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Everything posted by myril

  1. To me it looks like they choose the episodes, which least likely would scare people away. Little Regina Sue drama or hot Rumple feelings but mostly down to earth Emma dealing with fairy tale crazy and a charming pirate included. People will probably be disappointed after a couples of episodes into the season, but some might stay around and be it just to hate watch the show.
  2. Emma is more of a practical person. Think she would learn what she needs to to get a job done, so it made sense that she wasn't that much interested in the runes at that point, but that doesn't mean she might not at all be interested to take a closer look at it again later, to be better prepared next time. The bridge scene was fun, and another moment to tell the audience, look, Emma has talent, her magic is perhaps special. But it came across to me more as showing, see, Emma got all the talent but doesn't know what to make of it, while Regina has maybe not much talent, but she works so hard for whatever, she had to work hard to be the Evil Queen, and now she has to work so hard to be accepted as reformed person. Already had that impression while it aired, but think so even more now in hindsight. It's always Regina's point of view the writers tell things from. But still would like to see Emma learn what it takes and then get it done.
  3. Right, it's the master fan fic writers for Regina we're talking about, so they will find likely some way to get rid of Marian and still make Regina and Robin look good in their eyes, no matter how contrived. Why take Marian prisoner and not kill her instantly in front of those villagers? Maybe as bait for Snow? Thinking of, that means it always has been Snow and not Regina who was responsible for Marian's death and Robin's suffering, because she didn't came running to safe Marian in the original timeline. Betrayed that poor family as she betrayed Regina. All good. And now Regina is even saving Marian's life. Why does Regina want to rewrite the book? She will only mess up her happy ending, that already is playing out for her.
  4. Reading the spoilers from the prem party guess it's a good thing that I have no positive expectations left at all, it's more a question if they can get even worse than I expect. I am only curious how Elizabeth Lail and Georgina Haig will be doing in their roles.
  5. You pretty much beat me to it, retrograde, SpoilerTV ususally refers to another source (it's part of their charm, they scan the web for spoilers for people like us). Just adding that they mention in the info as well, that one can see an extended sneak peek for SHIELD, and the premiere episode for "Selfie" before it airs. It's pretty much to promote the Watch App by ABC and not particular about OUaT. So would expect the long sneak into the first episode earliest tonight, with / after the prem party.
  6. Looking back one can think, if Regina hadn't done all that she did there would be no Henry at all (Would there? if Neal and Emma were meant to cross ways, does it matter what Regina did? The pitfalls of claiming destiny). But it would sound a lot different if Regina would say, that she was blessed with Henry despite all the horrible things she did. Maybe that was even what the writers had in mind, but it just did not come across that way. Regina doesn't regret, because it brought her Henry, that's what she said and what made it possible for her to overcome the power of the tree. One can believe, Regina in that moment managed somehow to trick the tree, thanks to her years of terrible deeds and masking her feelings, but that is not that much better, it questions how much of any feelings she shows are ever authentic. Aside that IMO the character works better as having her feelings at best superficially under control and not be so cold blooded. Of course, that conflict of being very driven by emotions while acting more or less cold blooded could make for interesting character drama, but mostly we get snarky entertainment from Regina. I found Regina intriguing in season 1, still was seeing some potential in the character during season 2, could even understand a bit the Cora stuff going on, though it was rather awfully written, but during season 3 they finally killed the interest in the character for me. That the show runners seem to be fans of Regina doesn't do the character much good.
