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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. Maybe something more official...
  2. Perhaps watch the rest (when they come out) on http://watch-series-tv.to/serie/miss_fishers_murder_mysteries ?
  3. So is it just supposed to be a coincidence that Jeremy Jordan's character has the same name as a villain? His entire story and character doesn't seem to resemble what I've read up on the Toyman
  4. Hugh's face when Raymond is explaining why he called Phryne before the police cracked me up. So funny.
  5. JustaPerson


    On that front...from buzzfeed... http://www.buzzfeed.com/jonpremosch/13-photos-of-robert-buckley-that-will-leave-you-dehydrated#.isLbweLlJ3
  6. Finally caught 12 Years a Slave and all I can say is wow...I had watch a lot of Michael Fassbender/James McAvoy clips before I could look at him again without feeling a bit sick. Of course Lupita Nyong'o and C. Ejiofor were amazing. I know Fassbender is doing Macbeth with Marion Cotillard (which he was filming instead of campaigning for his oscar) next, but what are the other two up to?
  7. Santino! Yay! He seems to still be playing Aaron Miller (not that there's anything wrong with that), but it's still nice to see him.
  8. DSM were the bomb! I thought they were better than the Bellas, but I'm not sure I was supposed to feel that way. For all my fellow DSM lovers -- Flula's adorable
  9. In preparation for the final on saturday... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukfk7au3Yu8
  10. The only genuine build up to Daario/Dany that I can think of is this (and the flirting during 4x03, while he's fighting the champion of Meeren) https://youtu.be/Q8dII-NmjpA?t=143
  11. In that chase scene before the title card when Max is first captured he is shown getting a tattoo done on his back that has his blood type on it (O negative) and a notice saying that he is eligible for organ donation. The camera pans on it very briefly. That's when he tries to escape ETA: found a screenshot http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--u5Jd7_2D--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/d2topj9n8bu5psqqszg1.png
  12. I believed it was referred to as "muffgate"
  13. oh my god...santino is playing aaron miller again. lol and it looks like he'll have all the same struggles until the end. Plus the coworker is from Submissions Only as well.
  14. https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/11010529_10153464887101840_782604310546911241_o.jpg XD
  15. Now that Sansa and Ramsey are officially married, can she and that old lady start gradually poisoning his drinks, Notorious style? Maybe his food too to be safe
  16. The Bellas were great as usual, but was I the only who really really liked DSM? Their costumes were strange, but they were great musically and in other ways. "Shall we send them...fruit basket?" "Yum yum." And I kept thinking Fat Amy and the DSM guy (Flula Borg) were gonna have some weird hate hookup. ETA: I liked the Bellas's number, but I kinda wanted DSM to win.
  17. You guys probably want to see this. And it has that interview that Julia mentioned.
  18. http://www.buzzfeed.com/norbertobriceno/im-not-a-monster-am-i#.lirP567p8a XD
  19. That's exactly how I felt. But I still feel some residual disappointment; it's good thing the final's not till june, I need time to forgive barca lol
  20. Matt and Natasha were engaged at one point in the comics, yes? So she might be there for more than that (if she were to make an appearance.)
  21. I wonder why Graham didn't mention that Marcus Mumford's wife, Carey Mulligan was on the show a couple episodes ago. A bit of a fun coincidence.
  22. Once they heard about Jaime's arrival in Dorne, wouldn't a much better plan be to capture/kill him and turn around and accuse the Lannisters of trying declare war on Dorne? He's a much bigger prize than Myrcella is.
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