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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. I think Javi would never ever ever ever ever with an extra side of never. IMO.
  2. We all know when Javi came home from deployment he wouldn't have handed his phone over to Kail to look through. No way. No how. Nope. Or any other time for the matter. He had different rules for his wife he considered his property than he did for himself.
  3. If someone said they didn't trust me and only would if they had access to my phone anytime or we had to have one of those IMO pathetic couple FB accounts then I would drop that person like a hot potato. Not how I roll. Also doesn't mean my relationships weren't real relatiopnships or were doomed for a fate like Javi and Kail either. IMO. YMMV.
  4. Until I see her, I am 1000% convinced Shelly is dead.
  5. I'd never ever ever let my partner have access to my phone or my email or FB or my bank account. I can be in a relationship with someone and still demand respect of my autonomy. I will say I am glad those two are done with one another. They both abused one another. They both tried to control one another and often succeeded. It seems like they both cheated. I just hope they can at least try to be co-parents to Lincoln. I have my doubts like everyone else, but I do like how positive both are talking about each other in social media in current time. I'll just cross my fingers and toes that it lasts.
  6. Yes, she's a real lawyer. She specializes in taxation. http://www.zsrlaw.com/attorneys-government-affairs-staff/monique-yingling
  7. I also give her small props. I think being in the public eye and the natural consequence of having your looks up and down critiqued and made fun of is something that can be incredibly difficult. The fact that Leah thinks she is hot is not a bad thing IMO. Instead of finding a million reasons to agree with the online bashers, she shows love and pride in her appearance. I feel somewhat the same about Cate. Cate clearly feels shame about her weight, however she also puts herself out there and doesn't hide. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Cate to see how almost every person who comes at her does it with a side of fat shaming. Actually, I can imagine it, but on a much smaller scale. I've been fat and I've been thin. When I am fat and someone doesn't like something I did or said, it's almost always coupled with you fat bitch, you heiffer, go back to the buffet table. I think the girls who get that shit aka all of them and don't go running to get themselves cut up on the regular....they get props from me, of the small variety. It's one of the bi-products of the show they signed up for and most knew it going in or for sure know it now, but I still give props.
  8. Javi wasn't holding on to anything IMO....especially since he was regularly getting fucked while he was deployed. The Snapchat "friend" who then became his girlfriend when he was in the free and clear.
  9. While Kail initially saying Javi couldn't use the car seats was petty and spiteful....I will give her credit for changing her mind and allowing him to take the car seats from her car and put them in his truck. She made the best choice for her children and props goes to her for that. IMO if you gotta trash her for the bad shit, gotta give her credit when she does an about face and does the right thing. Maybe next time she'll skip the part of being a stone cold bitch first...or not. Probably not. Still. Props.
  10. I was reading over at Radar about other fame whores and came across this article about Kathy Griffin mocking Kirstie Alley for being a Scientologist. Love it! http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2016/11/kirstie-alley-scientology-secrets-exposed-kathy-griffin/
  11. To add to some of the TMs family history, Leah's mom got married and pregnant with her when she was 16 from a man she met at her church. She married him and had the 3 kiddos by him. They then divorced from Dawn's report because of Leah's bio dad's womanizing and drug abuse. Dawn did remarry and Leah had a pretty consistent step dad for most of their growing up. They separated and maybe divorced, but there are always rumors they are back together. Leah's story other than having twins and cameras around...is pretty similar to her mom.
  12. Since Kail just heard about Javi's place and didn't know anything about it, she had no clue. I assume Javi knows how many bedrooms the place has. But then again the idjit didn't even know where it was located, so who knows.
  13. Leah won't be the weirdo. The main demographic that watches Teen Mom will be sitting to her left and to her right. They'll all want to be fake friends with her and do group projects with her to whiff some of the Teen Mom fame. She's also not 40 and going back to school.
  14. Javi also could have piped up in the car when Kail told Isaac that he may not have a room in Javi's home. Oh, but that's right....Isaac is back to being "not my kid bitch" so he'll let Kail just tell Isaac I don't know and maybes. If Kail is handling it like a horrible mother asshole....so is he. The silence from him then was very very telling.