  7. Yes I do. But attractive isn't defined for me just by looks. Character traits are as important. Which can create some fun with actors. Most extreme example for me so far: Bratt Pitt. In most roles I find him not attractive, neither when seeing him in interviews, but as Louis in A Vampire's Interview he made me swoon. Sometimes it can be even something as simple as voice to make a difference. While watching the German dubbed version of Star Trek Next Generation never quite got why Commander Riker could be seen as any attractive - but then I heard Jonathan Frakes' voice (still found Riker not so bearable, but his voice was attractive). And when I speak of looking good together, it means chemistry more than looks. But you might be as well on to something with the type of relationship, or relationship dynamics. It though gives me a bit the creeps when looking at the popular ships in OUaT and elsewhere. Love as (a game of) conquest. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind games, being playful, even play with submission and domination, but that works only well when the partners are equal in power and respect, care for each other and take responsibilities. But that is a different matter to discuss in a different thread. It's just interesting, how we feel we have to reason for our ships, why two people are okay as ship, maybe should even be the happy ending one day. As if emotions were reasonable. It's so easy to get people on the defensive when it comes to ships. No, not just ships, when it comes to any sort of favoring a character and/or ship. Although there is a huge difference for me to find a character intriguing , interesting to explore and think of, and/or liking a character in the sense that I might take them at least in parts as role model, someone I might aspire to be like. I found Regina in the first season intriguing, but hardly role model worthy, or only as a negative one (showing how not to do it). Could even understand her in some way and sympathize with some of her feelings though not with her solutions. Could even understand some of the Regina - Cora stuff in season 2B, but it was awfully written. By now though the Mary Sue Woegina is just annoying me, and I think they did the character no good with their writing. I can love, how a character is written or find a character interesting, but that doesn't stop me from dissecting their moral and naming bad what is bad in their behavior and traits IMO, or I can love a character as person (and eventually even despite crappy writing, though that is harder than loving good writing while evil character). Nevertheless I catch myself often enough reasoning for a character I like because I like the character, or reasoning for a character, because I feel similarities. Sometimes wonder, how much do people make that distinction between being intrigued by a character /writing and by a character as person (they wish they'd be, or be like at times or know as friend). Agree with what some have said, there might be quite a difference in perception between casual viewers and fans, but there is I think quite a difference in perception among fans as well. Regina can be entertaining, if one doesn't remember or think much about all the things she did or sees it pretty much just from her POV. Same for Rumple. But when shippers of one ship accuse the shippers of another to be superficial, more or less like hormone driven teenagers drooling over a character or ship, it's mostly kinda funny, because could assume that about pretty much all (popular) ships on the show (exception maybe RumBelle). And honestly, what is so wrong about being superficial and liking a ship merely because it's attractive or the characters are attractive? As I see it, we often start with finding something attractive and then find reasons for it, because there have to be reasons Funny thing, this show brings me to think (and I normally love the darker and less clean good stuff, ambiguity): Enough with all the wannabe greyish, understanding and reforming evil stuff, it ends so easily in misplaced glorification, bring back the old good hero drama! Indeed, interesting question. How much does binge watching change perception of characters and story? Particular when looking at serials (in difference to procedurals), which had to work now for decades with the necessity of keeping things interesting in a way that viewers come back a week, or even weeks later. You could probably afford to be less cohesive in detail over the season, because people forget details over such a long time, but had to have the weekly exciting twist. on the other hand, when taking in so much story at once, how much attention do we still pay to details? When I do binge watch I might feel even more inclined to do other things while watching (I often do some housework, ironing is perfect, or training, after all, if I feel like I missed something important, can go back in most cases) It has become a bit more of a question since Netflix and Hulu, although binge watching is not that new, been doing it since early 90s (when I had a video rental store around the corner). And when doing it with others it's more of a fan party anyway.
  8. The commentaries on that site, under the poll, are as usual an interesting read for anyone interested in fan sociology and psychology. I find the reasoning for most ships as the ship by now kinda intriguing, an example of how different people can perceive something, of biased thinking and perception. And in the end we probably mostly ship whoever, because they are two attractive people looking good together (and eventually we wish we'd be one of them) - but admitting that would mean to admit, we might be rather superficial in our preferences.
  9. Random: This swan family just conjured a big smile on my face.
  10. I agree, it should come on it's own, but I hope we can agree, the problem of Rapunzel, Tamara or Lancelot was not, that they were made people of color, nor that they could have been forced on us as token of diversity, those characters wouldn't have worked regardless. If anything I could wonder, if they were made people of color, because the writers didn't really know how to make these characters work, and might have hoped, the bad writing would be more overlooked in that case (don't think that, but one could wonder). Then they wouldn't be token of diversity but alleged diversity would have been used as cover up for a lack of imagination and writing skills. At least in the case of queer characters I can tell, we have taken some crappy writing being glad that there was at least a queer character though mediocre to bad writing (we've been unfortunately easy to satisfy). ABC is not some cable channel with niche program and more homogenous, smaller audience, it is mainstream broadcast network. They want to reach a bigger audience, and bigger audience means, it is more diverse. ABC even is the network leading in diversity, though even for ABC there is still space for plenty of improvement. Why doesn't a family fairy tale show on this network manage, as other shows on this network do, to be more inclusive? Fairy tales are not bound to Europe (I am sure there are interesting, great fairy tale like characters to be found in other cultures as well, if one would stop looking just at Disney) and even Europe has been more diverse than what fair tale tradition (namely Grimm Brothers) makes us believe. OUaT says they are proud they attract such a diverse fandom, and now diverse fans are vocal about that they want to see diversity on the show. There are not that many fairy tale or fantasy shows on TV which are not mostly reduced to fit a younger target group and not the umpteenth version of vampire lore. If more and more shows offer, what I and others are looking for, more diversity, it's getting more likely that I fully will ignore shows not doing so. Take for example the upcoming show Constantine. The moment they said, they are not going to make the lead character bisexual as he is in the comics, that show was off my interest list. Why should I watch just another bad behaving white byronic hero guy as lead? Had enough of that. Maybe if they do the most brilliant writing and cinematography on TV since ages I might catch up sometime, or watch some episodes, but nothing more. You can keep fans just with hopes and lipservice only for so long, and perhaps OUaT has now reached breaking point. Might not matter much in numbers though, the majority of fans and of audience will probably keep watching.
