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Everything posted by Jobiska

  1. I don't have much to say about this week, other than that I'm pleased on Ken's behalf that he had the ability to rein in his emotions enough to get himself out of there--presumably to a place that didn't violate any contractual issues for continuing, and I'm betting it's $ that kept them from having a camera follow him/staff to the hotel where he holed up--the powers that be little caring for those of us viewers who analyze such things and wonder what circumstances allowed his continuation to be legit. I'm glad he's experienced that much emotional growth and I wish him luck on that and on his career. Other than that, I'll just add that I'm extremely delighted that we've finally been shown the scene of Isaac saying "this girl loves that girl" which has been touted in the previews incessantly so we never have to see it again. Something about it just annoyed the hell out of me...maybe it was just that it was Isaac!
  2. In the long shots you can see that the bars are set at different heights, about level with the contestants' ears if they are standing up straight. I think any movement or back bending was a matter of them trying to find comfort based on what their backs can take. I imagine that Joe is not the most flexible of characters--he's sort of sticking his hips out (and hence the bar is "higher"), maybe because the upright position is hard on his back? Tai kept moving around, I think to ease his back from being in one position.
  3. That long introspective ramble about how he doesn't show himself vulnerable until other people do really came across as that he was having a true revelation about himself--more so than Spencer's "wow I finally said I love you to my girlfriend" scene (and I didn't find that as disingenuous--just that Nick has been doing this for long and is more entrenched unintentionally). And I also think he does a lot of deadpan humor, like how he blasted the "peasants" for revolting against the "king" (how he let them feed him and treat him)--tone of voice sounded serious, but it was pretty clear he was joking.
  4. Not going to go into intense off-topic details, but in raising my very-neuro-atypical son, there are various circumstances which can stand in the way of getting help easily, and we paid for just about everything. It all worked out, but it would have been nice to have even a bit of the type of help you mention. I don't like Kyle, and I don't want him to win, and I agree that he's shortsighted about how his glee at how to treat "geeks" or people he doesn't tolerate well has strong parallels to how people might treat his daughter, but this rang true to me.
  5. This is a few months old, but I only saw it the other day. Philadelphia Magazine lists the city's top 50 restaurants, and Nick Elmi's Laurel is #1 (with a picture of him plating), and Sbraga is #7. Edited to add that Ela, with Jason Chichonski, is #50--he was out early so I forgot about him. http://www.phillymag.com/foobooz/50-best-restaurants/
  6. Yeah, I guess if they had to pick someone who is athletic and good-looking yet clueless enough to run down their car battery by pointing their headlights at a rock wall so they could climb it at night, Woo's a good choice.
  7. That and them murmuring each other's names as they slowly collapsed from the gas....
  8. I thought the chefs marveling over their monogrammed pillows and then noticing the rollaway cot for the LCK winner was hilarious.
  9. If you mean the bio where the player is proud of having walked with tigers, that was Alecia, who is gone. I don't see anything in Michele's bio about tigers (and have not elsewhere either). I've always wondered what would happen if they went to a tie, revoted, and everyone changed their votes meaning it was still a tie! Hopefully they'd get a chance to straighten that out. I think part of the problem here was even that if players considered something that might be a tie, they didn't know each other well enough to predict if the other side would cave and switch or not, making a possibly tie situation even more fraught.
  10. So the lesson here is if it explodes, pick it, I guess! I've often seen it said (on forums and on TWOP's recaps) that if you know you're behind and a lot of other teams are taking the other detour, it's generally a wise choice to take the unpopulated one in the hopes that you'll pass up a few of the others at least. I think Burnie and Ashley, as said above, took a calculated risk, and if they had dug just a little deeper (rather than having to pile later, which they said was harder) might have passed one or two more teams. Certainly didn't seem like one could pass another team on the dynamite. I too am sure they were required to hold the selfie sticks by production. Erin and Joslyn seemed a little goofy all day, one of them randomly tripping on cobblestones, the whole find a lunch thing, one of them slipping on the dynamite trek...I was wondering if they were a bit affected by altitude or killer fatigue. At any rate, they seemed to have fun with it, and good for them.
  11. Maybe, but they were so orange and so oddly shaped, yet so alike to each other! But I don't particularly want to rewatch that horror just to examine them more closely!
  12. How were those (I think they were) cut off T-shirt sleeves staying stuck to the back of his shoulders throughout the challenge?
  13. Someone on the episode thread said "What Ranger School?" and I heard her give its name, and remembered because Hawk Mountain is in Pennsylvania where I am: http://www.capranger.org/ Hawk Mountain Ranger School.
  14. Although couldn't that be a sous chef situation? I know they already had people come back to help with mini restaurants, but it happens so often in the finale that it might be here too (I didn't catch that scene and not going to a spoiler thread, so I don't know if it was clear that he was cooking for himself or not).
