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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. If PSG can beat Chelsea, it'll be the upset of the season considering many are saying Chelsea could win the thing. Needless to say, I'm a temporary PSG fan. ;) I wouldn't go so far as to support Barca, but City getting knocked out would only please me.
  2. At this point, I'm all for Dortmund winning and picking up points again. Not just because as long as Bayern keep playing the way they have, Dortmund has no chance of truly challenging for the Bundesliga this season. It just stopped being funny a long time ago (and it was certainly funny for us non-Dortmund supporters); now it just kinda sucks for them. I pay so much attention to the PL and Bundesliga, that sometimes I neglect La Liga (and Real!) I may want Bayern to win the CL this year, but I'll of course be cheering for RM the whole way. Just maybe not in the final, lol. Let's face it, these two are probably gonna be in the CL final.
  3. Is Sherlock not eligible for the GGs this year? They made out at the Emmys but no GG noms this year?
  4. So apparently Zack and Jacque are ones dating (don't know since when.) Which means her "thing" with Rudy was probably totally fake -- on her part at least.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrNtBdKIC5w Yep. In six places apparently. I wasn't following the PL back then, but it's well documented. Arsenal and Stoke have hated each other ever since (after Wenger basically called Stoke a rugby team after Ramsey's injury and Pulis defended Shawcross's actions.) They boo each other excessively and the Stoke fans especially single Ramsey out for some reason. ETA: you know this was a while ago, Fabregas was still an Arsenal player! I confess I might be missing things from the incident and its fallout. Am I missing anything proserpina65?
  6. It appears that that goal against Stoke has brought 2013-14 Aaron Ramsey back to us! At least temporarily, he could very well go back to being middling next game. ETA: Who knew the scorer of the second fastest international goal ever could score when you actually start him, eh? Go Lukas Podolski!
  7. I know right? Sometimes players refer to him or he pops up in a video and I'm like, oh yea you're here too. Like Per and Laurent in this vid. (2:12 min) Figured we might all need some cheering up... And it continues to piss me off how AR is booed at Stoke. Stay classy, Stoke fans. It's not like you guys are bringing back some truly awful experiences for him or anything
  8. http://time.com/3623360/anna-kendrick-sings-last-five-years-trailer/ *screaming* Like that they're both labeled as "Tony-nominees"
  9. SIGH. ... sigh. Well, at least Ramsey got to score again (and Cazorla...kind of.) Especially against Stoke, whose fans hate him so much for getting his leg broken four years ago (can't believe I just typed that sentence out.) Hopefully this is the breakthrough needed to get him to back to last season's form. I think people are being a bit hard on Chambers...I mean he's been playing right back ever since Debuchy got injured. Even versatile players like him get rusty I guess. Grioud works so much better as a super sub. Someone to bring in at half time to break the deadlock or something like that. And for goodness sake, rest Sanchez! God knows he needs it.
  10. I'm admittedly biased as a Bayern fan, but I think this game reflects worse on City imo. For a team of their supposed quality, they should have easily been able to control the game, given that they were a man (and a goal up) after 20 minutes. Until Alonso and Boateng made those dumb mistakes, City didn't have much of anything going.
  11. Sigh, same. Well, Koscielny is back! No more Monreal in center back! Yay!!
  12. I know it was a loss, but I'm pretty astounded at what Bayern were able to do with only 10 men. They didn't play like it was 10 on 11, that's for sure. The fact that they were able to come from behind, take the lead and keep it for so long was pretty incredible. I agree with the pundits, City didn't win the match so much as Bayern lost it. Fortunately, they don't make those kinds of mistakes very often (they don't go down to 10 men all that often, either lol.)
  13. Sorry to make you sad proserpina65. :') What's worse, getting outplayed (Chelsea) or just plain screwing up (United, Anderlecht, etc)?
