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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. I seem to remember a lot of posters not liking her.
  2. Wendy is very smart. Although Johnny and Wendy should try to find private places to talk.
  3. Unpopular opinions I like Belle and Shawn. i like Eric and Nicole I like Eric and Sloan for now I like Eric I enjoy Sloan and it nice to have a good lawyer in town. prefer Li/Gabi I hate Cadbury eggs
  4. I think most men would enjoy a woman saying he was the best sex of her life lol.
  5. Watched this today. It’s very funny and emotional at the end. Interesting that Chris said he rooted for Will smith his whole life Me too Chris Was a little afraid at first at the woke stuff, it’s kind of played out and old. The abortion stuff was originally funny went dark and jmho it went on to long. I have always liked Chris Rock. Before he was famous we saw him in a small club. At that time you could also pay $20 to have dinner with him. My cheap date said no. Wondering if I am missing anything not seeing the after show?
  6. How many awful things did Victor, Zander philip,Brady and past ceos commit? Alex can’t be CEO because he had a threesome and an affair with Allie Horton ? That’s just messed up. I don’t even like Alex but dang. Exactly what kind of paper is Gwen running? Is it just reporting on who everyone is Salem is sleeping with ? They will run out of ink when the print all Rafes hookups.
  7. Todays show seemed short. Tripp/Wendy/Johnny/Channel. Who will end up with who.? I guess Allie hates her brother. Will didn’t say goodbye either. Hopefully Johnny has a better relationship with Sydney. EJ and Nicole’s plan looks like it could be fun.
  8. Gabi, Chloe, Li Wendy all that fabulous hair today. Poor Tripp always in the friend zone. He should know better than to move in with a girl he is attracted to. It did not work out to good last time. In my warp mind I wanted the Brady brainwashing to back fire and Brady to be the one brainwashed. Don’t ask me details. Just want him to not love Chloe anymore.
  9. Harris asked everyone their opinions but what was hers. What lead her to make the choice she did? I really don’t think she just made the opposite choice of Darlene. Darlene is very unlikeable. Wonder if Ben feels he made a mistake getting married. He sure inherited a lot. Dan gave 15 percent off at the hardware store. Is he partners with Ben ?
  10. wanted John to let Anna ramble on. She is enjoyable. Who knew Peter Blake was hairy and dreamy ? So what are the rules of hells angles communication? Kate was calling Roman not Paulina . Is just who ever is next to her urn? Why the urn? Her remains are obviously not in there. I am thinking of this why to much.
  11. I enjoyed Eric lying and scheming. He was so happy when Jada and Rafe bought his act. Rafe was petty and had some good one liners. Gabi and Li are going to have their own little rom com yeah I love it.
  12. Why does Brady care that Li is working with Sloan? if Brady proves Li is guilty then Gabi won’t go back to him. That means Chloe stays with Stephan. I gave myself a headache typing that. EJ never came across as a guy who would feel guilty about anything he has done.
  13. I was really wondering if that was Marlena or the devil with Kayla and Kate. Marlena just seemed uninterested in her fate. there are times I find Marlena cold this time she just came off strange. Anna is one of the best characters I love her so much. If anyone knows how to carry around ashes with style it’s her. Use to really like the actor who plays Nick. Wonder if he could just play a different part. It could give Julie more airtime. Know you are all missing that lol.
  14. As long as Sara gets to keep the baby this time.
  15. Watched you people last night. It was okay. I did not really like how the things said about/ against Jewish was played for laughs. It could have been more even handed imo. The ending was rushed and I don’t see this couple staying together. When the mom was saying inappropriate things the fiancé took it out on the guy. When the dad was being mean to guy he kept it in. That is a recipe for disaster.
  16. Catching up but missed who drugged Nicole. No surprise Sloan doesn’t like calm chowder or pancake. Doubt she has eaten carbs in years.
  17. Is days like the good place.? You think you are in heaven until you realize they only have pineapple pizza and a crazy demon in charge.
  18. For the longest time peacock was included in cable package. Today it said I had to buy premium to watch days.
  19. I wish someone would give me a $6000 check. I embarrass myself for free almost every day. Jackie was funny this episode. It’s strange no one remembered her. Wasn’t she suppose to be popular in high school ? Ben and Darlene hopefully will learn from Dans mistakes.
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