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Everything posted by Jobiska

  1. They tried a different version of "percussive force." My husband (physics undergrad degree) was delighted when they showed the van's exterior: "It has Feynman diagrams all over it!"
  2. FWIW, Shirin's last name is Oskooi (letter "eye") not Oskool (letter "ell,") as the title has it spelled.
  3. I think Jeff (and the cameras) needed to see the puzzle from the other side and suspect the speculation that they were therefore required to assemble it in-frame has merit. To me the tears at Andrew's story were basically like the letters-from-home episode came early. Andrew was in a sense writing himself a letter from home, choked up at thinking about his wife, and it set off a chain reaction. I mean, I agree that even the over the top tears at the letters from home/family visit times are kind of goofy to watch, but knowing that those happen without fail, I don't think this was that out of the ordinary for Survivor. Now accusing someone of having no values because he has his mind on the game while others are weeping? That is a little weird, Savage. The monkeys are getting all the love so I'll throw some the (what I think is a) barking deer's way. Deer says: Ark! tiny monkey replies skreek skreek! And we all know that what they are really saying is: Ta Keo is inexplicable and we're so glad we're not human!
  4. There's emotion-driven, and then there's irrational/emotion-driven. Anyone who could come up and basically hop in with a nonsequitur like whatever she asked Peih Gee when Spencer had just asked her about the rock chimney is utterly unpredictable, emotions aside. Smirking away when Peih Gee points out that Abi had talked about her behind her back. Ugggghhh she pushes all of my buttons and I think she's horrible and I was so afraid this would happen when Vytas (smarmy, maybe snake-y, but predictable) was voted off. And I don't care in the least what she's like in "real life." Anyone who acted so irrationally would frankly frighten me. Shirin said somewhere in there that she'd been walking and talking with Abi for ages and keeping her calm and stuff. I think Abi-wrangling would be one of my biggest nightmares and I can totally see how Shirin would let her guard slip and laugh when Peih Gee said she enjoyed telling Abi off. Candall, I cosign your entire post except for this one. Her behavior makes my skin crawl so much that I find it very uncomfortable to watch any of her interactions. I hope she goes very soon.
  5. The discussion of Amazon a couple of pages ago reminded me of Matt and how I (like the post upthread) never thought he was crazy and didn't get why people were characterizing him as such. I looked to see if he had a Facebook page, then saw Daniel Lue (first Amazon boot, also caught malaria there despite the preventive medication, if I recall correctly) on his friends list, and looked at his page and saw this picture. I enjoyed the comment thread and thought it was interesting who was tagged and who not. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152576530855377&set=a.10151294409260377.807889.745780376&type=3&theater Oh, and I'm sure Christy was sometimes difficult to be around, but one of the main things I remember was Jenna and Heidi judging her for not shaving her underarms, which I thought was pretty narrow-minded of them. I've seen articles about Heidi recently that made me feel more positive about her (charities she's dedicated herself to in her position as the wife of pitcher Cole Hamels--seems much more involved than just a figurehead). Jenna I haven't seen do anything that made me feel positive about her other than be supportive to Ethan through his health issues, back a bit.
  6. But they do sometimes and I think the bathing suits were given in this instance otherwise they sent all the racers to the same store and they were all told to get the same suits, otherwise there would have been the differences we've seen in season's past, color and style wise. I'm pretty sure the original quote was not with regard to outfits supplied and required for task completion, but with the clothing they pack in their luggage from the beginning and wear at all other times. Because although production assigns team colors, apparently Justin picked the green hat all on his own initiative, which apparently strains the credulity of many a watcher. ....off to post in an unpopular opinions thread that Justin's hat doesn't bother me, though I don't particularly like it either....
  7. Yep, I answered upthread: a binturong. Some cute pix on Wikipedia, which I also linked upthread.
  8. I just always sadly assumed this was the new script--kind of like all the Project Runway judges got a lot meaner when they switched networks. I figured producers wanted more of this nudge-nudge crap from poor ol' Phil. I don't. It's not like he does a lot of that in areas where he can speak freely, as far as I can tell....not that I am a religious Twitter follower or whatever.
