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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Was she the 4th in their summoning spell ? What's her major ? specialty? Did she say ? She's left basically no impression in my brain.
  2. Well that sounds like she was acting like his girlfriend or mother. Nagging him into being something she expected him to be instead of just letting him be like a friend or being there when he needed to talk or nudging him into coming out of his shell. She was basically trying to bully him into behaving the way she wanted him to be. Julia has never asked how he's coping in the new school or dealing with the new pressures even though she knew he went to a mental institute before finding out magic was real any of the times they've interacted since the test. He's been concerned about the way she was behaving at her birthday and by hanging out with the dubious hedge witches. Who she and we know nothing about. Not that I have any idea what the Brakebills end goal is, other than to hone magicians for unspecified reasons. I guess you've read the books and formed an opinion based on their characterisations there. I'm seeing this for the first time and so far both Quentin and Julia come off as whiney. At least Quentin has chronic social problems to account for his oddity. Julia seems to have no motivations to risk her life and love life to pursue magic other than cause "it's in me". I'm far more interested in the secondary characters. Except Penny's 'friend'. I still can't remember her name.
  3. Julia's been held accountable for her actions in dismissing Quentin's belief in magic and fillory which happened to be real. Quentin may have benefited from that belief during the exam or he may not. The tv show hasn't made it clear as to why Julia failed other than she failed. She could have failed because her natural aptitude was lower than every other applicant. Elliot displayed magic at 14... Alice was a legacy. Penny heard voices from early on and Quentin apparently sometimes manifested magic without really knowing if it was a side effect of his mental issues. Julia didn't display magic until after the test. She may be a late bloomer but she wanted a second chance at something that noone else has seemed to get expecting it as her due. As for the hedge witches. The only thing we've really seen them do is possess a corpse... Which is sort of impressive I guess. Brakebills has summoning, animated crystal horses, battle magic and classes. I'd say Julia using magic in the muggle world in front of ATM cameras is probably more reckless than the others risking their lives on stupid spells in private at Brakebills. Hedgewitches may get better one on one attention though... Or at least Julia seems to be getting special treatment from the New York branch leader. Also Julia for apparently being pissy about not getting into brakebills hasn't asked a single question about what it's like there. It might have added more depth to her character if she found out about the Beast that was sniffing around Quentin. She's not being a particularly good friend to him. She's not supportive of his new life, she just wants to shoehorn in there.
  4. So you think Quentin should have left Alice to give a body to a homicidal unknown spirit with the face of Charlie who had tried to choke him to death instead of interfering so he could be more politically correct ? With the risk of her unleashing more death on the school and or killing herself in the process. Other than the specialist who said his dreams meant that he was capable of more I don't think anyone has said he was particularly special in any way. Penny is annoyed at him for not closing his mind enough. Elliot mocks him for not getting through the door fast enough. Magic teacher can't figure out what his specialty leaving him a nothing mancer and he's already been put on academic probation for unathorised spellcasting. He performed supposedly advanced battle magic after seeing it performed once. He's capable of more than party tricks. It's just that he hasn't performed anything noteworthy lately. As for Julia who is either robbing ATMs or just showing off with magic in the most dangerous way ever. Does she forget there are cameras built into ATMs ? I think he was more annoyed at Julia giving him a hard time for not using his total non influence to get her another testing. Which is fair enough since he's already on thin ice at that school and she has no basis for thinking she'll do better the second time around other than her ego. She has no idea what the testing criteria is for this school. Nor do we. Penny on the other hand got told he was a super rare traveler. Which sounds far more interesting than everyone else combined. ETA remove apostrophes from atms
  5. Jude and Zero are the best thing about this show. It would be nice if they could just be happy for at least an episode or two. All this closet drama is depressing. Sadly Aasha and her boring love triangle is the worst. So do not care about any of those three. Is this show dead in the water or does noone want to talk about the show any more ?
  6. So White Josh apparently likes guys and Darryl ? might be curious ? Well that could be ... What was up with that girl having a boy trapped in a box. That was some weird disturbing stuff. Was that supposed to be funny ?
  7. That was fun. I guess when you're the devil you're not hung up about genders. This case was kind of dull though.
  8. I'm interested in the mythos but the characters are boring me with their headlong rush to suicidal uses of magic over and over again.