  15. They had things that theoretically would be found in a fire station (hoses), things that would be found in a police station (badges), and things that would be found...supposedly....in an EMT truck (catheters, breathing tubes, pills, bandages). They certainly were all seeded into that location.
  16. I see that image that peachmangosteen shared as someone with their arm over/framing their head with the oxygen clip on the finger, the buff on the forehead...and reddish/brownish hair coming out from the buff and lying on the sand. The most un-Joe-like hair possible! And isn't Joe tanner than that? but I can't imagine who it is then! Apologies, I didn't realize the difference between the promos and press images, so I have now spoiler-tagged what I talk about below based on the press image peachmangosteen shared.
  17. I'm not thrilled with a focus on showmances, but I don't think it's that new to the show, starting with Flo and one of the twins, then Eric and Danielle, then oh shoot the guy who lost the fanny pack who was teamed with his mom...name?...and one of the women...they'll do at least a little focus on it if it's there. Sure, Tyler and Korey were cracking themselves up with their silly hashtag, but I don't think this editing focus is confined to gimmick seasons. I think they blew it up in this one because due to the leg design the two got to snuggle. Blair seemed as young as she is when she was trying to get everyone to crouch down and hide in the train so the models wouldn't see them through the windows. I thought for sure the show had made an error with the caption "Chamonix" until I looked it up on Wikipedia and found that "Chamounix" is an old spelling. I think I'm picturing some retro-looking Olympics poster or something in my mind! I think that every factor plays in in airport familiarity. 1) the cameras are going to draw attention that something is happening but 2) I think once people look at what the cameras are looking at, these folks are legitimately being recognized, and 3) they are at exactly the level of fame that they welcome the attention, hoping it will build their brand, and knowing the friendliness to the audience helps. If I saw an A-list movie star or sports legend or whatnot in an airport, I'd be too shy to approach, figuring they'd want their privacy, but if I saw someone I knew from YouTube or suchlike (the only one I knew beforehand was Tyler, but maybe from one of the few other channels I watch), I'd probably feel they'd be more welcoming. I don't mind these teams and I don't think the race is dumbed down. It's early yet, also.
  18. Heh, that reminds me of the scene where one of the guys (Mitchell? Alexander? A tall-ish one anyway) said something like he didn't really sketch for this one and the camera zoomed in past him working with his materials to his sketch pad that just had a blank-faced stick figure on it. Cracked me up!
  19. This is not episode-specific, but it's in every episode, so...I am fascinated by the NYC scene-setting street scenes of stop-motion traffic that seem to be supersaturated with color and somehow make all the taxis and cars etc. look like toys (don't know terminology--not a videographer!). I'm always thinking "is that really the street or did they make a little toy layout?" But as my DVR fast forward/rewind are sort of finicky, I never end up rewinding or pausing. I just think it's intriguing and a little weird. More attractive than most of the designs, at any rate. Or Ken's hats. I did like his appreciation of Mr. Policeman though, and agreed with his assessment. Guess I'll be hate-watching until the people who are obviously being kept for drama are gone. Still hoping Kini pulls through. There are a few others I'd be okay with too. But....sigh.
  20. So didn't that elf they found who had a flying dragon or something give Wil a whistle to call him as needed? Why didn't they call for the dragon to come fly them across the enemy horde? Or maybe it's something Wil dropped like he dropped the Elfstones or lost them about a zillion times.
  21. Although Outback's Mitchell Olson, who in my 2-minute websurfing seems to be the tallest Survivor so far, was 7 feet tall and not a basketball player. I suppose Scot is second tallest now. I seem to recall Mitchell getting very weak from hunger, not getting enough to eat to support his frame. He was not as muscular as Scot, however.
  22. Speaking of ants, Tai could have used some of Liz's magic powder when he pulled up that third dead tree and leapt about yelling "Red ants red ants red ants red ants!"
  23. I was wondering about that scab on her eyelid so that explains that. I mainly liked her, was astounded at her implosion, but did feel her "sweeties" and "honeys" to Alecia came across as condescending (I know if you were frustrated with her it wouldn't be hard to feel that way, but still, it grated on me a little). I wouldn't mind seeing her back again, though I don't know if they've ever had a second boot back? (or a first for that matter).
  24. As Joe was complaining about "Kindergarten Camp" and Liz' "wacky" ideas, as he rattled them off there was a montage of her doing these things. One was something about "ant dust" and she was pouring a substance into the postholes for the shelter. There was also something about making a water filter (with charcoal? I dunno). I have to say, I'd much rather see footage of Liz channeling The Professor from Gilligan's Island and coming up with (and explaining) various inventions than hear Joe complain or Debbie be Debbie or Peter be condescending about Debbie. I mean, why not, as long as basic camp needs are either being taken care of or being ruined by Joe (messing up the kerosene and the matches, but you know he wouldn't let her in to try herself). I'm with Kimberstormer on this:
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