  9. Yeah, they had rocks on a couple of pieces as well as the orange bottle cap. I agree, that was clever. I am always much more tolerant of puzzle tasks on Survivor than a lot of commenters, but I have to say, a slide puzzle whose pieces are all basically similar and all have a pattern of pale gray and dirty white is not that exciting to watch. If you're trying to spell out some dopey Survivor motto, at least viewers can see how close you are by how garbled the message is. With this, it was either correct gray and white, or slightly off gray and white. And it did not help my viewing enjoyment to get cross-board shots down cheerleaders' cleavages or whatever. I just rolled my eyes. I will say that now I fully expect not to blank on the name of that statue when I do Sporcle (online trivia) quizzes. For some reason I always write "Christ of the Andes," because I don't particularly remember that this statue is in Rio and therefore nowhere near the Andes. At least now it's solidly in my brain. I'm generally pretty forgiving of establishing interviews, especially early on ("We don't have a home to go back to!") because I figure they are prompted by producer questions. I'll even forgive Justin's labile reactions due to the first-episode superfan excitement, but I hope he calms down a bit. His partner's fine, so I don't want to hate the entire time just because he was being a little wacky.
  10. I wasn't keen on TMZ and was not sorry they lost, but I did laugh when they told Phil they were going to the bar and ran away before he could say anything.
  11. Yeah, but flint ornament is very clever and well planned out, whereas the bracelet thing, if Peih Gee had indeed done it, would have been foolish and nonsensical. What would she have wanted to get out of it, and whatever that would have been, how would she have gotten it out of such a move? And she would have had a better story made up after the discovery, too.
  12. Pretty sure it was a binturong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binturong I especially liked that it was in juxtaposition to someone talking, if I recall correctly, about worker bees vs. those who rest, and it was looking very restful!
  13. My main excitement of the episode was recognizing one of the STEM students--one of the older/taller ones, long light brown hair, lip(?) piercing--I'm 99% certain she's one of the teens on the "Teens React"/"The Fine Bros." Youtube series.
  14. A millipede. They get pretty big in some areas. I've seen one lots bigger in Fiji. I think they're cute.
  15. Aube is french for Dawn, without the accent mark.
  16. For a while I thought it was "smell my fears" until someone enunciated it more clearly. Which one way makes less sense, but in another makes more sense, because you don't smell adjectives. "Smell my purple!" "smell my forgetful!" (I also can't stand the signoff "Fierce and love." What's wrong with "Fierceness?") But nothing tops Pot Ledom as the most asinine catchphrase ever, IMHO. The others have words used all wrong or ridiculously, but they are at least, y'know, words. Courtney should have gone. It wasn't fair to penalize Ashley as much for laughing as they did Devin. He put her in an impossible position in the skit and sometimes you laugh out of frustration, helplessness, confusion. She had no way to react to his off-script idiocy. But of course if she had talked back when they criticized her laughing that would have been a black mark against her too. She was doomed from the beginning of the episode.
  17. Funny editors. Julie introduces the new show they saw clips of (and shut up Austin namedropping it in his speech on the block): "Families are sometimes awkward [cut to shot of Steve], often hilarious [shot of John]...."
  18. I'm one of the few who felt that Gaby did have a personality, and I liked her, and I'm fine with the win, especially since if I let my mind run toward conspiracy theories I would have thought the fix was in for Jaja (who also does have a very sweet personality, and is good at what she does, but she did not impress me as much as Gaby or Hailee among the finalists). I adore Virgil but he has such trouble keeping from looking happy (and hey, if that's his biggest problem in life....) (I came to the realization that Kate, whom I liked fine, has the opposite problem--resting cool patrician snobby looking face, and it hindered her). I did a lot of fast-forwarding. I found there were few dances I needed to see on repeat. I watched the ghost light one, the robots one, Jim's, the geisha one since I had actually missed that episode (somehow didn't record), and the one that Virgil did with the all-star, but I'm ashamed to admit I watched that mainly to see if he got manhandled quite as badly as he did in the first one. I liked the team street new(?) group dance with tWitch in it but was amused that the two b-boys slid off the front and were gone for a while again. I was amused at the Twitter battle, especially when they said that sometimes contemporary dance choreography looks like they're flailing in fits or something like that (and showed an appropriate clip). As you can guess from what I rewatched, I'm not keen on contemporary, so that made me laugh.
  19. I wouldn't blame them if they had, but a bit on some talk show at the the gym (when I couldn't change the channel) reminded me that Tyra now has her own make up line, with names for each product as clever and cute as smize and tooch, something like You Bet Your Big Fat Lash or something. This in turn reminded me that they featured them last cycle in a shoot, and the only thing I can remember about that episode was that Allison was in it.