  11. It's not about being political correct, it is about being more imaginative and about being diverse because people are diverse. The significant difference for some people is, that Regina and Emma are lead characters, while Mulan is just a supportive character, and has completely vanished accidently right after they suggested she has feelings for Aurora (they never let her say it out loud, in some ways it was still pretty much "only" subtext). How many queer lead characters can you think of without looking up on a fantasy or sci-fiction show? On any show? I don't want to defend those shippers going aggressively after anyone of the cast and crew or each other, although the term hate is used unfortunately loosely in the fandom. Asking critical questions and pushing for an answer going beyond "keep watching" or "thanks for watching" doesn't qualify in my book as hate, though might not be a productive and smart way to address issues, and even less in just 140 characters. But a few have been going too far and crossed the line to bullying, agree on that. Do the show makers have an obligation to fulfill fan wishes? No. Is it about money? Yes it is. But Disney started to see that aiming just at their usual target audience, girls and young women, might get them only so far, so they focused their marketing for Frozen more on boys' view - that Olaf played such a role in the movie and advertising had to do something with that (still Frozen was and is mostly a success because of girls and young women). Meanwhile Marvel and others slowly get to notice, that marketing their female heroes (although they are still mostly reduced to be sidekicks at best if not just eye candy) helps to bring more women to watch their movies, not just as sidekick of their geek guys, but because they themselves want to see them - and get eventually interested in merchandise. Slowly, because for The Guardians of the Galaxy they are getting some shitstorm for neglecting Gamora in merchandise. But Samual Jackson as Nick Fury is such a success with a lot of people, that they certainly don't regret to have changed Fury's race (despite some complains online). When I started watching Once I somehow got this silly idea, that this would be a really fresh, new look at fairy tales, which to me meant exactly trying to overcome a number of rather exclusive and one-sided depictions of fairy tale worlds, thus was hoping for more diversity (ethnicity and gender and sexual orientation wise) and less focus on fairy tales as fluffy romantic princess stories. Think I wasn't alone with such ideas, with that hope. Sometime between 2nd and 3rd season I finally buried that hope and even began to see, it was probably silly from the start on. Doesn't stop me though from saying, the show lacks diversity. Guess for some the giving up hope process is a bit more painful and not yet done. The aggressiveness by a few to cast and crew is wrong, but I don't see in general a problem in addressing the producers, aka Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis, and calling the show out for a lack of diversity. Yes, angry customers can feel sometimes like a plague, but at least they tell you, what their problem with your product is, and not silently leave without giving you any chance to learn, how eventually you could do it better for them. If you're going to change your product or think it's not worth it and doesn't do it, is still up to you. As it is up to the customers if they still buy your product or recommend it even to others. (Yes, I still watch the show for research purpose and a bit of entertainment, but without ads if any possible, and certainly are not the least bit interested in merchandise anymore, not even the dvds).
  12. Looks more like the average, blonde girl fair tale princess., The photos don't tell if the girl and Jared were shooting together. Seeing the costumes of the girl and the man with her very much doubt that.
  13. Do you have a source that that was the reason for removing this "spoiler" about Regina on E!Online? Or is that speculation?
  14. It's simply great to admit it. The cast is attractive. Remember that I watched the pilot with some reservation (not a fan of the fluffy Disneyfied fairy tale versions, but always have been deep into fairy tales and mythology, even as child preferred the darker and gritty versions though), but the first scenes with Emma got me to keep watching. And with Red being the wolf I became a fan. What I love(d) about the show: women talking not just about men with each other or about the best outfit, being friends, but as well women being villains (and still like Cora a lot more than her kids if it comes to that).
  15. Not necessarily. If I am not mistaken that information was never on any SHIELD server, it was pretty much kept on paper. Otherwise HYDRA wouldn't have had to make such a big deal about figuring it out differently, they had access on highest security level. There are some secrets not out yet.