  14. But this time, they so could have won it! This game reminded me of the Germany/Poland game a little while back. Germany had the majority of the chances and possession but were unlucky (or just bad) in their finishing and that the Polish goalkeeper (a certain goalkeeper we know) was having an amazing game that day. And Poland, with their few chances, made them count. I mean did United really play well? They had TWO shots on goal in 90+ minutes. It's a pity that all that possession and chances were made worthless by a chaotic 5-10 minutes. I mean that OG was such a spectacularly perfect storm of bad luck, timing, and communication (stop coming out of goal so rashly Szczesny, you're not Manuel Neuer!) it'll probably never happen again. Well, at least Giroud's goal was a beauty. That being said, the defense needs so much fixing. I hope Wenger addresses that in January, but I'm not holding out too much hope. At least start Bellarin on the right and put Chambers in center back! :(
  15. Preach, Gillian Rosh! I was hoping for a draw so Chelsea wouldn't get another 3 points ahead, and seeing Moruinho's reaction was simply priceless. I also have no doubt that Chelsea will ultimately prevail in PL, but I hope it won't be as easy as it seems to be right now. Sigh, the frustrating thing about Arsenal is that we're good (head and shoulders above many teams in the PL), but just not good enough. How I wish we were so we could give Chelsea and City a run for their money. Well, maybe the January transfer will change things for us. For now they can play as badly as they want as long as they win (I still think the team are seriously feeling Ozil's loss offensively...thank god for Sanchez) As long they're not Liverpool in that game with QPR bad, it's all good in my book. Who cares about style if you don't have the results to show for it?
  16. I like RM, too (well, still haven't decided between RM and Barca but for now RM are my team in la liga) but between the two FC Bayern wins out. Hopefully they'll meet again this year...and this time Bayern will emerge the winners ;)
  17. I'm hoping Bayern will stop them in their tracks (not that I hate Real of course, but I love FC Bayern.) Get revenge for last season! Though arguably Muller and co. got a bit of it on Ronaldo when Germany crushed Portugal at the WC in the summer.
  18. Word, proserpina65. I was really excited for further Ozil/Wellbeck or Ozil/Sanchez oppurtunities but then Ozil got injured again. Apparently he barely ever got injured before this. Maybe Arsenal needs to fire all of their medical and training staff and bring in all new people. If we bring in Sami Khedira, maybe an injury prone player will cancel out an injury prone club and he'll miraculously make it through a season in one piece. I guess I understand all of the criticism leveled at the club for lack of depth, especially considering the number of injuries they have. You'd think back up players for every position would be a no brainer with our injury record. ETA: Wellbeck is working out better for Arsenal than Balotelli is for Liverpool at least, right?
  19. I was really excited that Podolski scored yesterday and I hope he can score a couple more times for Germany as well. All he needs is one goal to leapfrog over Jurgen Klinnsman and another player (don't remember his name), who he's tied with right now to become the 3rd all time leading scorer for Germany. Like Klose, that would be a fantastic way to retire.
  20. I was a little confused, do Freddie and Eliza still have their thing going on? There was no reference to it, except for that small shot after Eliza and Henry's presentation. Henry's line about the red headed Korean children cracked me up.
  21. I was surprised to hear that Luke Evans had done theatre, but I guess I shouldn't have been considering he's British (Welsh to be exact.) Loved Hugh's defensive moment when asked if he had done theater lol
  22. Old but hilarious. And what do we think about Tottenham?
  23. I kinda wish that Ivy had had a different love interest in season 2. I didn't hate Derek, but I didn't really like them together. They touched on her having the hots for Simon, the guy playing JFK. That would have been interesting, especially after the whole nude on stage thing and later him having to see her naked every night.
  24. I thought that was the reason many said that they weren't playing well. I'd say something snarky about Man United's draw with West Brom if Arsenal hasn't gone through the same thing with Hull on Saturday. I mean even the order of the goals (WB, MU, WB, then MU to make it 2-2) was the same! These easier next few games (for Arsenal) are a gift; they'd better not draw all of them or I'm gonna throw something at my computer.
  25. Arsenal were really missing Chambers, Koscielny (especially him), and Debuchy defensively today. Not mention Ozil offensively (his effect on the team has always been very subtle.) But Sanchez kicked butt as always and Wellbeck managed to come through for them for that equalizer. I thought Bellarin did fairly well today. But overall, disappointing. Again, all of the possession, 25 attempts (to Hull's 4) but we couldn't win it. Next week should be easier with Chambers and hopefully Kosceilny coming back. January had better be a busy month for Wenger. ETA: Gillian Rosh, looks like Everton are bouncing back a bit. Proserpina65, Fabretwat? That cracked me up. I wasn't around when all the drama surrounding him happened (though I know the story) but after the third (fourth?) statement about Arsenal after his move to Chelsea even I was rolling my eyes. Though with all of our injuries, it probably would have been a good idea to resign him, but that's on Wenger. XD
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