  15. It seems to me that Javi agreed to get another place, agreed to give her the keys, etc. This request wasn't a shock to him, he just didn't like how sharp Kail asked him for them.
  16. Being involved at a member of my church's council made me have less faith, not more. It went from a place of faith to a business. I mean, I know it has to be a business to keep the lights on, the staff paid and what have you, but it definitely was not the experience I hoped it would be.
  17. I think there is such denial and blinders on. I went searching for a tweet from Leah where someone asked what can you do if you see or know someone who is a Scientologist. The question asked and Leah's answer: As for Netflix and OITNB, I am a fan of the quality of the network's original television and the show, Laura Prepon or no Laura Prepon.
  18. Javi didn't look too lonely to me. Also didn't look too lonely in the snaps while he was deployed. I also think that Javi could have Isaac in his life if he wanted to, but from just the little snippets we've seen....looks like it is back to "Sorry Kail, he's not MY kid." It's too bad. We know Jo would not mind and knows whatever is best for Isaac would be the best for everyone.
  19. Chelsea: She's adorbs. I like seeing her scenes cause she's so stinkin' happy. Sure, they are boring, but it's fun to watch someone being happy. I loved seeing Chelsea showing Aubree pictures of when she was born to make her feel so involved and included. And Aubs wearing a Ramones t-shirt. Love. Love. Kail - I can't believe how much I am liking Jo. I also like how much of a friend Jo is being to Kail right now. It's really really nice. It was a long road, but look where they are. Now just keep it that way and don't fight about petty shit. My heart breaks for Isaac and how he is gonna feel during this divorce. I think he's gonna be okay as long as Kail and Jo keep a united front. I hate Javi, like a lot, but those cute little signs were so cute. I do agree with not bringing the kids to the airport. It's late and the kiddos would be cranky. Plus Javi wanted to go out with his friends, put a few back. He should be able to do that. Why add what is probably gonna be tired kids, a cranky soon to be ex and then saying hi and bye. I think the next day seeing them was better. Even if Kail was still in bitch mode, cause well...Kail. Leah. Oh. Emm. Gee. While I think Jeremy should tell you where your child is...stop being dramatic. You are in the middle of moving. Not having Addie is a help and you were just complaining about how she was missing her daddy so much. And "these guys lies their ways out of it." One, grammar. Two, nope that is you. Leah also has such enablers in her life. Jenelle: Poor Jace. Jenelle keeps arguing with Barb with Jace in the car. She should know better. And David thinks Barb should be ashamed??? Uh.... Poor Jace just wants to live with Barb and go see Jenelle every once in a while. That is what would make him happy. Jenelle took him on vacation, but she still doesn't know how to be a full time parent. Barb knows it. Heck, Jace knows it. I did laugh at Nathan thinking Jenelle is still obsessed with getting his ass again. Dude. No.
  20. I didn't see that picture, but since she made the point to have the Snapchat speedometer on to show she was going zero, it probably happened.
  21. Did a quick google search and I didn't find any traffic violations since 2012....however it was a quick search, but that's all I found.
  22. http://www.ibtimes.com/javi-marroquin-confirms-divorce-teen-mom-2-star-kailyn-lowry-finalized-2455355 In the above SBucks picture....she has the pedometer setting on in Snapchat that shows how fast you are going...aka....her ass was sitting still.
  23. Javi is staying at a hotel. He doesn't live there anymore. His acceptance of that and not fighting it shows me HE has something to hide. He would be tantruming if it wasn't the case. She filed for divorce in December of 2015.
  24. I'm surprised MTV didn't air that. Shocked really. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I could see being annoyed at Javi sitting down like he still lives there. She wanted him out, so she bitched him out the door. It made me laugh. And IMO the I have to go to Starbucks line is code for...I'm not talking about this with you on camera. Good girl getting the keys. If not, Javi would definitely be in that house being his usually controlling, demanding self. I can't believe he gave them back. Good on him for not grandstanding there.
  25. Laura Prepon is one of the main stars of Orange Is The New Black....so, I personally wouldn't say she isn't doing much since That 70s Show went off the air. It's been pretty gosh darn successful.
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