  16. I wouldn't like to foster the socially inept (science or tech) nerd trope much. Fitz sure came across as someone at first really uncomfortable outside of his comfort zone, but think that was not even just about people, it was about being in a rather unpredictable surrounding instead of well organized and predictable lab. He just isn't good with change. And Simmons was excited about being out of the lab, see the world, have adventures, romance (with whoever) was not much on her mind. I am halfway through rewatching it, and though I am no fan of making Fitz and Simmons a romantic couple, there are some moments all over the first season that could be quite well read as some unspoken interest on both sides. But they have been used to work with each other, to learn with each other, they are a great team and had friendship, and sometimes you prefer to stick to seeing it as a friendship, ignoring whatever other feelings might be there, because it is such a great friendship. But taking it too a new level, romance, that can be scary territory, what if it doesn't last, what if it's nice for a while, but then things get ugly, then you lose a great friend. So you have little moments, but you ignore them, these feelings suggesting you want more eventually than great camaraderie. Not a strange situation to me. We're anyway wrong to think that infatuation and love are any easy to differentiate, particular in the beginning. I mean, what is real love? To me it's a process. It might start more with physical attraction or occasionally physical attraction is something coming later. And a lot of people struggle with telling, if something is just attention out of nicety or if there could be more, not just as teenagers. It is quite simple not always that easy to tell, and big, deep going true love on first sight is more of a myth. We decide in the first seconds of meeting a person about sympathy, but not always is it clear, where this first impression will take the relationship we are from that moment on building with a person.
  17. Can we call that now a tea party? Wouldn't agree an 99.99 percent, some people have voiced concerns in a decent manner. Not in the "convo" going on at the moment so much though. But I agree, issues OUaT has in some ways are blown way out of proportion by a few.
  18. I find that poster quite telling, It's Elsa, Frozen, but with the apple a clear reminiscence to promotional stuff they did with the Evil Queen before, can't help but think, that Elsa and Regina are seen as so alike. Two misunderstood women. Think I'm about to develop an apple allergy on sight.
  19. Cinnamon can easily take over, so depends on how much they used. Irish Breakfast seems to bring in something tardy but all in all it sounds rather sweet to me, too sweet, Would add a touch of chili to it. Some interesting blends there. A Sharknado tea, lol And some more Once Upon a Time teas, Red/Ruby seems quite popular among these tea geeks.
  20. You're right, there might be some not shipping another couple, I don't think it is just about shipping either, and didn't want to reduce it to a jealousy factor (which might play a role though too for some). If people have such a huge problem with Hook and Emma, his persuasion of Emma being at times like an example for the ill advice of Pick Up Artists (PUA) , or dangerously close to, it is interesting that they attack the person acting the character who in their view of things is the victim and not the one who is portraying the bad guy. Not surprising maybe seeing how often victims are blamed. It's like saying, the bad guy is the bad guy and we don't expect him to act differently, so why waste time with him, but the victim should have taken better care of herself and be thankful for all the white knights now stepping up for her. Now in this case writers and actors don't share the view of some in the audience, Emma is no victim of Hook, and it's a love story, so JMo has no reason to not support CaptainSwan and share funny tidbits about it - but it might be taken as even more offensive that she doesn't the slightest agrees with seeing Emma as victim here. So JMo is betraying the fans, while Collins is uninteresting. Gender biased? Maybe, could play a role, though hard to tell. In general men are probably more often attacked online for what they do and say, which statistically is not a surprise, seeing that men are more vocal, active and in more public places (like Twitter, even Facebook to a degree), but attacks against women are probably more personal and vicious. More personal is in a way contradictive, because women are sometimes attacked merely because they are women, but the attacks are made very personal. Not to mention that women frequently are sexually harassed online as well, it doesn't count what they say or do just how they look. The latter is an experience men don't make to the same extent. Both might experience he restrictions of gender roles, men have to be tough, aggressive decisive, active, manly, fight and defend their positions, at least it is seen as okay if they are, they are eventually joked at, when showing vulnerability and sensitivity, while women have to know their place, are called out as aggressive when they make a point and stand for it, hysterical when they don't hide that emotions might be involved, cold when they do hide it, they are touchy when they don't answer friendly. Online and offline is not different in this. In this fandom the interesting difference to something like Breaking Bad (and other shows) is, we have female leads, one actress is a fan favorite who seems to get seldom such vitriol while the other lead is frequently attacked and might have even what could be called downright hate-fans, they love to hate her. I agree, think as well that images play a role. If someone doesn't behave like we expect them to many might simply react surprised or maybe disappointed, but some react aggressive. It's a betrayal of their glorious image they have of the person. Do you know that there a few people writing fan ficition about real people, about celebrities, sportstars, musicians, TV and movie stars mostly, so called real people fiction (RPF)? And yes, not some fantasy about meeting them for a day, invite them for a coffee and have a chat about their work kind but the kinky kind. fanfiction.net doesn't allow such fan fiction as it could be rated as violation of personal rights, but other places do. There are stories about some of the cast of Once as well, including JMo and Lana Parrilla. Creepy. I mean, it's one thing to have fantasies like that eventually, but to share them with public. Oh well. People can be hold accountable any time, it can by addressed, they can be addressed, and if it goes into downright harassment and legally liable areas one can get police involved, though to a different degree depending on country. And different from what a lot of people think, a lot of online bullying and trolling is not done anonymous or anonymous only on a superficial level. It's rather prejudgmental that bullies and trolls are extremely insecure or "dregs of intelligence". You might be surprised who is doing that kind of stuff.
