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Everything posted by JustaPerson

  1. Ha, I just came off a Good Wife binge too. I had to cut myself off after Kalinda left though. Cary and Kalinda were basically the reason for watching after Will died in Season 5 and Cary alone wasn't enough for the last season
  2. It's mentioned that in the comments I believe. I mean he said as a "don't even try to turn this into a DC vs. Marvel thing guys" but he did acknowledge that it's an industry wide problem.
  3. I had a crush on Chris Evans circa Fantastic Four, but I didn't fall for him until Cap. Then again, I've always had a thing for the all-american square. It hurts to always love the nice guy in the love triangle when everyone loves the bad boy. But now the nice guy is the cool guy!
  4. I only wished they'd done Steve/Sharon a bit better as not to give fuel to Stucky shippers. I'm usually fine with rabid ships like that but some of those people can get crazy. I like the memes they make though. Truthfully, I don't really need Steve to have a love interest at all (I'm personally still mourning the fact that Steve and Peggy will never be *sniffle*) but I thought Steve and Sharon were on a decent track in Winter Soldier.
  5. I think it was night when Greg went to check on her (lots of window and open door shots in that scene) and sunny when she ditched him. So it was probably a few hours.
  6. With the development that they had, I agree that the kiss was a bit premature. I think they should have had it happen in another film (Infinity War? That's where Cap is gonna pop up next right?) and just upped the attraction in CA: CW.
  7. After marathoning The Good Wife, Will Gardner. I didn't realize how much I loved him until he was gone! Much like Alicia lol
  8. Jimmy and Gretchen were so normal and couple-y this episode! Well, for them anyway. Loved that Jimmy went with Gretchen on her first therapy session, though of course he took it over to talk about himself. Cracked up when Gretchen was casually giving Jimmy a hand job while Dorothy was in the room.
  9. So that was him! I was wondering when I saw that weird look on his face when she passed, but I didn't really think it was.
  10. Just finished the series on Netflix Honestly, I hoped that Axl would end up with Frigg, or at least her vessel. But they did show that the vessels didn't always fall in love even though the gods/goddesses inside were drawing them together. Too bad. I wasn't that into Gaia/Axl, though I liked it better when it seemed like she would be Frigg. I wonder who she would have been if Helen hadn't died? I do hope they found their way back to each other eventually. Hanna and Mike ending up together in the end was so icky to me. They just didn't have any chemistry. And I was confused after all of Anders and Michele's sexual tension in season 1, they abandoned that relationship for Mike/Michele instead. I couldn't see what Mike and Michele possibly had in common to be a couple of any kind. Maybe I just have a problem with Mike. *shrugs* I did like how they were able to make Axl so likable. Lead characters like him in a show like this (prophecy, chosen one) would get tiresome after a while, but I found that they managed his sweet, slightly dopey nature without overdoing it while giving just enough fire having him embracing the Odin within.
  11. I really hopes Thor gets to present his infinity stone QUESTion board to the other Avengers during Infinity Wars. Like I'll even settle for seeing it in the background of a shot. I just need it in the movie!
  12. I don't know, Chris Evans doing the Batman "duh-luh-luh" as the lights go out is adorable. Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie are so cute together.
  13. I agree. Steve's my favorite MCU character by a long shot (and I love pretty much all of them way too much) and I don't need him to change. He already admitted in Age of Ultron that he wasn't the same person that he was pre-freeze so in a way he's already had one. Logically he can't be Cap anymore since he's technically a fugitive now, but it's not like he needs the uniform to be Captain America. No crisis! Steve is like the one stable character in this whole mess, keep him that way!
  14. I love superhero movies and welcome more. My UO is that I don't really like Batman much. I don't hate him, and I watched the Nolan trilogy back in the day but I'm not interested in seeing anything else with him as the main character. I much prefer Superman. I wasn't jazzed at all about BvS (among other reasons) because he was going to be in it.