  9. My biggest problem with Julia is that I have no idea why she wants to do magic other than that she was told she couldn't learn from the magic school. Quentin sees it as a way out of his depression which doesn't seem like it's working very well since I don't think he's cracked a smile the entire time. Julia had a guy assault her on her birthday with magic, dealt with a possessed corpse and I have no indication as to why she's putting herself through this ordeal. Sure magic is great but the price tag is probable death. If she had goals of using magic to cure a loved one, fight some dark demonic thingymawhatsits or even to make her hair straighter maybe I could understand her risking her life to pursue magic... But it seems a fairly steep price to pay for what the show paints as pique for not being allowed into an exclusive club. It comes off as she's so bored of what the world has to offer she's willing to throw it all away to pursue magic for no end goal whatsoever. At least Harry Potter had his parents to avenge/feel closer to with magic I assume. I only read the first book and watched a couple movies before bailing on that. Quentin isn't being told he has a great destiny and Julia has no compelling reason to want to do higher order magic as far as I can tell. Maybe the next episode will provide some kind of clarity to Julia's motivations. Also does she still have a boyfriend ?
  10. Wait Quentin is supposed to be lucky to be in a school where he's apparently a target for occult forces he doesn't understand and also quite likely to die in a school with the worst mortality rate ever ? I didn't know Male Privilege meant you got depression, strange foreboding dreams about garden paths and the oncoming threat of Moth Man and the Beast and probable death as a result of spell casting. Julia gets the option at a long and possibly mediocre life... Oh and she can still do internet magic... but apparently that's not good enough. So she feels compelled to risk her life to what? exactly ? learn more spells ? for something ? Which is why I don't care about Quentin or Julia. They both come off as whiney to me. I prefer Elliot's modus operandi. I may die horribly and suffer from crippling guilt over a telekinetic murder I committed at the age of 14 but I'm going to enjoy casting magic as long as I survive and PARTY :P At least he has some life in him.
  11. Well this reminded me of Classic X Files Not only did they not actually solve the case they were given. They let loose the telepathic suspect with his telekinetic sister and incidentally caused the death of the lead scientist. Also the hospital has lost their biggest patron which might mean Scully won't have that job to fall back on after her stint on the X Files is over. And... The DOD probably has all the information on the scientist's methods so that it will continue on... Good old team, making things worse everywhere they go and breaking several laws in the process with no consequences.
  12. I wasn't an X-Files fan so seeing the old credits was like... "hmm the same old credits, okay then". Then it was all blah blah talking talking with nothing really going anywhere and Mulder making a whole bunch of assumptions about the "truth" based on no real evidence or research and it was nostalgia; Mulder off on a tangent claiming to know the truth again. I'm not even sure if I can be bothered watching the next episode let alone the season if it's all this wanky clunky conspiracy nonsense. The latter seasons of X files was bad enough with that nonsense. I guess we'll see how bored I am now that Galavant is over.
  13. Other than Richard singing to his inner child this was a perfect wrap up to the season. So much meta humor and I'm glad that Madalena didn't completely thaw into a nice person at the end or die. It was a good way to leave one conflict open ended. Also so cool that she can teleport. Such hilarity and randomness.
  14. True... But Firestorm shouldn't have been able to absorb the energy from the nuke as it faced him... It would have made more sense for him to transmute it before it exploded... or swallowed it if he was going to absorb the energy. As is there should have been radiation exposure in all directions. Personally I was hoping that Hawkman/ Atom or Hawkgirl would have remembered they could fly and flown upwards with the nuke and died a quick explosive death :P Or at the very least shoved it down Savage's throat so he'd explode...
  15. Especially if you think about what Gideon said about how he prefers to work alone... Which means that he spent some time in between finding his murdered baby momma and son and recruiting this selection of *cough* heroes *cough* installing 8 or 9 chairs in a viewing platform. Does anyone else find it funny that the only person with superpowers is 2 people that need to combine ? and he does basically the same thing a guy with a flamethrower does.
  16. Maybe they'll be lazy and choose all 3. First he'll bang, then he marries, then he kills and eat her souls. But seriously the show is amusing enough as long as I avoid thinking about how stupid all the characters act, how nonsensical the whole time travel conceit is and why there is so many chairs in that ship in that one particular location.
