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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. I've seen clips from NPH's version of the show as well as his version of Being Alive which I didn't particularly like. I did find the production a lot more palatable. Too bad we couldn't take RE and combine it with the tone of the NY Phil production! Another version of the song I really like:
  2. I saw like half of the stage recording of Company (the Raul Esparza one) when it was on netflix. The material was great, but the production itself wasn't areally grabbing me so i didn't finish it. It's not on netflix anymore so I never got to finish it, though I've seen RE's Being Alive on youtube a ton of times. I found the cast recording on Amazon music today so I figure I'd listen to it. I suspect it was this particular production, but everything felt very bleak and sad with not much optimism in it. I recognized that the music and lyrics I was hearing was genius and intelligent and wonderful but I felt like it was being delivered to me in a sad, gray carcass. Except when RE came on. But even then everything felt so dreary. I knew what the ending was, but it didn't feel happy or optimistic like it had felt when I had read about it (not that I expect happy endings, but I just wasn't feeling this spin on the story at all.) So he has an epiphany that he wants to share his life with someone. He might not ever find her. Just realizing it isn't going to do anything. Usually I'd be okay with that as an ending, but again I just wasn't feeling it. Then Being Alive come on -- though I'd seen the video of him singing it many times, his rendition still blew me away. The epiphany still hit me the way it was hitting Robert. I felt like it was all worth trudging through just for that pay off of Being Alive. Only after that did I feel any kind of hopefulness or optimism or any real life to it. Is it just this production? I read some bad reviews of it. Or is that the way I'm supposed to feel about the show?
  3. Tony and Maria are my favorite part of West Side Story. There I said it. And Maria is one of my favorite numbers.
  4. I remember seeing Those Magic Changes and thinking "he changed his clothes again!"
  5. Part of you? I keep futilely hoping they'll come up with some time travel storyline so they can be together after all. I can't ship either of them with anyone else because I can only see them with each other! I know Cap will probably end up having something with Sharon Carter (which is really weird.)
  6. Jeremy Jordan's (as Katydid put it) vocal cords of steel:
  7. Is there any chance Adam could come back? He's the best love interest for Kara on this show by far (no thanks to MB's being married to him and all). I'm meh on Jimmy and Winn is better as a friend.
  8. I wouldn't call this show super diverse, but it could be worse so I'm not exactly complaining. Also confused. Bizarro wouldn't kidnap the guy that Kara was kissing the last time she kidnapped her? Isn't that a simpler leap of logic? Supergirl loves --> guy she was kissing/smiling with?
  9. I was probably the one who posted a few pages back, but it's way more relevant now:
  10. Word on Big Hero 6. I was a little annoyed/confused about why they felt the need to give Hiro the white aunt. Why couldn't they just make him full Asian? (nothing against half asian people out there) Did they think people wouldn't understand him as a character unless he was somehow white too?
  11. I thought AT was better at puppy-dog/hang-dog Danny though he did a good job overall. He did a good job transitioning between the two. I especially loved when she was at the jukebox and you could hear him approaching with his cocky-guy laugh, but as soon as he got up there, he was all puppy-dog-eyes-"how are you sandy?"-Danny begging for her forgiveness.
  12. That sounds awfully dour. They couldn't at least do Jesus Christ Superstar or Godspell?
  13. Kether Donohue was in Grease Live! last night! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTxUwK6BBx0
  14. I didn't know Cameron Diaz was half cuban. That's interesting. Though I think she fits people's (like me) perception of a "white" person (though her wiki says that her father's family emigrated from Spain to Cuba so you could make the argument that she still is a completely white person) enough that it may very well have been the reason they switched her out for Eva Mendez. As Focus illustrated, I don't think that would have happened now which I think is a good indication. I'm not sure where, but I read somewhere once that Denzel Washington always made sure he never paired up romantically with a white woman because he felt it would turn off his African American fans, especially women. Or he just feared general alienation, not just from black audiences. I believe he did have a brief love scene in Flight but that was only a few years ago, considering how long his career has lasted. I do think there has been progress, though I don't know if Star Wars really counts for that since it's just a brand on its own that I think it would have made a ton of money regardless of who was it. That being said, it's not like it hurt that they had a woman and a black man in the lead roles (plus Oscar Issac!) In fact, I think it's helped its reputation and cred that it has diversity in its ranks. But it feels more like a nice garnish and the whole dish, you know?
  15. I don't remember where, but I think I read that she was raised in Carlow but moved to Dublin as a teenager. Maybe that's where the accent comes from?
  16. http://www.buzzfeed.com/davidmack/sam-neill-was-also-shocked-by-how-violent-that-one-death-was#.kiglEMj0Lx
  17. So I saw The Last Five Years movie on netflix last night. Did anyone else catch it when it came out or on netflix?
  18. If just they hadn't listened to their parents!
  19. Lily James and Richard Madden are so pretty together.
  20. Actually I thought the Ella's transition to servant was subtly done. Ella is shown doing some chores even before her mother dies and clearly likes to help out and as the Fairy Godmother said, she helped out even more after her father died to work through her own grief (and her stepmother let a lot of servants go). Her stepmother noticed and took advantage of her and slowly reduced her to a servant. I think Ella at first mistakenly took what was happening as her being kind to her family (when she mentions later that she wouldn't show her stepmother any more) and helping out but it was really her stepmother taking advantage of that to abuse her and Ella ended up stuck in that dynamic. And I suppose she couldn't leave because where else could she have gone? I don't think she would have wanted to leave her childhood home where her parents' memories were either. As to why she didn't feed herself, that was a bit odd.
  21. Not super cuurent news, but Lily James is going to be playing Juliet with Richard Madden as her Romeo and Derek Jacobi as Mercutio (!) with Kenneth Branagh directing http://www.broadway.com/buzz/183486/odds-ends-lily-james-talks-romeo-and-juliet-nerves-first-look-at-john-gallagher-jr-in-10-cloverfield-lane-more/ Probably could have found a better link but that picture of them is gorgeous. And of course the Oscar nom was well deserved.
  22. A thread for by far the best character in a series full of wonderful characters. He's super adorable and hilarious and best of all, truly loves music and takes what he does very seriously but doesn't let his ego get in the way. If we could all live our lives with half the zest that he lives his, the world would be a much happier place. Not to mention he's played by GGB, who brings all of these qualities to life and more. Who else could pull off those rat tails?
  23. ITA with everything you just said, Pollock. You said it better than I ever could! And I feel like having Rodrigo, played a POC, as one of the leads (and not a supporting or minor character) is a definite sign of progress. Not as much as people would like but still. I mean they easily could have made him Richard and just tweaked his backstory (and made the mexico city ep a journey through London/Paris/Rome/Moscow or something). His fun, zany, and eccentric personality is universal. Ofc who could replicate GGB's charm and charisma? He's just about the only guy I could actually find attractive with that rat tail.
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