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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. The best part of the movie was when Solo and Ilya were arguing over what comprised a fashionable outfit for Gaby and women in general ("It won't match!" "It doesn't have to match!"). Armie Hammer and Alicia Vikander had very healthy chemistry and you could kind of see their characters relax around each other through their body language, which I really liked. By the time they killed Victoria's husband and reunited with Waverly, his whole body seemed to soften towards her. I'm curious as to how did Armie Hammer's Russian stacked up to speakers of the language. I've heard my share of cringe worthy mandarin on tv and movies and I know Russian is a similarly hard language to convincingly do
  2. I hated the storylines that ended Owen and Cristina's relationship. I mean it was an opportunity for SO (especially her) and KMK to do some good acting but I hated those arcs. They were so awful.
  3. Technically they've already been in a movie together, but Anna Kendrick and Chace Crawford worked really well together when they were in What to Expect When You're Expecting. I'd love to see them in a full length movie instead being more of a peripheral storyline.
  4. It's kinda funny to me that with all the Jacque/Rudy hoopla of season 11 Jacque is now (probably was the whole time) dating Zack, her partner. I guess Rudy and Jacque looked better together and they just ran with it.
  5. Well better to get these "Monaco/Stoke at Britannia" games where everyone is inexplicably terrible out of the way early, eh? Good find, Gillian Rosh! I still think he should have just stayed at Bayern (given the aging squad, he would've been sailing up that food chain in a few seasons).
  6. Shaqiri to Stoke is so confusing. Basel, Bayern, Inter, Stoke. One of these does not belong. If he does well in the PL, he'll probably transfer to one of the bigger clubs in couple seasons anyway but still. Stoke? Really?
  7. I thought Pitch Perfect 2 was better than Pitch Perfect.
  8. I know Neuer didn't invent that high risk/high reward style of goalkeeping but he has definitely popularized it, and you can see other goalkeepers now taking some (unnecessary) risks with their style of play which doesn't always work and just ends up looking dumb. Which can happen to Neuer as well occasionally, but people are much more forgiving considering how much it works for him. Oh Arsenal. Why do you insist on torturing us fans at our most hopeful and happy moments?
  9. Spotted! Daario 1.0 in Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds
  10. Well you could just listen to their podcast
  11. You can watch them on the interwebz! http://www.nbcsports.com/soccer/premier-league/men-blazers-show-full-season-premiere
  12. I watched the first Men in Blazers episode of the new season (if you're not watching them you should be! hilarious, neutral commentary though both hosts have their teams) and 3 out of the four (2 hosts + 2 guest pundits) said that the title is Arsenal's to lose this season. Needless to say, I was quite surprised to hear that. But I'm starting to get some false hope here...could they really do it? My head says no, but my heart wants to say yes.
  13. What a shame. If you take the comic book aspect away from it, Daredevil's just a good a drama as anything nominated by the Emmys. it loses a bit of steam at the end but the first half of the season was close to perfect imo.
  14. The english accent is for if he were Bond haha
  15. I wonder what you guys think about this. http://www.buzzfeed.com/louispeitzman/broadway-songs-that-will-make-you-sob-uncontrollably#.gsmdMxGLB9(in case that doesn't work)
  16. word. Take the suave spy persona and add a big dollop of the English accent. Swoon!
  17. I thought that at first as well, that they couldn't be compared but I thought they were a bit similar. Both Harry and Katniss really became "The Chosen One" through events neither could really control (well katniss had some), which made them both symbols of something so much bigger than themselves while they were still trying to figure out to be kids. Idk the one thing that will always hold back the Hunger Games movies for me is the complete glossing over of Peeta's character. It's like the writers sat around and made a deal that if they ever needed to cut anything, they would just cut anything Peeta said or did that wasn't necessary to plot. So basically his entire character. Not that the HP movies didn't gloss over things as well (so many things), but I never felt any of the characters ended as lost in translation as Peeta was.
  18. Watching the HP movies again made me remember that HP is SO much better than the "sagas" they have coming out nowadays. I like the Hunger Games, but it doesn't hold a candle to HP imo.
  19. So was Daredevil not eligible for the Emmys or did it just not get nominated? I know the Emmys don't get give much love to shows like Daredevil unless they're on HBO or something (like GOT).
  20. Well it makes sense that they don't care -- whoever she is she'll be slathered in green makeup anyway! It is still great to see though.
  21. Daniel Radcliffe's seems to have been a bit of an off the cuff thing.
  22. Speaking of Man City, if Raheem Sterling is worth 49 mil pounds than freaking Messi must be worth a couple trillion. Leave it City to personally inflate his head to even larger proportions.
  23. The comment section on the clips from Amy's show on youtube are surprising some of the more civilized places there. Of course there is still at least one negative comment on her appearance or women being unfunny but it's youtube, what can you do. If that doesn't mean she's funny I don't know what does. Joking of course. I heard about her for a while (mostly on buzzfeed posting funny clips from her show) but never watched any of her stuff. before one of her clips showed up on my recommendations on youtube. I've definitely gone down the rabbit hole watching her clips. But her series is going into its 4th season, so I guess it's just now people are noticing (and she was nominated last year for writing). ETA: Maybe she's everywhere now because of her new movie?
  24. I've been on a bit of a Rent binge lately, and when I saw the nom I immediately thought "one last refrain..." Hope it wins!
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