  17. Killing her 206 times seems like he used to love her once upon a time but then she had an affair with a prince and now he's just bored of having to kill and eat their souls every 20 years. From what I remember of their encounter he made no propositions of the sort the evil bad guy in love with someone not interested should probably make. eg "If you want to live you should consider being with me and you'll be my queen for when I take over the world somehow." or "Now that your stupid boyfriend is dead from arrogance have you reconsidered your choice to love him over me?" or "I have billions of dollars accumulated from hundreds of fake lives and you'll never have to work again." Unfortunately it seems like we got the "Trapped in this vicious cycle" monologue instead. It's like the writers aren't sure whether Savage wants to bang , marry or kill her. I guess killing her is something to do while he waits for something good enough on tv to watch instead of creating global conflict for the lols.
  18. All during his supposed to be dramatic death scene I kept wondering if Savage had wandered off and why he wasn't stabbing Hawkgirl while her back was literally turned and she was distracted. Then he was just standing there watching her for no reason whatsoever. Also why is he always killing her? Shouldn't he be holding her captive and convincing her she really does love him? Or at the very least torturing her for amusement. Or if he's so over the whole reincarnation cycle. Why doesn't he just off himself using her hand and his knife? I keep wondering about Heatwave and Captain Cold using their very violent weapons to take down thugs in the 70's. Are they just going to be killing random thugs in the past with no consequences ?
  19. Does it really matter why Julia failed the test? As I've never read the books, I just assumed she failed it because she didn't meet whatever criteria they have for admitting students. Since they appear to have a 90% mortality rate for students I'm not sure that failing to get in is such a tragic outcome. I'm not sure why she can't just do magic on her own? Why does she need some organisation to validate her existence? She already has magic and if Quentin survives his first year he might be able to teach her some magic on the side. It's not like anyone is telling her not to use magic. So I'm not clear on why she feels so hard done by. She got rejected from a school she didn't even apply to ... What a horror.
  20. Yeah I can't deal with the super specialness of Clari and Jace falling over himself in order to amuse her. Her argument to save Simon was you guys protect humans, you suck at it now go risk your lives to save my friend who I dragged along to the City of Bones in the first place. The Jace and Clari 'chemistry' feels so incredibly forced it's ridiculous. As for Izzy... well let's just say I'm not impressed and leave it at that. I'm annoyed at Jace constantly shutting down his supposed best friend every time he mentions reservations about the girl he met one ? day ago. It makes him look like a complete and utter sap. The vampire Queen should have removed Simon's shirt so he wouldn't get it bloody. What a terrible host. I won't be watching this show any more. It has the demons/bad guys die so easily it's pathetic. I might lurk around the forums to see if anything improves enough to start watching again.
  21. Such a lame finale. I doubt I'll be watching the next season if there was one. I don't care if the town gets washed away.
  22. I'd like Quentin more if he had a single moment where he was like fuck yeah magic is real reaction. While I understand that he's depressed and knowing magic was real wouldn't magically fix all his problems instantly it'd still be nice to have even a moment of light hearted woohoo magic powers demonstration. Oh well. As for Julia she seems to be joining the dark side because the rich magical kids didn't like her. So far I'm not liking her all that much. I'm not sure I like anyone that much. Except maybe Elliot. He seems to be more amusing second episode. Probably helped that he revealed his backstory and it was delivered with such pathos and whimsy. I think I'll watch another episode and see how I feel. So far I'm not sold.
  23. Well didn't Rowan try and kill herself twice ? Once off screen implied and the second time was interrupted by Tommy. If we're keeping score that makes her twice as suicidal as Simon. So she's not automatically a better parent than Simon just because he MAYBE killed himself 6 years ago. Her most recent suicide attempt was a few days ago. Also she conspired to cover up his cold blooded murder. Neither of these people are winning the parent of the year award but at least Simon is admitting to a mistake he may not remember. Whereas Rowan is not taking responsibility for anything she's done.
  24. I'm so over her. Maybe we could wish for her to remember that she has a sister in another town/state and she'll leave town and we'll be free of her blahness.
  25. I'm confused/annoyed why Rowan is so ready to believe Tommy's word on Simon's supposed suicide. I'm also annoyed that even if it was true that she makes his suicide all about herself. It's not a "Why did you kill yourself?" it's a "How dare you kill yourself on my wedding day?" that comes off as so incredibly entitled and annoying that gets me. Her self righteousness about the cameras was thoroughly undermined by her suicide attempt. Way to prove Tommy's point that you're unstable and suicidal. I guess it's fine dumping your child off on Tommy by killing yourself without a second thought but Simon maybe killing himself is totally unforgiveable. Suffice to say I'm not a fan of Rowan.
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