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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. I mean personally I like to pay attention to the RT score of a movie, especially if I'm on the fence about watching something I'll check to see what critics thought. If I'm watching it anyway, I'll lower my expectations a bit if it's rotten. If it's fresh, I can go in knowing that it has quality though I might not come out agreeing (although my opinions generally align with RT). I didn't find Batman v Superman an exciting prospect (I don't really like Batman much and MoS was only ok for me) before its release, but I was a bit on the fence about it and seeing the RT score confirmed that I wasn't going to watch it. Their TV scores I find myself disagreeing with a lot. Season 4 of Arrow a 96% while Daredevil season 2 a 76%? Hell no! Arrow is crap!
  2. Welp. Looks like Arsenal-induced misery starts early this season. If Pep can't even get to the CL final with a team like Bayern, City might as well get a refund on him now.
  3. But it's a 120 year voyage right? Any live crew would presumably be dead by the time they got to the planet
  4. I'm a bit confused. So is this movie going to be a very unconventional rom com with a dash of sci fi? I mean Chris Pratt, a fairly comedic actor being there makes me think maybe. Or is it going to be Gravity with some romance? JLaw being cast kind of makes me think so. She's known for being a funny person, but she usually plays dramatic roles. I feel like the tone could go either way with this plot. Maybe I need to do a bit more research on it?
  5. First Chris Evans now Jon Hamm? That lucky bitch!
  6. I'd feel a lot more sympathy for Rafael if it wasn't completely his own fault that he lost Jane. I'm not talking about the outside circumstances that led to him dumping her, but he deliberately chose to tell Jane that he didn't love her anymore (which was a lie) which closed the door on their relationship and forced her to move on. Granted that's what he wanted, and it worked but when he realized that was a mistake she was already gone. He has no one to blame but himself imo. He made his own bed, and I feel like it would be cheap if the show went back and got them back together
  7. Maybe a better ending for the film would have been if Tony stopped trying to beat Steve and kill Bucky once he realized that both he and Steve's BFFs were named James? ... I'll leave now
  8. Cavill/Momoa surprise bear hug anyone?
  9. Yea it definitely isn't because she's employed by DC that she's praising it. /s At least I hope that's the reason. *pleasepleaseplease* I hope they just let WW breathe and be its own thing. Don't try to be a "Guardians" or a "Civil War" or whatever -- let it be a "Wonder Woman!"
  10. What's wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal? I've heard about Jeremy Piven's mercury incident. Aw man, is JG also a secret asshole? Is that Taylor Swift wrote a song about him?
  11. Wow, I knew about her and Billy Crudup (poor Mary Louise Parker, I'm sure she's much happier now) but this other stuff sounds bad. But she's married to Hugh Dancy who seems delightful, so perhaps she's matured now? Does this mean I should start rethinking my opinion of him too?
  12. I don't think Steve knew that Bucky had killed Tony's parents. He knew that Hydra had had them killed and probably suspected that Bucky may have been the one to do it as the Winter Soldier, but I don't think it had been confirmed for him until they saw that video.
  13. Is it popular to ship them romantically? I love their friendship and hope we see more of it, but I don't want them to hook up.
  14. Martin Freeman and his american accent were already in Civil War.
  15. So given that WW is hanging with Batman and Superman in presumably modern times and this is during WWI, are they going to PeggyCarter Steve Trevor? Not that WW would end up frozen, but make him like her lost lover that dies/she leaves for his own sake?
  16. "Inception, eat your heart out" -- Doctor Strange, probably
  17. "I want to be a wizard." Same, dude. SAME.
  18. Dang it Ezra Miller! Now I'm actually interested in this. Wonder Woman ftw tho.
  19. But which 17 teen year old had their mother commit suicide? I'm pretty sure Maria Shriver is still alive.
  20. I can definitely believe that she got death threats. I mean people aren't afraid to tweet at Leslie Jones comparing her to a gorilla so I think anything goes on twitter. I think Taylor's career will be fine in the long term, but she should probably stay away from social media for a while like Ed Sheeran has done (for completely different reasons of course).
  21. I watched a documentary called Shenandoah on Netflix yesterday, about the murder of a illegal Mexican immigrant by a group of high school football players in Shenandoah, PA who beat him up. The local police tried to cover it up to (not much) avail. Most of the boys weren't convicted until it went to federal court.
  22. I'm usually pretty reluctant to watch the regeneration episodes (I still haven't seen 10's) but I stumbled on 11's while watching christmas specials and was extremely disappointed to only see Amy before 11 became 12. No Rory? I always disliked how he was so secondary to Amy when he was imo so much better (nothing against Karen G she's great).
  23. I finally got a chance to see this. Destiny and Bailey were my favorites along with the British sea lions. They looked like I could reach in and give them a pet!
  24. I was hoping Germany would make it through, but Mats Hummels' suspension and a slightly misfiring attack wasn't quite enough. I'll be rooting for France in the final!
  25. Well they also beat Croatia (in extra time, I know) so they've won two games to get here. *thumbs up* Yea we all know whoever Portugal face in the final, France/Germany will be more deserving of the title before they even step foot on the field. UEFA added the new rule very recently I think (this is the first Euros with these new rules) so maybe they'll restore the format after this? It's been a bust.
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