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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. If Germany gets through this game with France to face Portugal, they'll probably feel a bit slighted that they had to go through two potential final match ups in Italy AND France while Portugal has been able to barely scrape by.
  2. I agree, I think Germany has absorbed a bit of tiki taka into their playing style in recent years. I'm thinking of when they played the USA in the WC a couple years ago and spent the first 10 minutes or so basically doing a rondo while the US players cluelessly ran around. Some of the most fluid passing I ever saw.
  3. Now that Iceland has beaten England and Wales beat Belgium and Chile beat Argentina (again), I don't think Germany beating Italy for the first time is that outside the realm of possibility anymore.
  4. I saw Adelaide Clemens in Parade's End with Benedict Cumberbatch a few weeks ago. Her character (from what I've heard) is a bit underwritten compared to books but she was great anyway. I did feel like BC and Rebecca Hall (Sylvia) had slightly better chemistry and I slightly rooted for Sylvia (slightly!) which perhaps is the show's fault when they softened up her character and had Rebecca Hall play her.
  5. I can't help it, but WSS makes me cry every time I watch it. Most of the time I just stop right before the rumble and watch Cool and then turn it off.
  6. What's the difference between American Crime and American Crime Story? Isn't the latter just a rip off of the former seeing as AC came out first? The only difference I see is that American Crime Story just uses real events.
  7. God, this is such awful news. I always thought his character was absolutely adorable, and a highlight in all the movies.
  8. If only Tony and Bruce had done that instead of inventing Ultron!
  9. Surfing the web and found this. Somehow I feel like this sums up much of the movie pretty well. ETA: As someone who really fking loves Steve/Peggy...
  10. I knew Vision and Wanda were/are a thing in the comics, but I didn't expect them to put them together in the films. I'm (pleasantly) surprised that they did.
  11. I wasn't expecting JGroff to get a nom due to have scant his part was, but I'm excited that he did.
  12. Wow pretty much a year to the day! I was rereading some Naruto (which I like to do every so often) and I pathetically tear up at any chapter that contains Minato and Kushina (Naruto's parents). Especially at the end, when
  13. I'm sure DK will be great, but Matthew Morrison as Corny would have been very full circle (plus he's much more experienced with this type of live performance)
  14. Michelle Yeoh would have been PREFECT. No language issues, the right amount of gravitas (crouching tiger, anyone?).
  15. Haha I didn't even think of that! Honestly, a Gone With the Wind ending would be extremely fitting for this story.
  16. In this case, he WAS trying...to act like he wasn't trying. He thought that was the reason Rebecca was suddenly into him.
  17. So Josh decides to make a move on the girl who his supposed best friend is with (and he already knows is really crazy about?) What class. No matter what you think of the relationship, he's your best friend. What kind of friend does that? I can't see how Greg and Rebecca could recover their relationship after this. Greg wouldn't be able to trust her or his own worth after being ditched for another guy twice. And the second time right after she told him that she really liked and cared for him. That'll mess with anyone's head. After this, if Greg ever takes Rebecca back I'd probably lose some respect for him.
  18. Wouldn't be funny (and sad) if the series ended with Rebecca realizing that Greg was the one she wanted to be with and Greg realizing that he was better off without Rebecca and rejecting her?
  19. I'd agree as well though I wouldn't say Aaron Tveit has quite enjoyed the same critical/awards success as I'd say Santino, Groff (Hail King George III II!), or even MM have. Of course, AT certainly gained the gaggle of female (and some male) fans and followers. Nothing wrong with that, I'd count myself as one of them. Has Skylar Astin done anything else substantial on broadway/stage besides Spring Awakening? At this point, he's pretty firmly in movies/tv.
  20. I came to ask if it was going to be another origin story. Thank god it's not. Tobey and Andrew (still sucks he was unceremoniously dumped like that) already did a good job establishing the Peter Parker ~brand~ we don't need another rehash. I'm not all that enamored with Zendaya (showing my age, but probably her DC show was around when I outgrew them) and she doesn't seem like much of an actress.
  21. I finally saw Hamilton on Friday. It was amazing (as expected). Leslie Odom Jr.'s voice sounds higher live for some reason than it did on the recording. I thought it was an understudy until I looked at the playbill. Perhaps he was having some vocal issues that night? I don't know. A couple of moments that weren't on the OBCR that were a pleasant surprise. I was heartbroken to miss Jonathan Groff (only by a week!), but Rory O'Malley was hilarious. Interesting that 2 BoM alums have played King George already. Is Josh Gad next lol? Now I can say I saw Sam from Smash live!
  22. It didn't seem like she was paying much attention to anything her parents tried to teach her before she left. She did seem to retain the language and she wears her Sioux necklace outside of her outfits now! That's pretty good, for her.
  23. I really liked Keith (so pretty and able to understand some of her issues), but he and Kimmy were both too screwed up to make it work.
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