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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. Finn was good for a one off. After threatening that dog, I laughed when Frank shot Finn's face off. I know, I'm evil. ETA: Whatever you may think of Matt/Karen, I think we can agree that Charlie Cox was amazing in that whole mellowed-out, lovestruck moment of peace right before he realized Elektra was sitting on his couch. It was perfect.
  2. I believe Matt recounted what finally drove him to start beating up bad guys in 1x10
  3. I'm hoping so too, if only so the smug EPL fanboys screaming "PSG are in a crap league! They're not that good!!1!" can shut up. I'm not a PSG fan, but that's always that go to excuse for Bayern/PSG being so much better than everyone else (english teams). Though I wouldn't put PSG on the same level as Bayern, but still.
  4. I'm sure he'd just stab you in the neck and unstrap the poor blood splattered dog off of your corpse. Frank: *sighs* "Another one?" *scratches behind the ears cuddles lovingly bathes and brushes* "God you're annoying." ETA: Jon Bernthal has been on tumblr?
  5. I could see Frank menacingly staring down someone until they got a dog.
  6. I agree that Karen and Frank had a really interesting relationship, though I thought it was in a familial/friend/kindred spirit way. I could see Frank having a grudgingly affectionate big brother bond with her. I hope we get more of them together next season
  7. I don't think Matt's employing the whole "don't tell her to protect her" thing. I think he just doesn't want to tell her. I mean technically he didn't even tell Foggy -- Foggy saw everything and there was no other choice but to tell him. And Foggy's his best friend of over 10 years!
  8. I remember seeing the First National Tour cast when it stopped at the Pantages with Gavin Creel as Elder Price and Jared Gertner as Elder Cunningham. I think they both ended going to the West End to reprise their roles. It definitely made a Gavin Creel fan out of me. As for the show, I ended up laughing so much my cheeks hurt from smiling too much. It still makes me smile whenever I listen to the cast album.
  9. I liked that Elektra's reply was that if he let more people in, he could feel that with them too. Listen to her, Matt! I mean if you're not going to listen to Claire at least listen to her!
  10. That's what I thinking when I wrote that post! Great minds think alike... "Dear In Love with a Liar?, It sounds like you have to really think about how to punish your man in a way he deserves. Sometimes men need a good bang-up before they learn! I personally think the sound of a good ol' machine gun brings a man back to cold, hard reality. And some men are passed teaching and just need punishment.... ..... And remember, communication is key! Regards, Frank"
  11. Damn I just going to start of these with the title of "Matt and Frank and Elektra and Stick and The Hand: K-I-L-L-I-N-G! Or Vehemently Opposing It" but yours is much simpler. While I thought the show did a fairly decent job juggling all of the storylines, I feel like this season could have just been about Frank with a bit of Fisk thrown in. Or Elektra and The Hand with a bit of Stick thrown in. I didn't hate Matt/Karen like some people here seemed to, but I think they could have spent this season instead slowly building toward a relationship a bit like they did last season. But with slightly more heat. And the reveal should have happened much sooner.
  12. Agreed (kind of.) I thought he was a great villain, but as a person/character I hated him. I was itching for Matt to bring him down. Frank on the other hand? Love.
  13. I thought the show kinda said that. I mean like Karen said, there are a lot of feelings there, "ingredients" as she put it, but not quite love yet. It could be, they're definitely both important to each other in a platonic way but it's too early to know if it could work romantically (WAY too many secrets from both of them.) But Frank is an all-or-nothing kind of guy (in every way). Of course he would say "you're in love!" Maybe he's right, but he also thinks mowing down groups of criminals with a machine gun is right. I think Karen knows he's probably not the one to listen to for romantic advice anyway, though he could be right at some point in the future.
  14. Plus those rectangle glasses! So 2000s. The circle ones he wears in present day make him look more mature imo.
  15. How does the 4th season of Arrow have a better rottentomatoes rating than Daredevil season 2? Like, Frank's monologue in episode 4 is better than the entirety of season 4 of Arrow. SMDH
  16. I believe Foggy mentioned in a previous episode (or was it the same one?) that Reyes had pulled every political string she had to fast track the trial. So I suppose there is an explanation for that one.
  17. I think that was because he was using it to threaten that first guy and get him to drop his weapon so then he was like *click* "it didn't have any bullets ya losers!"
  18. I know they're all in shock, but I feel like at some point one of them (besides Foggy probably) will realize that Matt yelled to get down before the shooting actually started. Hopefully it'll be Karen.
  19. Does Frank realize that Matt = Daredevil? I mean, Matt made no attempt to disguise his voice around him and they talked to each other for a decent amount of time.
  20. One thing I love about the way they're presenting Frank -- the vulnerable, honest guy and the brutal murderer are all a part of him. He's both of them and they're both perfectly reconciled together. You can see the way these two sides of him inform the other. It doesn't feel forced of OOC for him to be either of those guys.
  21. Holy shit, he exploded that guy's face! Though I pretty much ok with Frank killing them once they threatened the dog. Damn, but that monologue was incredible. I thought that I wanted a slower burn toward a Matt/Karen thing, but that scene in the rain actually really worked for me. But Elektra's entrance at the end was perfection. I think most of the time the hero will be the less interesting one in contrast to the villains, but MM is miles ahead of Oliver or even Barry. I'm just as interested in him as I am with them. Charlie Cox helps, too.
  22. I could see her blowing a lot of it on clothes -- I mean she's got great outfits. It's probably all high end stuff to match her high powered job.
  23. Yea if they're going for Matt/Karen, hopefully they'll build it up a bit like Oliver/Felicity was on Arrow. But like...with Daredevil's writing.
  24. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that the first time I saw West Side Story, I actually thought Natalie Wood was Latina before I looked her up and saw her very Russian name.
  25. After seeing Domnhall Gleeson in Brooklyn, it was weird to see him seem so unhinged in Star Wars. He seemed like he was going to freak out and kill someone any minute.
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