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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. They probably will. But with the form Arsenal are currently in, might it be possible that they might...beat Chelsea at the Emirates? They won't win the title but it would be so so satisfying if they could beat them (then we wouldn't have to keep hearing about how Mourinho has never lost to Wenger.) Make Cesc Fabregas's return to the Emirates a bittersweet one!
  2. Well, last season there was Gerrard's slip and this season...Gerrard's stamp?
  3. I'm confused by Zoey's stance against marriage. Didn't she have a fiance at the beginning of the series?
  4. Amen. Sorry boys, you're gonna have to take one for the team. The schadenfreude is just too good.
  5. so so close! just one more goal.... sigh. I'm tempted to say "away with the away goal rule!" but then chelsea might've still qualified too and yes I hate them that much.
  6. Yes! If Arsenal can scrape together a miracle, this'll be the perfect Round of 16 tie (hell, even if they can't it'll still be pretty good.) Chelsea getting knocked out was somehow better than Bayern winning their tie 7-0. All of my teams (well Arsenal who knows) through to the next round ETA: The SPI (Soccer Power Index) apparently puts arsenal at a 6% chance of winning and making it through. Then again they also said that Chelsea had a 73% chance of beating PSG and even more damning, said that with Neymar injured and Silva out Brazil still had a 50-60% chance of beating Germany. Well if this is it for Arsenal I hope they go out more like Schalke then Shaktar!
  7. Danny Welbeck scoring was even more perfect than if he'd scored against them at the Emirates in November. He must have been saving up that goal so that it was even more dramatic ;) I mean a howler, turning out to be the winning goal, at Old Trafford of all places how much more dramatic can you get? ETA: That howler was total payback for Arsenal's own back in November :)
  8. They haven't been great lately, but I didn't think this would happen. Hope they can get it together, they're much better than this. At least they qualified.
  9. I never understood the whole Stef/Andie ship in Pretty in Pink. In their last interaction together, I genuinely thought he was going to snap and attack her at any moment. And she and Duckie were nothing more than friends for me.
  10. Didn't think I would like Oleg when he was first introduced, but he turned out to be pretty great.
  11. I think last night's game proves that Alexis Sanchez purposely scuffs easy goal opportunities in favor of the harder ones to scare us fans lol (missed penalty anyone?)
  12. Just caught up with season two. Poor Nina! But Oleg and Nina: I ship it. It helps that she and Stan together had anti-chemistry, if that was possible. That said, do you guys think Nina was just playing him, or does she really have feelings for him?
  13. I love that the scenes that would realistically be in Russian, are. It always bugs me how tv shows (and movies) would have characters who are not supposed to be native english speakers only communicate in english (most recently Fresh off the boat is an example of this)
  14. Jamal's new love interest is fine, but I definitely prefer Michael. Too bad he's not coming back though.
  15. I was never a fan of Hepburn and Tracy as a pair in the movies, either. I much preferred Hepburn and Cary Grant.
  16. Oh god I know. I was just going to quote proserpina65's post about it. Sadly, it was an accurate one
  17. http://www.buzzfeed.com/kristinharris/this-jamie-dornan-shoot-is-more-passionate-than-any-fifty-sh#.ddplgyr0po Caught this article on buzzfeed. It's too bad they couldn't racebend it and cast this korean actress to play the role instead, though the reason this is much better than 50 shades is probably because they actually look happy to be standing next to each other
  18. Come on, show! Oliver is way too hot for this to be a hot guy/nerd relationship. He's not even tv ugly!
  19. am the only one who doesn't find Chris Hemsworth handsome? Or any of the Hemsworths, really. I like CH and obviously he's very fit, but facially? Eh.
  20. was disappointing. Well, technically they cut the narrator out of the movie entirely. The baker is the one narrating the movie.
  21. it's been three days since the game but I'm still freaking out about it! I've watched Grioud's goal so many times. Take that haters!! The one damper is the thought of the now smug Chelsea fans (and undoubtedly jose mourinho.)
  22. Yea they didn't mention ER being in Les Mis, and when they were talking about AK being nominated for a Tony they didn't mention that Eddie Redmayne won a Tony
  23. DAMN. THAT GAME. Game of the season for me by a mile!
  24. This, especially since they both totally sold me on her starting to be interested when he was tiny and asthmatic and him really admiring the way she threw a punch Totally agree, they're my favorite of the couples, and they're the ones who never got together! I mean, Steve is like the comic book equivalent of a former fat kid who is now hot, which pretty much guarantees he would have treated her like a goddess.
  25. You're an Everton fan, Gillian Rosh, you understand how good (and strange) it feels to have another team with the consistency to win all the time. ;)
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