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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Good Gawd, Katherine. If you're going to admit to your hideous addiction to marijuana, try not to look so STONED when you're talking about it! Dumbo. And Lando, you are a fake-ass. Just sayin.
  2. Ugh. Lydia instead of Heather? And newbie girl? Fat Shannon blaming dumbo Vicki for her weight gain? I'm already bored out of my gourd. Best line of the night? "All I deal with is farts and fights" Brianna said. Guess we know who farts and who fights?
  3. Bye Bye Phaedra, You need to go on with your life and not be on teevee any more. And Porsha?? You are an idiot.
  4. Is it just me or does Landon have some kind of weird speech impediment?? I can't always understand what she saying?? It might just be me. She kind of mumbles or something.
  5. Can't quite figure out WHY Phaedra is sooo pissed at Kandi that she'd go to this sex dungeon business.. I mean, I know she's a scorpio but WTF??
  6. I just want to know who got custody of all those freaking 10 foot tall wedding photos Shay & Scheana had all over their apartment??
  7. Oh, kung fu bunny, you made laugh so hard, I blew coca cola out my nose! Dang! That hurt! But still..... HILARIOUS!!
  8. That finger chewing by Kyle was really sort of strange. WTF?? And seriously, BRAVO, if we wanted to see Kim Richards AGAIN, we'd have a fundraiser for her. I cannot tell you how TIRED I am of all her hurt feelings, her being defensive, her, her,her.... BLECH! STOP THE KIM TRAIN! If she's doing better now, great. But I could live the REST of my life not seeing her freaking face or hearing her freaking voice ONE MORE TIME!! And Erika, you think you a badass momma but really now. You aren't all that tough. Sorry for the yelling.
  9. First of all ,I think ALL their hair looks weird and flat. Second, I think Ramona has had a brow lift. She looks weird and those eyebrows in her talking heads are like thru the roof! Then, it's about time that Bethenny gets some shit thrown her way just for grins. Her SKG line should just die a natural death because it's major CRAP!
  10. Another glass of wine ,pachengala? Old Whit will make you drink, won't she?? And eat pizza LOL!
  11. I still think old Steven and Whitney Thore (My Big Fat Fabulous Life) would be perfect for one another. Pizza anyone?? Love on the gigandor scale!
  12. Well, I guess THATKNEE would be a reason for her to get a handicapped sticker. And okerry, I thought the same thing! Whit's new boyfriend is already on teevee and they could make beautiful music together eating every single pizza known to mankind!
  13. Lame-o Eirka apology to Eileen, and she just went along with it! Guess Erika thought, "MY BIG CHANCE TO BE AN ACTRESS MAY BE SHIT CANNED IF I DON'T APOLOGIZE".... Boy, that Eileen is a double dealer. If I NEVER see Erika's glam squad again, it'll be too soon. So glad it's almost over. Thankyou Jeebus.
  14. NOWHERE, we laugh at her because she thinks SHE"S A PROFESSIONAL DANCER and she ain't. Nowhere NEAR a professional. Plus, if TLC can't find another weird dance for her to do, they need to just let it go and give up. I predict we'll be seeing Whitney on "MY 600 lb LIFE" next.
  15. Whatever Nathans' REAL story is, we know he's got a MAJOR problem....
  16. So, Porsha is as dumb as a box of rocks. We are surprised?? And Phaedra is still being messy as hell, including that whole Johnny thought up "A Mother's Love" AND had the idea for a restaurant?Huh?? He's nuttier than a fruitcake. Good luck with that making you look like a real lawyer, Phaedra. Yup. And Kenya and Matt... booty call and all. He dog sits for her when she goes out of town but he's really skkkeeerrrryyyyy. No. Don't believe it for a minute. If he's that skkeeerrryyy, you would never in a million years leave your beloved pets with the guy. Aww HELL no. Dumbass!!
  17. Yes, Mrs. Cunty Girardi, does try to walk the line. Why she went where she did with both Dorito and Eileen is a mystery, Other mystery to me is why she got SOOOO cunty about her policeman son. Isn't this the son she left with her mom to "pursue her talents in LA"?
  18. If Buddy's a walking heart attack, Whitney is a running heart attack! She weighs more than Buddy does AND she's shorter! LOL!!
  19. Seriously, WTF was all that horseshit?? Erika and her "you don't know what I go through at night" business... My nephew is a Houston policeman and I worry about him every single day, don't get me wrong. But her reaction was WAAAAAYYYYYY out there. Maybe she was drunk??Do find it hilarious that she reared back and bit Eileen's face off, just because Eileen has always kissed the ring. And Rinna.... what a doofus! Girl needs to just stfu and be quiet. Agree that the reunion is going to be a shitstorm.
  20. My favorite part was the scales scene where we saw Buddy's weight as 340 lbs and Whit squeeks when her weight is shown as 358 lbs and she's happy!! Then claims she's been working out and watching what she eats! Delusional much?? Thankfully, BGDC didn't win. I was having visions of Dance Moms and how they always win.... Hey, there's an idea.... Team up old Abby Lee Miller and Whitney Thore. They could be stars of a new show "My 600 lbs of Dance!
  21. Seriously,Lala? You haven't been to work in TWO months and NOW you want to explain yourself? Oh hell no. Get the fuck out. And if this three brothers thing doesn't work out, is ANYONE from the Schwartz family going to be there?? Weird that old Daddyo couldn't have gotten in the car and DRIVEN to his son's wedding,,,,,, Maybe he knows something we don't!! And to write that check for $20K when he owed $20K in student loans... THIS is what $20K gets you for a college graduate???? JEEBUS! DOAH! explain yourself?
  22. Well, come on Kordell!!! You've already won once, why not try it with your lovely ex-wife??
  23. Ewww... That hideous Farah Abraham is on Family Bootcamp too?? Well, no way I can watch that shitshow! Even with valium!!!
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