  21. Because JMo is seen as the one betraying the fans, Colin is just the rival so to speak to Lana or to Neal. Or I think that could be a possible approach why she is getting so much vitriol for whatever, be it saying something positive about CaptainSwan, be it concerning SwanQueen or Neal or whatever. And JMo plays the main good hero of the show, and that rubs off on her as she is seen by some fans, so she has to do things better than everybody else. Emma is the constant sting particular in Regina's attempts for happiness, which for SwanQueen creates the dilemma that Emma is a threat and the tool of happiness at the same time. That might rub off on the actress as well. Remember the hate Anna Gunn received for playing the by some very much hated Skyler White? Anna Gunn wrote an Op-Ed for the NYTimes about it, interesting read (though some of things she touches might not fit here). Scrolling through on Twitter seen a few in my opinion inappropriate tweets of the kind blurring lines between character and actors (and I am not squeamish, I've seen a lot of strange and icky stuff online due to jobs I did). These are the ones giving me the real creeps (aside from death and rape threats, but thankfully haven't seen that so far). Stalker material.
  22. It's a few SQ and Swanfire fans teaming up this time. Fun. Twitter has this nice function to mute users, or one can block them if they're annoying and inappropriate. At worst report them. There are a few self proclaimed fans making frequently bad wind (and yes, they are the same accounts most of the time), and us jumping every time they do makes their wind effect only bigger. There were others telling them off in a decent way on Twitter already and I think that is the better thing to do.
  23. MDKNIGHT - you're dead on, that is the episode. Xena and Gabrielle travel to some Amazon tribe to make baby Eve an Amazon princess. The tribe though is in a war with nomades, and it has gotten the touch of a blood feud on the side of the Amazons. While Gabrielle is busy to prepare the ceremony to give Eve her right of cast, Xena is shown visions of how the Amazons came to be in the first place, to help them back on the right path, and in these visions the 20th century girl comes into play. The first Cyan is the one giving the Amazons their good philosophy: strong women, educated, skilled in may trades including fighting and riding horses but with a peaceful purpose, and peaceful living with men though never bowing to them. The Amazon have forgotten that blood feud is not part of being a good Amazon, but Xena finds a way to share her visions of the past with them.
  24. Henry already has a sort of triangle though not of the romantic kind: two mothers he loves and who love him.
  25. Maybe, if they colored Pascale Hutton's hair (she's a blonde, in the movie Elsa's and Anna's mother has brown hair, although maybe Elsa's mother is someone else). Anyway. Neat that Pascale will grace the screen for a moment under the Once label. Too bad her own show (Arctic Air, about an aviation company in the north of Canada) was cancelled. She would be a real good hire for a musical episode btw (as proven in the 4th season of Sanctuary). Anna in the past on a quest to help her sister, where she probably got lost or something, and guess likely either Rumple involved or whoever Elizabeth Mitchell is playing or both. Doesn't thrill me but doesn't sound so bad either. And Rumple finds some "intriguing object" - whatever. I am not intrigued. But what is that about Will Scarlet? Unknown future? Didn't he get his happy "ending" in Wonderland? Of course, the future is always an undiscovered country, unknown (even for Rumple, who has proven to be a rather bad interpreter of visions of the future). Didn't watch Wonderland, still I am somewhat confused. Emma and Regina, and the whole Marian affair - think enough is said about that by now. They paid more attention to grammar this time. Congratulations. The picture was posted a week ago. And made its round on social media.
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