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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisgeidner/obama-and-democrats-to-fundraise-at-a-showing-of-hamilton#.vxrkDjYWrR
  2. You got tickets? Lucky! I'm going to be in NY during Thanksgiving but the show was sold out (officially) until December. So I'm seeing An American in Paris instead. Looking forward to it, but man what a show to miss!
  3. I really hope the show doesn't go there with that bartender that Jimmy met.
  4. So I finally caved and listened to the Hamilton soundtrack last night and WOW. I'm obsessed. ETA: I mean cast album of course ;) I even correct myself in my own head!
  5. *squeals* Santino gets to sing! I mean he's the voice of two princes (one disney and evil, and one R+H and decidedly not so) he should be singing all the songs.
  6. She Loves Me sounds like it'll be wonderful! My one quibble is that while I love Zachary Levi, why isn't Gavin Creel playing the lead? I mean it's Gavin Creel. I'm not biased, not at all ;) Irrelevant but:
  7. I'm very ashamed of it, but Ralph Fiennes's most handsome period (barring that gut he had in the movie) came while he did Schindler's List. I mean there's still The English Patient, but 1993 Ralph Fiennes in black and white was very handsome. It didn't change how much his character disgusted me, but Ralph Fiennes was so nice to look at.
  8. Poor Neville (the constable)! I felt so bad for him but of course Dot stayed true to Hugh
  9. I haven't even been a fan for very long, but my optimism for Arsenal is pretty much gone by now. I love them, I really do, but hope and...confidence....is dangerous lol. I always assume the worst when it comes to them XD ETA: But excited for the confidence this win will give them! Bayern will be fine -- they don't have the same mental fragility that Arsenal seems to have.
  10. Who the hell knows dude...genuinely not sure what to feel right now. Disappointment that Bayern lost, or happy that Arsenal won? Guess it should be Arsenal winning since that'll probably be their high point in the CL this season. XD
  11. http://www.buzzfeed.com/sabrinabarr/25-times-the-cast-of-agent-carter-season-2-were-1qpyv#.kfg20A6m7X
  12. Isn't that like already Christian Grey's origin story?
  13. They did mention that she works 24/7 even for a lawyer and was their hardest working employee. Like they implied that she seemed to have zero life outside of the office, which is one of the reasons she leaves -- to find a life. I mean it's kind of an explanation.
  14. As someone from that area (not West Covina thank god, that place is crap) this makes me very happy. Asian men are so rarely seen as anything desirable or sexy. I mean the most prominent Asian roles (other than the short lived Selfie RIP as FOB) on tv I can think of Chang on community and Raj from BBT. Both we're supposed to laugh at not actually see as attractive. Well Raj has his moments. But an asian gets to be the slightly douchey heartthrob for once! Yay!
  15. Not to mention the whole "If I'd known you would end up successful and hot.."
  16. Well imdb indicates that Shades of Blue is in pre-production. CXGF seems to be pretty done according to imdb (usually they'll indicate if it's in pre-production, currently filming, completed, or post-production. since CXGF has nothing I guess it's basically a finished product?) His recent Instagram seems to show him on the set of SoB. And that's basically the extent of my internet stalking abilities haha. Take what you will from that
  17. Are Channing Tatum and Scarlet Johansson supposed to be Gene Kelly and Esther Williams? I mean not actually them, but them.
  18. I don't want to offend any Liverpool fans, but Klopp is too good for you guys. sorry not sorry
  19. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/crazy-ex-girlfriend/s01/?search=crazy%20ex The RT rating looks good! I have high hopes now. I mean let's face it I was in either way. Hopefully Santino Fontana gets to sing too
  20. You never know...*eyebrow wiggle* I mean Newcastle have been so awful everybody (including me) thought Chelsea would easily win but instead they creaked to a 2-2 draw
  21. After that 5-1 dismantling Bayern are looking pretty much unstoppable right now. Of course, they also looked unstoppable around the same time last season. Hopefully injuries don't fizzle out their season the way it did last year.
  22. This scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blaiOpI0cbs
  23. The only appropriate reaction to this news: https://vine.co/v/e2OFtXVuh2V
  24. Devin's picture looks like one an eccentric millionaire would take and blow up to 100x its size and hang it in his foyer. And then force everyone to compliment it with obviously fake smiles whenever they visited his house.
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