was shaking my head at the criticism. Have a little faith, people! Plus, Wenger finally put him in the position he prefers. That always helps. ETA: Arsenal's set piece defending is still bad. This time they were lucky that Szczesny was there.
  17. Wow, that Arsenal/Aston Villa game was great! After that disastrous game with Dortmund, Arsenal renews my faith in them. Not to mention Ozil with his goal and assist to Welbeck a minute and a half later. If only they could just play like this in every game, regardless of the team. Though own goals always make me feel a little sorry.
  18. Well at least the club didn't push Alonso out the way they did to Di Maria; he asked to leave after the summer transfers of Toni Kroos, James Rodriguez, etc. I guess he read between the lines and asked to leave. It was probably the best choice for him in the long run; he could've ended up like Sami Khedira (regardless of his injury status) is now: warming the bench. Khedira really should have read between the lines the way others before him did (Ozil, Alonso, etc) and left instead of being benched the way he is now.
  19. Whoo! Bayern for the win! I feel vindicated after their frustrating draw with Arsenal (set piece defense, guys...you had in the bag) to see City lose to my other favorite team. Regarding RM's transfers, I thought Xabi Alonso's was the most shocking. I'm pretty new to soccer, but Alonso seemed like such a looming figure at the club. And then he was suddenly gone to BM. Not that I'm complaining or anything. If I decide to switch teams, at least I get to keep Xabi.
  20. Literally everything out of Keith, Denzel (and to a lesser degree Marijana's) mouths about the Matthew/Will thing has made me completely despise them. So I am very much hoping for this for either one of them.
  21. Arsenal off to a terrible start. Well hopefully they can still finish 2nd in the group...and there's still Bayern Munich/Real Madrid (possibly Barca, I'm giving them a try because I'm not quite clicking with RM the way I thought I would) to root for seriously.
  22. I just started watching Project Runway and it took me a while to get used to how much more low key Heidi is compared to Tyra. I know the competition isn't the same, but it was a big contrast I think.
  23. I'm going to miss Santino Fontana's voice as Hans once the Frozen arc starts. That was the only reason I didn't completely hate the character. If he weren't so wrong for the part physically, I'd have wanted him to be cast for this.
  24. Ugh, the win would have been SO satisfying if Arsenal had just been able hold on to the lead. Well, at least this result stuck it to the people who predicted a 0-3 loss for Arsenal.
  25. Arsenal really needs to work on their set piece defending. That's the third goal in three games to come from a set piece. So close to a win...I had my "how do you like our community shield now, bitch?!" facebook status/triumphant scream all set.
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