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Posts posted by anonymiss

  1. Korina echoed my thoughts on kids: "I can't even tell the ages apart." It all blends together for me when people are really young (or really old). I was totally with her this episode and liked what she made but wholeheartedly agreed Kini deserved the win. 


    I love how Kini lets his talents/garments speak for themselves. I could totally have pictured an Amanda or Korina or definitely Sandyha asserting themselves on the runway to correct being discredited for his work but he just let it go, assured he'd get his recognition in time. And sure enough, he won the next two! I love his quiet confidence and I really hope he continues to thrive right till the end.

    • Love 1
  2. I think Sukhi and Jinder benefitted from the Olympians wanting to maintain the standard of behaviour they were expected to uphold as Canadian ambassadors, and also how they're conditioned to behave as public figures courting sponsorships, etc. 


    I was disappointed to see the clowny siblings go. It was a novelty to see how far they could go and what they could do extremely well or extremely dumbly next. The others are all perfectly fine, so I guess I'm rooting for my fellow team girl power! or team my hometown (Ryan & Rob).

  3. I thought I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show with Julianne's judging conflict with her brother but I got over it by this results show. I didn't mind her styling both nights and she definitely has the figure to flaunt as much of it as she chooses. I just wish the show would choose which Hough they want: Derek or Julianne. For a fresh change, I choose the latter. It helps that Julianne is on her best behaviour to neutralize the obvious conflict rather than courting controversy as she did to get this gig.


    I loved Fresh Prince so it's great to see Alfonso but I'm wary I detected a bit of Gilles' verbal diarrhea/insincere speechifying from him. I'd love to see him in the finals if not the winner so I hope I'm wrong.


    I don't know how popular Sadie is but I was so glad she stayed. I hope she can amass enough votes to stay as long as her performances justify it. She was exciting to watch on the first week and I'd love to see Mark get another Mirror Ball. I have no prior knowledge of her and am used to tolerating religious nuts. She seems pretty benign by my standards so far.

  4. Curtis being a blundering idiot again: "Jen did you make this dish before? It's so well prepared. It almost seems like... Gail: "---like she knows how to cook?"


    Congrats Jen! I felt for her and got a kick out of her letting go of propriety and telling the judges off. After endless hours of sleep deprivation and waiting in the stew room with nothing but booze, yeah, I'd snap, too. And she's revealed she's just not that prim and proper in general which is a girl after my own heart.


    The news about Blais thrills me as I'm one of his remaining fans. 

    • Love 1
  5. An unpopular opinion but I was here for Romeo and love that he rightly called Adam a "busted ass frat boy" and read him as the non-commercial and non-fashion model that he is. A shame he did himself in since he was the freshest and most striking model there and I have no doubt his performance in his commercial would have been in the top if not the top. Yu Tsai accurately said he was better looking than some of the girls, and I also didn't mind his stupid gimmick. It was dumb entertainment, which is this entire show. I hope he thrives in Europe and Asia.


    Very annoying how Tyra wants to keep Adam for his perceived TV entertainment value. He's dull and painful to watch--everything sober and drunk Romeo said about him. 


    I hope Lenox recovers cuz she's the only other model whose look I'm not bored with there.

    • Love 1
  6. That sucked. Fade had a fade out when he's shown he's capable of much more and deserves to stay over the likes of less talented designers there, e.g., Amanda or that one who was already eliminated and has never done anything remarkable. Moreover, my favorite, Kini, gets his long overdue win but for a challenge where I didn't think he really deserved it. 


    Way to go, Sean. He really rose to the occasion and exceeded the expectations of the challenge. 

  7. This was satisfying--two entertaining, talented chefs. I love Dale's style of cooking and am so glad he won and has evolved personally as well. Tiffani's thai starter was tantalizing from my screen. I LOVE that they showcased vegan fare. Dale has/had a vegan gf so he should have had a leg up. 


    Francis Lam was another lovely sight, especially in contrast to that brute Curtis.

    • Love 1
  8. I'm happy for Sukhi and Jinder because I'm happy for anyone beating the favourites. Everyone is an underdog over these girls and they act like it and know it which bugs. There's an entitlement that they're supposed to win each leg. I'm also, though, continually impressed with Sukhi's clutch focus. I was amused by her student-y mnemonic devices.

    • Love 2
  9. Elizabeth Faulkner had a great attitude about "losing." (I think the show is rigged beyond belief.) Compare to Lorena Garcia who has the fakest gritting-her-teeth tightest smile while spitting out the same perfunctory line about being really happy for them. Lorena also looked like such an ass showboating with her chopping and being condescending her first appearance. She stopped that shit after she lost.

