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Everything posted by lucindabelle

  1. the couple digging her up came from Norfolk... So were connected to the original doctors, who had said it was too soon for pds suffered to be released. They said there was still time so maybe amy isn't permanently dead. So cool that they might turn human again! RENs hand was shaking just like Amy's did so I think he's becoming human too. Still don't understand why Maxine wanted the vicar dead though. Nor why the prophet wants to kill to he first risen.
  2. I love the idea that they can become human again. It was suggested by the one doctor who didn't want them sent home too soon... That there may be a fix. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the doctors, the one who said they were superior, is the prophet. But I can't figure out why he should want the first risen dead. I felt so sorry for simon when his dad kicked him out.
  3. Surely it's her little brother. She told the innkeeper that her little brother is very dear to her. She does want a second rising, like the extremist zombies do. She believes that the second rising will bring her loved one back. I think the show is about mental illness, homophobia, PTSD and soldiers and any number of things all at once, not just one, I am disappointed with dad's progress because from season one I assumed his love for kieran was deep and unquestioned. I cried like a baby when kieran pushed him to talk about what it was like to find his son dead. Oh yes. It was also about suicide and tits effect on families. Not surprised season one won the bafta. One of the most powerful things I'd ever seen.
  4. Hah! No accounting for taste. Thanks! I think I'd go for Ehrlich before either finest or gilfoye, but I'd have to be pretty smashed. Richard? Stone cold sober.
  5. They are people who walk with the coffin. It's an honor. This is how it's done at every Jewish funeral I've been to including my fathers.You exit first and walk with the coffin. The funeral director announces the pallbearers, as well. I recognize that the term means carry and that it's sometimes still done that way but I've never seen it. And sadly have been to many other relatives funerals and it was always done that way. The coffin is in the chapel when it starts and then it is wheeled out. It is an honor and as such muscle not required. It has the advantage I guess of being able to include children and old people perhaps but disadvantage in that you don't feel the weight and the burden. Also fwiw Jewish funerals are closed casket, and plain pine box is preferred. They are almost never in the synagogue itself. I've been to one graveside funeral in my life. I personally haven't been to any Christian funerals but my mom has, and no graveside there either. Maybe it's regional but here in suburban nj there are hardly any churches of any denomination with usable cemetery space next door. I've never seen a funeral on tv anything like one I've actually been to. The line of cars with headlights on he hat signals a funeral procession... Never seen it, because on tv people always exit the church and go to tbhe cemetery. Another thing I've learned from TV is that headstones appear almost instantaneously. Not a year later (which is our tradition). They are always the vertical kind, never the kind embedded in the grass.
  6. I don't care what they were "intended" to be, I enjoyed Nip/Tuck and Grey's much more when the shows focused on the cases and the lives of the people was secondary. Which pretty much describes the whole first year of Nip/Tuck. The Carver and the knife was a great way to end the season but it never recovered after that. It's a balance of case/soap that went way off. I quit Grey's after the plane crash. I'd had it. Shooter, stolen heart, ferry crash, then plane crash? please. I tried watching an episode but just couldn't get back into it. I hate the whole long lost relative trope on pretty much any series. It does happen-- happened to a friend of mine-- but it's rare, and my friend and the sibling she didn't know about do not work together or even live within 100 miles of one another. It just feels so contrived. Hated it on Gilmore Girls too.
  7. I could relate to her too. She was dumped by post-it note. After a night of reconciliation sex. That stuff scars. Carrie was written unevenly so sometimes she was a great friend and then other times she was maddeningly self-absorbed. I do remember feeling bad for her when nobody showed up to her birthday dinner and everyone left messages for her. I don't know that being in your 30s (or older) makes people "wise" to their affairs. There's just too much evidence out there that it doesn't. Carrie was wrong in the affair, but at least she didn't know Natasha. I did not understand her stalking Big's mother, his first wife, or Natasha-- I can understand her curiosity-- but it felt contrived to me (as in, writer-contrived). But somehow I always bought her with Big. I think the original idea for the series was for her to end with Mikhail Baryshnikov, because Candace Bushnell had a similar story, but the chemistry was just never there. I did feel really sorry for her in Paris when she was trying to amuse herself and missing Big, and the Russian let go of her hand the minute she felt safe.
