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Posts posted by shirazplease

  1. Quote

    Not too worried about Daryl's dog (yet), apparently Norman's been lobbing for one for awhile so I suspect now that TPTB have given in they're not going to kill it off after just a few episodes.

    Cudlitz seemed to indicate on TD that the dog was fine.

    • Love 1
  2. I thought she was just plain bitchy.  I would have clocked her if I were Ricki after JL made that dig about the fire Ricki started being "so irresponsible!"  I'm sure that's one of the, if not THE biggest regret of R's life and for JL to say that and immediately follow it with "I'm not judging you."  Nope.

    • Love 2
  3. Quote

    the writers have done an outstanding job at making me despise Blue. 

    Ditto.  And I despise her even more after seeing what a douche JL was on WWHL last night.  Her appearance on there ruined her for me and I always LOVED her.  She was so fake, . So "hollywood." 

    • Love 4
  4. Quote

    Shut up Tamra.  What is wrong with a man having cats?  And what is your definition of a lot?

    My husband is a big, bad biker covered with tattoos and I dare anyone to give him shit about our SIX kitties.  Not a hoarder, sorry to whoever said that earlier.  I have rescued cats from true hoarding situations.  I've had people who are allergic come in our house and say it doesn't bother them and it's because of what we feed them and how we keep our house free, to the extent we can, of surfaces that harbor dander.  The dogs, on the other hand, ruin my bedding with their dog smell and dig holes in the furniture, etc....But I love my animals more than my furniture, so.....

    • Love 19
  5. 1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    Of course not.  But PDs, mainly defend guilty people.     I would imagine it is hard to find your job rewarding when 90% or more of your time is spent trying to help criminals get away with their crimes.  The other 10% (or whatever %),  along with knowing you play a vital role in preserving justice, in a more abstract sense, might make it seem worthwhile.  But, on a day to day basis, it has to be dreary, frustrating and discouraging work for a lot of PDs.  I think there is a reason most lawyers avoid such work. 

    I'm sure the burnout rate is astronomical for PDs.  The bad always outweighs the good, and most of them probably don't ever know of the people they defended that went on to lead productive lives.  What I'm inferring is that your frequent use of the words "lowlife" and "scumbag" show that you are presupposing that anyone who needs the service of a PD is already doomed or somehow a defective human being.  Your statement that a first time offender for property damage (which I loathe thieves, don't get me wrong - I've been stolen from more times that I can count) should get prison time is ludicrous.  The rational part of the teen brain doesn't mature until they are 25 or so, if even then.  No one's life should be ruined by a permanent criminal record unless the offense is a violent one, which results in severe injury or death.  People CAN change.  It doesn't happen as often as it should but it DOES happen.  I know this.  You can dismiss it as anecdotal evidence, but it's a fact.  Funny, cause I don't really like humanity in general, but here I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.  I've also been a victim of violent crime and the perp got nothing close to what he should have gotten but I'm a little biased.

    • Love 12
  6. On 9/4/2018 at 9:04 AM, Bryce Lynch said:

    It is a double-edged sword.  Defense attorneys help protect the rights of innocent people by protecting scumbags, but they also make life more dangerous for innocent people by putting scumbags back on the streets more quickly.

     So, everyone who ever in the history of the world that needs a PD or a defense lawyer is a scumbag?   

    • Love 6
  7. I am barely able to watch this show because I find Ellen Barkin's tics so irritating.  Her poochy lower lip when she's talking to the boys.  Her ridiculously slow, deep, vocal fry way of speaking.  Her weird walk.  When she speaks, it sounds like she's wearing poorly fitting dentures, especially when she pronounces words with an "s" in them.  I used to LOVE her in other roles.  But any scene with her is just nearly unwatchable for me.

    But, I could eat Craig with a spoon so I can't quit this show.

    • Love 6
  8. Quote

    Sorry but he forces you to spay and neuter or get out.

    Good for him.  Until cities or states enact mandatory spay and neuter, there will be people like me who have to walk up and down between rows of howling, scared, barking dogs and crying, terrified cats reaching for you through the bars of the cage and decide who lives and who dies according to who I think I can get adopted out through rescue.  And if you breed your animal and you are ignorant enough to think you have control over what happens to the offspring, and that offspring's offspring then you have no business taking care of a houseplant, much less a living breathing animal with very specific needs.  These aren't commodities.

    • Love 12
  9. I know Rachel struggles with depression.  I'm afraid that it's going to be almost impossible for her to sustain coverage of this and come out of it without some damage. I hope she takes care of herself.  I know that in relation to the damage these poor families are going through, that's a relatively minor thing but this forum is Rachel centric, so I'm going to try to stick to that even as  I want to howl at the universe for this obscene injustice.

    • Love 6
  10. Quote

    Oh, this is rich, so rich; Frankel is asking questions of her twitter followers as research for a dating app she's creating. ("Me: twice divorced narc meglomaniac into S & M -- Screed & Mindfuckery -- with a wild insatiable desire to torture someone for disobeying me & engage in verbal humiliation, water play,  vegan hotdog eating and terrifying legal games. You: I give zero fucks about anything to do with you just shut up and be a perpetual bottom & I'll get your jock off you slut-shaming asswhore white trash loser.")

    Marry me.

    • Love 6
  11. Quote

    This is what happened:


    I hope that Brynn wasn't close by.

    Ugh.  I know I'm late to the party, but holy fuck.  I have a friend who calls me EVERY SINGLE TIME they have an animal crisis and the last time I straight up told her not to call me anymore because I get LIVID and it stresses  me out so bad.  I worked in animal rescue for nearly twenty years and I'm trying to retire but they keep pulling me back in.  I just haven't got the stomach for it anymore plus I have my own very senior animals at home that need all my attention at this point in their lives.  Said friend waited at her house for over an hour for her son to drive in from out of town to take her seizing, elderly Pom to the the ER vet that was about 5 minutes away.  She just can't deal and it angries up my blood so much I want to punch something.  If you can't organize your life enough to pick up your sick animal and drive it to the vet, you have problems that I can't help you with.   Bethenny makes me sick, she is so vile, so narcissistic that I can't even fathom what it's like to live in her head.  She is a miserable person.

    • Love 6
  12. Quote

    To the second bold, we really don't know if she sued/outed/reported anything -- and, as reflected by recent events dominating the media, quick private settlements and NDAs can be powerful influencers regarding what people do and don't discuss. 

    THere is no record of any civil suit by anyone with the last name Culberson against any hospital in OKlahoma county.  Even if the settlement was private, the initial filing would still appear.

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