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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Weak and fragile the man who was playing racquetball at 90.
  2. I say if your single and safe then go for it! It’s interesting only women get called out on it. Rafe sleeps with Nicole while in a relationship with Ava. He always seems like a dog in heat to me. Brady can’t be alone for a minute. Jake was begging Kate not to breakup with him then a split second later he was in bed with Gabi. then there’s poor Roman.
  3. Is this devil story ever going away ?
  4. @Chellfairy curious why you think Brady is a bad parent ? I always liked Nicole my favorite job she had was investigating reporting. She should work with Jack. Is Johnny fighting the devil is that why he is sick ?
  5. We did inventory at 345AM. Short any other three employees. One had a fever and was sent home. The other two no clue what happened. the brought us egg sandwiches from a local dinner for breakfast. The dinner was happy for the support so included some cookies. I just can’t eat that early and not a big cheese person so none for me. We finished at 11 am and I am beat. Tomorrow off laundry 🧺 and walking my friends sweet beagle. Then two doubles in a row. Should be doing housework figure the cleaning can wait a bit.
  6. just imagine the fun @boes would have with two Eric’s lol. why did Sami call Lucas Lucas Roberts?
  7. Was very surprised Kate told Roman about Phillip. I will wonder why Eric was the only one who Marlena did not memories of. Maybe it’s not the real Eric and that’s why the devil did not leave ? Sami protests to much about EJ. Why couldn’t Lumi reunite without ruining the character of Lucas? Can’t I ever get what I want.
  8. It’s difficult to get a test here. The governor gave a bunch of home tests to the towns to hand out for free. Unfortunately they arrived late then they gave one day notice to pick them up. I was working so missed it. many of my coworkers are out with it or waiting on tests. We have inventory at 3:30 am tomorrow because we don’t have enough staff to get it done before the store opens. There is a test site right next to the store and when I get to work at 9 every morning there is a long line to get in.
  9. Finally able to see my brother and give him his Christmas 🎄 gift
  10. No EJ and Abigail please. If she needs to cheat can she go to a different gene pool.
  11. Carson works a lot. He is on the today show and the voice. I always liked him but thought he was a wooden host. One day watching today show with mom Carson was all touching feeling with a chef guest. I said mom what’s going on with him I never saw him act like that. Mom informed me that was Carson’s wife lol. I didn’t trust Marlene and I don’t think Ciara or Tripp really did either. John and Ben are the ones who just seemed to except she was back. Not sure what’s happening to me but I enjoyed Ciara, Ben and Jake today. It was just light fun which the show kind of needs right now. Being a Lumi fan forever I wanted to be happy when they kissed New Years but She was just crying about EJ being the love of her life and she misses him. Why can’t she be alone for a minute? Johnny and channel don’t seem to have much in common but they are very sweet. Count me in as someone who would be Happy with a devil free Salem not really understanding how this works Why Marlene, Doug and Johnny ? What left them open to being possessed? Sorry this is so long. If you read it all you are my hero.
  12. Poor duke. I wonder if those were the same scissors that killed Nicole’s zombie. Sami sure turned on EJ quick. Shin is cute. I would like to see more of this character. Gabi has fabulous hair. Why can’t see be a powerful business women without Jake. Jake is useless. It’s going to be heartbreaking to see Lucas get caught.
  13. Chloe and Brady need to stop talking about other peoples sex lives.
  14. Lucas plan is falling apart and reminds me Sami past schemes.
  15. If the devil wanted to temp Eric why didn’t she transform into the love of his life Nicole ?
  16. Lucas “ I love you Sami “ Sami “ of course you do “
  17. All I noticed at the Christmas reading was Santa has an eye patch, mrs. Santa Claus has a bad boo boo on her forehead and Henry is still in an infant stroller.
  18. Doe Allie like her brother at all? I only remember one scene with EJ/Allie and the characters were cold to each other. If I remember correctly Henry was in his baby carriage and EJ did not even ask to see him. so Allie line to Johnny of “ your dad kidnapped our mom” seemed like she is found of EJ either. Lucas is in over his head. He will not win playing with the devil, Now anyone thing a character did/does do we have to assume the devil made them to it? Loved seeing Eric at the end of todays show. Finally something pretty to look at.
  19. I hope Sara is found soon. sami Lucas spoiler is probably her setting him up 🥲
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