  8. Not to mention the happy couple might cheat trope. ARGH. Dharma and Greg, Mad About You, et al... I'm looking at you. Not what I tuned in for, and I'm not interested.
  9. OMG yes to Nip/Tuck. When it stopped being case of the week itw as just another soap and got more and more far-fetched. Why can't the writers ever just stick to procedurals? With Grey's Anatomy, and this year even with Law & Order, they seem to think we won't care unless it's about the main character. WRONG. I don't want a movie in 12 parts. I want a one-hour story I can digest in the few hours I am done with work and not sleeping.
  10. I think people would forgive Megan if we weren't constantly having her looks commented on and remarked on by everyone in the Mad Men world. I take that as character disconnect as much as criticism of the actress.
  11. The part that had me rolling was when Chris Matthews kept saying "Tip O'Neill" and then "tip Tip Tip Tip Tip." Hilarious editing! I actually agree with California Chrome's owner but had a good laugh at his expense anyway.
  12. I would say she contributed to wrecking the marriage. But then I do not believe a third party can wreck a marriage that is between two other people. I understand a lot of people feel as you do. But I was very touched and thrilled. I may even have cried. Those two actors had a lot of chemistry and managed to bring it. I was happy for them. Similarly, Camilla Parker-Bowles was REVILED as the third wheel in Princess Di's marriage. But now she and Charles are married and happy and so what? I'd say Charles was wrong to have married Di when he didn't love her in the first place. She was only 20, and he should have known better. Camilla should have too, but that doesn't make his actions her fault.
  13. I used to love The Cosby Show. It was absolute appointment TV in college. Now I just groan. Laugh tracks. Those sweaters. yuck. I'm half 70s, half 80s... and at the time I loved the 80s more but now it's just so groanable. Maybe in another 10 years it won't be. I've been binge-watching "Mad About You" with my mom and the show definitely holds up-- it's hilarious-- but OMG that 90s fashion. The big t-shirts. Mom jeans. Weird haircuts. Black tights. Not so pretty. I loved Happy Days growing up. That show does not hold up. Re the women in pearls and heels-- my mom just laughs, because nobody ever dressed that way. It was just for TV. The Dick Van Dyke show at least showed a woman in flats and capris at home! When I grew up in the 70s/80s most moms were stay at home moms and got allowances and then it changed. So that does not bother me.
  14. Big married Natasha on the rebound. She was everything Carrie wasn't-- he thought. Uncomplicated. Easygoing. Pretty. Confident. Unneurotic. Etc. But it turns out, he really only wants that as a balm from the pain of the difficult woman he truly loves. I bought it. That doesn't mean I approve of all of Carrie's actions by a long shot. But I bought it. As for Natasha, well, she was basically the Winona Ryder role in "The Age of Innocence," but without her guile. In that book/film, the young wife plots to "trap" the husband into staying married to her-- which he does until she dies. Natasha could have kept Big that way too. I've no doubt. She didn't want to. Even in "Age of Innocence," Mae wonders WHY the wedding has to be rushed and immediately suspects the worst. That Natasha didn't want to look too closely at her prince's history-- well-- women who do that often do end up like Lady Di, the deceived innocent by a man who has a history. Again, none of this excuses Carrie. But I don't think that marriage would have lasted had Carrie moved to China. It wasn't based on anything real.
  15. I said this on that other board, so apologies if you've read it before, but I have learned that funerals always take place graveside. Nobody sits in a chapel or Jewish memorial or church.I have learned that said cemetaries are always next to the place of worship, never, say, 10 miles away down the freeway. I have learned that pallbearers in America actually carry the coffin (though I've never seen this, ever, just people called pallbearers who touch the coffin as it goes by on a rolling cart). My mother actually pointed this out to me and now it's a pet peeve. Surely TV writers have been to funerals.