  20. I am the last person to feel people should turn to colored contacts, especially if they don't also have a prescription (why stick something in your eye if you don't have to? is my reasoning), but when I first saw people mentioning these were contacts, I did an image search, and unlike the lovely image Rahul posted upthread, I noticed that in a lot of photos, especially when Swapnil is on the runway with a collection and with typical runway lighting, his prominent brow ridge shades his eyes so much it's almost like he has an anonymizing black band across his face rather than having eyes at all! So I wondered if he were hoping to bring his eyes out of the shadow more, as it were. At any rate, brow ridge and all, contacts or not, he's gorgeous in my opinion. But I also love his quiet efficiency and his funny talking head interviews.
  21. If Candace were really as good a leader as she thinks she is, she could have easily taken Ashley aside early on and said "I was feeling so worried about Amanda being down that I picked her to give her a boost; if I had gotten to choose again you were next on my list, and I don't know why Amanda, or one of the early pickers on the other team, didn't pick you. I was sure they would!" Even if it were a little white lie and even if Ashley sensed that, I think she'd have appreciated that Candace noticed she was bummed. But she's not a good leader. Sure, maybe Ashley should have been more stoic, but leaders work with fallible humans, and want to get the best out of them, not the worst! Swapnil, on the other hand--if they had had a "who did the most for the team?" or "who was your leader?" type question for the blue team, I'm sure they would have given him credit, and it might have pushed him over the edge into the win. I wish there had been an element at the end of paintball where Tim said "the team that took the most hits (or got in the most hits) gets XYZ advantage" (more time, whatever). They all had time to get fabric which turned out to be auxiliary fabric anyway, so it was as if the paintball part was almost moot. I have never played paintball, but I do get that the pellets hurt (and I saw Jake's bruises). But I don't get why people would get hit and then run all the way back. It happened a lot on both teams. I can see cringing, covering your head, turning around, even taking a few steps back, but running back just give the opponents time to aim and shoot again the next time you come up, and then you've lost time in getting your fabric. Candace's weird monstrosity was made not with the purple "Barney" auxiliary fabric; it was a deeper, royal purple and I saw her painting it (with extra paintballs?). If they had enough to cover that amount of material, they could have done something more to all the "ruined," "wasted" fabric. My sister had a purple dress. She was once walking along and some kids (preteen-ish age) started singing the Barney song "I love you, you love me." She thought it was kind of sweet that they were still innocent enough to enjoy the song from their childhood....and then she looked down at her dress and thought "oh." I think she got rid of that dress.
  22. The question Courtney was asked, IIRC, was not "how long has it been since you brushed your teeth?" but "what's the longest you've gone without brushing your teeth?" I mean, it's still not great to know she's had times where she's gone longer than a day or two without brushing, but it's not quite as horrific as if she at that moment could not think back to the most recent toothbrushing.
  23. I want to hate Devon but I can't because I hate Bello more and I like to see him annoyed.
  24. I actually went to Celebrity Cruises' website and paged through all their 5 pages of European cruises and found St. Petersburg as a port-of-call on the very last page. Not so much with FL, even as a departure city! Tim also announced that all the suitcases represented "exotic" destinations so, again, definitely not FL. I personally find Faberge eggs fussy and frilly and (to me) ugly, and seeing the lavender/silver/brocade thing I thought fussy/frilly/ugly, so I didn't have that much of a problem with at least a tenuous link between Faberge eggs and that one fabric (yeah, I know they come in other colors too). I watched as much of the show as I could stand on Lifetime's site and as far as I went, you only see a tiny glimpse of the third fabric Joseph and Merline had in the suitcase, and it was a sort of muted floral? print with lavender, white, and a sort of grayish blue??? Of the three, it was the most interesting, but still blah! Maybe trying to get at shadows on snow? I was so distracted by the few wisps of hair hanging under Hanmiao's bangs. I wanted to trim them off! In my partial rewatch I caught Kelly's talking head about Edmond basically having to pull teeth to get anything out of Hanmiao, so I'm more on the side of her being the more difficult one of the two, not him badgering her and then not letting her talk.
  25. Also, with both repeats, Swapnil was walking towards Blake from the sewing room through the crowded and presumably noisy main room. I don't hear well with ambient noise, even if the person speaks almost exactly like me. It didn't necessarily have to do with Swapnil not understanding Blake's accent, and certainly not with him not understanding English. He probably would have heard it the third time when they were within a couple of yards of each other!
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