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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Gabi Jake Chad Ej and now the devil all want to be CEO of Dimera?
  2. My Covid test came back negative but positive for flu. I finally was able to see a doctor. She said I was dehydrated and very congested. Prescribed some meds which helped. Having this time off helped a lot as Well as I got a lot of rest. Finally had appetite back today. back to work tomorrow thanks for listening
  3. EJ is so classist it’s annoying. I don’t have old or new money but I would be tempted to threatened to sue them as well if they hurt my family then a chandler came crashing down on me. Plus the introduced the devil into my life jeez. Ciara and Ben get to be happy for 5 minutes. Ciara said the cursed words in soapland nothing will come between us now. Paulina good for you shut the door and walk away. Poor Tripp though he doesn’t deserve to be cheated on.
  4. Just a guess Allie/Nicole could be odds over EJ/Lucas kidnapping Sami. Allie believes EJ did it. Nicole could use her investigating skills to find evidence that Lucas is the guilty party. Allie would not believe her dad would do such a thing and be upset with the idea.
  5. We can’t get rid of Susan. How will we know where the devil is? I thought it was strange that Lani called out mom! But it’s shorter than Auntie P. Interesting that EJ question was to Johnny when did he find religion. Gabi and Jake will be happy that are out of that house. Poor Tripp everyone hating on him.
  6. There were a lot of weird acting choices in this episode. EJ I could not tell what is emotion was. Was he proud, concerned or amused with his son? Tony line delivery made me wonder if he was possessed. Lani looked constipated. Paulina goes to the ER for a sprained ankle. Don’t this people know expensive the emergency room is? John and Abe were nice. Although John why you opening with such a big bid? looks like Abe is thinking of forgiving Paulina.
  7. I totally thought you guys were talking about the actor who used to play Hercules 😂
  8. Nicole’s apartment was first Sonny and Will apartment. They wanted the two bedroom by the park for Ari. Then they needed to get out of the lease the found a perfect sucker in Eric.
  9. The devil does not find Marlena sexy he always uses Kristin to temp men.
  10. Tripp could date Gabi. Ava would love that.
  11. Weekly days preview. It’s of EJ trail. Very soapy. where does it say that’s Kristin in a Sarah mask? so Kayla and Steve left Salem to find Kristin and she is in Salem?
  12. Nothing could top the embarrassment of the Santa strip show on the digital show. The actor who played Zander was really into it lol. Hoping nothing is wrong with the carver twins. They are so adorable.
  13. If anyone gets a spin off it should be Anne. Then finally we will get to know her.
  14. Poor channel. Glad she has family around her. That was just cold. It looks like EJ and Allie realize something isn’t right with Johnny. Did I miss something? Why would Susan need to go to the ER and wow did they see her fast.
  15. Allie looked so pretty. Chanel I usually love her fashion. Not today. Does Johnny own any other suit ? At a least Anna is consistent putting her foot in her mouth. I can relate lol. Wish I turned the show a minute earlier. Did not need to see Susan vomit on Marlena.
  16. Yesterday I slept so much. the one good thing about isolation was I did not need to worry about driving in this mess today. My history Haven’t felt well in a while. Was having issues with asthma and a cold that would not go away. Even though I had a negative Covid test my doctor refused to see me. The receptionist said either I could do a video chat or cancel the appointment those were my choices. I told them I wasn’t happy because she couldn’t listen to my chest or anything. So I did a video chat and they told me I had bronchitis and prescribed meds. Now I am in isolation because I was in close contact with someone who had tested positive. I have a test scheduled for Sunday but at this moment I can’t even imagine having to go outside and clean off my car. I just have no energy no appetite and my chest hurts.
  17. I love Sarah but I love quirky people in general. She was one of the good ones in Salem and did not deserve what happened to her. She should have taken Rachel and Ran as far as possible. If I remember correctly Abigail spent a lot of time in the hospital after Gwen drugged her so I hope Sarah will be physically and emotionally ok.
  18. This is such a cute family show. Wish it was more popular. Kim wearing a business suit was surprise and sweet moment for the mom.
  19. EJ has been treating Chad terribly and I have no doubt EJ would do the same to Chad if roles were reversed. Not sure why people think EJ is such an innocent guy.
  20. This morning was an icy mess. Car accident right in front of the middle school here. Had a killer migraine and weak stomach. Called in to both jobs. Neither happy. Full time job is short staffed manager did not seem thrilled but was okay. Part time restaurant job was kind of annoying. New manager kept asking if I tried to find coverage. No I only have two peoples numbers and both were working plus you leave me alone to close all the time! Slept a good portion of the day then I got a phone call saying I have to quarantine I was in close contact with a coworker who tested positive. Manager said I can’t come back to work until the 12th. I got kind of nervous saying I can’t afford to be out that long without pay. She said no we get paid if it’s a coworker.
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