  16. Ah, thanks for the overhead projector clarifications. It is true that womenare rated more for visual attraction and men for other assets. I don't think this is something that can be changed very much culturally; there's too much evidence that men are aroused visually more than women are. This is why there are rows and rows of soft-core porn masquerading as romance novels in any supermarket, and women dancing on pool tables for men. (Yes, women see men striptease, but only in groups and in parties. There just is no equivalent of the peepshow.) That said I do think Richard's really, really cute. None of his other qualities would work for me if I didn't also think he's just very pretty. So to me he's not the equivalent of the nerdy girl, because he's very handsome. He's clean-cut, simply dressed. Monica's hot, but I'd be willing to accept Richard with an equally scrubbed, nice-looking girl. That just doesn't translate to nerdy or schlubby. I know Apatow's done that kind of thing sometimes to the point of absurdity, but I don't see it here. He's tall and easy on the eyes. Gifloyle, now, no.
  17. Kids who are smart are always valedictorian. They are never number two or three.
  18. ITA Orbert. it's a fake-out and knowing the actor didn't know makes it impossible for the viewers to get a good take on that scene. I find it cheap, and my love for the show took a big big hit. The actor didn't play it as a teen discovering what he knew was there, but as a teen discovering an awful surprise. The only way it works is if we believe Jared is also a young Olivier.
  19. On some boards people complain that Monica would never go for Richard, that it's a cliche, etc. etc. I just want to say that EVERY SINGLE EPISODE I watch him going I looooove him. He's so cute, he's so sweet. OK, at this point I am nearly old enough to be his mom, because I'm about Mike Judge's age, but I would have dated him in a heartbeat (and I am pretty cute, objectively speaking). He's handsome, shy but not in an off-putting way, he's REALLY smart (the ying yang corrections, the teutonic shift joke)-- without being condescending. He's GENTLE. In the best best sense. He has more game than he knows. I went to Stanford and most of the engineers (you could not avoid them) were not tall and cute like that. I do have a little preference for Irish-looking gingers (don't know if he's of Irish descent, just looks it). I love me some Richard. Also, I actually believe the two actors do have chemsitry; I've seen it since the beginning. So I do care where it goes and am rooting for them. When he said "I did it for YOU Monica," I got chills. When I go home today I'm watching that finale again. That dick joke on the whiteboard is one of the funniest and most revealing things I've seen in basically ever.
  20. This just made me so insanely happy that as soon as I could I rewatched the entire season. What a perfect perfect episode and the dick jacking calculations were both hysterical and also showed us in e best show don't tell way how smart these guys really are. On rewatch I caught the little ding when richard said onstage middle out that meant... Gilhooly just got it! Monica and richard are so cute together. The drink drink thing and constantly... Adorable. I just love richard, his quiet, humble gentility... He knows what he can do but he's not a dick about it... Yes the lo tech presentation... Hilarious! (Although would they work on an overhead projector not being transparent?) So many things good on the rewatch... The technical issues on the hologram... Benson buying huge obscene mural... Big head and his candy apple... So much love for this show. But yes this last episode was particularly exhilarating. Nothing wasted. Even e guys worrying richard was offing himself, Ehrlich banging the door down..l because richard has headphones on and doesn't hear them. Every detail accounted for, Peter gregory will be missed.
  21. I do too. Though I did notice his accent was turning welsh last night.
  22. I love watching Dany. I think it must be a girl crush. I wish I had her pores.
  23. I have read the books but seem to remember just bits of them... Reading too quickly I guess. I read them after one season of the tv show though so always pictured the actors. For that reason I've always liked Tyrian but he isn't the deal breaker for me. Weirdly I like Sansa and little finger both in the show (chemistry) and in the book. Though he's pretty irredeemable he's still... Sort of... Hot. I love her badass self though. Aryas laugh was infectious though it strains belief that a message wouldn't get through. Did the people hear Oberyns taunts before he died? I'd be a bit nervous if I were Tywin. Cersei's jane shore moment (forced to walk in nightshift) can't come soon enough for me.
  24. But the writers knowing and the actors not is the same as it not happening. All we can judge by is what we see.we don't look into the writers heads but we do batch performances. Jared played the discovery like shock. So he was shocked. It's just the same as when a writer says what his novel is "about," themes, symbolism. If it isn't there, it isn't there. S... I don't care if they always planned it. If the actors didn't play it that way, then it didn't happen that way.
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