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  10. I love that Korina won. Sean's look was generic--like the replications Korina used to do and brag about like they were the foremost in fashion. This time she DESIGNED and went back to her roots. Well deserved.

    • Love 3
  11. I find the Hockey Olympians boring too. I know what I'm going to get from them: total execution, next to no personality quirks. Their only interesting time was when they struggled with the hockey challenge but that was because it was unexpected, not because of their personalities.

  12. Sukhi and Jinder keep getting funnier and funnier/dumber and dumber. But Suk's definitely got some commendable clutch skills.


    This episode played out with such entertaining dramatic poetic justice, and I thought last season's double u-turn episode was unbeatable.


    I'm never the girl who cries at things like proposals but I teared up at Alain and Audrey's. 


    Oh I'm very happy the BC boys are still in it and that they showed more of their wry humour. Upside-down sleeves totally a thing here.

    • Love 1
  13. I don't think Romeo deserves his bad rap because he was minding his own business in conversation with one girl while Not-B-O-S-S or whatever his name is (I honestly don't recall) saw an opportunity to mock Romeo to try and look like a bigger man and fit in with the bro dudes. That's why the girls all stuck up for Romeo and no one else has a problem with him (yet). Admittedly, I'm partial to him because his is probably the freshest look of the bunch.


    Speaking of the bro dudes...God. I was reminded why I stopped dating guys my age (still in my 20s by a hair) when two of them started "bro-ing" together and proudly called it that.


    I agree that Jamie seemed nice but you couldn't really argue with the "vacant" description. She did seem to only have an "empty" far and away expression. I'm confident she will be just fine.

  14. I love the idea of this show because seeing my old favorites come back is great. Seeing Antonia win is great, but for some reason my mind wanders. I think it's the fact that I believe they rig it so they at least get 1 win each in the challenges so there's no suspense. Also, I used to like Curtis but found him extra dull this episode, probably b/c I started watching Food Fighters and they have such a knowledgeable charismatic host in Adam Richman.

  15. Waylynn would be tolerable if it weren't for that face and the way she moves it when she speaks. I feel awfully superficial feeling this way but it is what it is. She has an earthy fawn-like prettiness but her heavy eyes with that nose and the wide thin mouth are just so hard to take seriously in a business context. She looks like she should be in a forest with the other fawns. 

    • Love 1
  16. I always see producer hijinks so I don't let that affect my enjoyment unless it's egregious and therefore impossible to disregard. I find this show pretty good in that respect in comparison to its ilk.


    I agree the last few choices have been the ones most unprepared and therefore most exploitable for drama/ratings. Not liking that too much but still entertained.


    I found myself noticing how fortunate Control Freak Jenna is to have found the most complementary partner for her weaknesses. He gets her and knows when and how to step up but is happy to let her wear the pants the remainder of the time. He also knows exactly how to comfort her and doesn't escalate or lose patience with her. Most impressed with him than anything else I saw on the episode.

    • Love 1
  17. With Kristen out of the competition, I found Brooke's season about as exciting as steamed veg. She's perfectly nice but always puts me to sleep so I was grateful she was paired against overly exuberant Shirley. I found Shirley's personality a bit forced at first but grew to love her. Am very glad she won!


    I love that they featured vegan baking. I just wish that they had done something a little more creative than puddings but it was a 30 minute challenge as Brooke pointed out.


    Nice to see Gail all fit and confident so I didn't really mind Wolfgang's bawdy joke--she seemed flattered like, "Damn right. I worked hard to get this body back."

  18. I had to laugh when Gail almost wearily said about Blais: "And Richard, despite your CONSTANT self-deprecation..." But I'm forgiving of that hyper competitiveness just because I can relate. I used to be that way once upon a time. That said, I was totally rooting for Marcel.


    My favorite part of the show was when Blais and Marcel tasted and commented on each others food. More of that, please!


    Too bad Blais lost the burger challenge. His YouTube burger show on Tasted was pure food porn bliss and I say that as a vegan of over a decade.

    • Love 2
  19. I floved it when Joe couldn't take it any longer and told them to stop regurgitating MBA manure!


    Love the product though. Dislike corn-based gluten free pasta (way too much corn in everything and imbalances our omega 3-6 ratio) and brown rice gluten-free pasta is good but chickpea has a far superior nutritional profile.

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