  15. Arrow, for me and it was a bit of slow death. I was really excited for the show when it first came out back in 2012 but it ended up very meh and I ended up dropping it. I stumbled on a season 1 recap episode while watching the Vampire Diaries (another show I've had trouble with) and it sounded like it got very exciting so I decided to try it again. As a default I fast forwarded through all the flashback scenes which bored me to tears even when I liked the show but even then it couldn't hold my attention for more than 2-3 episodes at a time. Funny enough the Oliver/Felicity relationship is mainly what kept me coming back, I'm a sucker for ships (I'm usually a purist but Laurel was just so ugh that I made an exception) and cool action sequences. And superheroes in almost any medium. But the show was just so BAD. In the end I just watched the Oliver/Felicity scenes in each episode. There's a youtube channel devoted to them so I didn't even need to watch the episodes most of the time. I would read the boards here to gauge whether the episode was worth watching beyond the Oliver/Felicity scenes. But as soon I watched the first episode of Daredevil, I knew I didn't need to bother trying with Arrow anymore. IMO, Daredevil is everything Arrow wants to be story-wise and I suspect violent-content-wise. There's not much that can be done about the latter, but the former has no excuse for being that terrible. My experience with Arrow is the reason I haven't tried Flash yet, though I did succumb to Supergirl which I found had a lot of the same problems but is easier to take (I'm still only a periodical viewer though). Considering Daredevil came out in 2015, that was 3 years of disappointment for me.
  16. Just saw this today. I walked out extremely confused. Very meh, definitely a mess. I was nicer than my friend, who straight up called it trash. We used gold tickets, and she was happy we didn't spend any real money on it. So many things that were perplexing and made little sense that I just don't want to go through the task of listing them. A lot of them have been listed already. Went home and watched clips from Winter Soldier to cleanse my palate. Thought of more things that didn't make sense. Just ugh. It wasn't all terrible though. Viola Davis as Amanda Waller was great. Waller was such a ruthless bitch. Ike Barinholtz (Morgan!) was another highlight. I felt bad for Joker's assistant who probably didn't expect "machine gun operator" to be part of his job description. Katana seemed badass and I wanted to know more about her. But the 20 sec character promo for her was basically everything she did in the movie. Can she have a solo movie? Rick Flagg can tag along to be the chatty one. They could pit it against Ghost in the Shell and brag that they got an actual asian actress to play an asian character. Just saying... Also did they kill off Scott Eastwood's character?
  17. I'm not sure what to think about the DCEU's (I got this from someone else) "Reverse-Avengers" method of weaving other heroes and the next film into the universe. By that I mean, having other heroes appearing or cameo in films other than their own BEFORE the big group movie (justice league) and their solo film. Ex. Flash appearing in Bruce Wayne's dream (or was it a vision?) presumably from a future JL film, Flash's cameo in SS, WW appearing in BvS. At least I'm assuming there's a method to Warners Bros' madness rather than just rushing to set up the universe. I've seen fans saying this is their way of differentiating themselves from Marvel's way of doing it (with the end credit scenes) but Marvel actually did something kind of similar in Ant-man with a partial scene featuring Bucky, Steve, and Sam presented with little context that ended up being in Civil War. And I guess that's what ended up happening with Black Panther and Spider-man. The difference I suppose is that the MCU seems a bit sturdier to be able to handle stuff like that unlike the DCEU which is just getting started.
  18. I can't say I was expecting the JJ opening credits to be like it was, but I quite like them. Jazzy rock-n-roll film noir...can't say I've never seen that one before. On the other side of the coin, I love the Daredevil credits. The dripping blood, the church, the blind scales of justice? Amazing. One of my absolutes favorites is The Americans theme. The blend of Russian and English? American and Russian photos and footage? The music that makes you feel just a bit unsettled? Basically this show.
  19. As an Asian (American) person, I've felt really frustrated by this. Having Black and/or Latino people in a project is usually enough for "Yay Diversity!!1!" and moving on to the next thing. At the very least there are Asians in this movie, though one is the bully (the beatdowns of the academic type?) the other is Peter's best friend.
  20. Why is everything better on the BBC? This is the quality reporting I'm looking for #Copacabanter
  21. Well of course I understand the time zone differences. But for example we knew that the woman's gymnastic team won the team gold long before it aired on tv, but it still aired in prime time. The same with swimming. I was just confused as to why the same wasn't done with diving. I guess I thought it was a more popular sport than it really is lol.
  22. Is there a reason that diving is being aired at such weird times? Why are the women's platform semifinals held at 6 AM (west coast)? Do they think Americans don't want to watch when American athletes aren't winning?
  23. I might have mentioned it in the Theatre talk thread but I don't remember. Overall I liked it, though I was on the fence about the decision to have Jamie cheat with and sing to multiple women in Nobody Needs to Know instead of the implied one in the musical. I feel like that made him seem even worse in the relationship.
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