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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. I don't think calling Javi out for dbag behavior makes anyone sexist either. It's equal opportunity snark or bashing as far as I am concerned. I'm not sure if your comment about thinking all the TMs are innocent victims was directed at me or not or just the quote above, but if so....wow, couldn't be more wrong. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I think all of the cast are pretty despicable. Except Chelsea. She cool.
  2. I think Javi being petty and cruel about Isaac not being his kid is absolutely vile. He threw those words at Kail to punish her and the idea that Isaac wasn't even a thought in his mind let me know who and what kind of man he isn't. He used Isaac as a pawn in the control game he was playing with Kail. Kail could save a puppy and get slammed and mocked for it. Javi could throw one out a window and Kail would get blamed for it. I think that's pretty sexist too. IMO. YMMV. From the current timeline, it does look like everyone is trying their very best to put the kids first. I see Jo leading the way and it's been awesome to see. We've watched Jo truly grow up into one heck of a man. Jo making sure Lincoln is invited to Vivi's bday was super sweet. I also read that Jo and Javi took the boys together to the aquarium. Isaac is such a sweet and sensitive boy and I hope all this happiness and love continues for him.
  3. 290K seems about right for a house that size where they live. I live in a market where that wouldn't buy me a gosh darn thing, but you can get a pretty good house there for that chunk of change.
  4. How interesting that you have to give written reasons why you want the information about Kail's divorce decree. I'm pretty shocked that the gossip mag blogs haven't done that already.
  5. Quinn killed me this episode....finally asking what happened to him and watching it. And then wondering why Carrie would try to save him. Damn. It's not like he hasn't saved her a million times over. I did have some fear that she was gonna try to comfort him by fucking him and was so relieved that didn't happen. At least not yet. I do feel for Sekou. As someone who spent my weekend protesting things the govt is doing that is bullshit, I am a fundamental believer in free speech. In this country the truth is that certain people have free speech and certain people better watch their fucking mouth. Sekou learned which group he is a part of and I hope Carrie and Co. fights hard for him.
  6. I can't foresee that she'll be unable to refinance. However it sounds like she is waiting to not be quick and stupid about it. I'd be interested to see what the actual divorce decree says. Well, not curious enough to go looking for it like a TM stalker. But if anyone else wants to do that and share, please feel free.
  7. I see it differently. No worries. I've seen Kail learning some of her lessons. Only time will tell.
  8. I think Kail is responsible for Kail's behavior. I think Javi is responsible for Javi's behavior. Kail doesn't get the blame nor the credit for that sack of shit. Hopefully she chooses better the next time around for both her children. YMMV.
  9. Jesus Christ. I think there is no question that Noah raped Helen. It was violent and she was telling him to stop. Noah is clearly ill, however he is also one of the most fucking selfish characters I have seen on screen in a long time. I want bad things to happen to Noah. I'd say maybe now Helen will stop carrying around that guilt of Noah going to prison for her, but alas...knowing Helen, she'll find a way to still be there following Noah around like a puppy dog.
  10. If you are sleeping with someone who isn't your wife....you'd deserve all the pics sent. I'm always gobsmacked at the blaming of the other woman/man in those situations. I don't really care who Kail is or isn't sleeping with. Or Javi. Both of them are free as a bird to sleep with whomever they choose IMO.
  11. No worries. As Javi reminded us, he's not his kid....when it suits him.
  12. If I was Kail when Javi was whining about being in the house, I would have thrown his tantrum about when she went to visit Jo to talk about Isaac in his face. I would have told Javi that since they aren't in a relationship anymore....it just isn't appropriate for him to be in the house with her when they are alone, given him the biggest shit eating grin and kicked his ass out. Bye boy.
  13. I think the MTV execs see $$$$ in their eyes when they see the comments anywhere whether it is enabling or bashing about any of the TM girls. DOLLAR DOLLAR BILLS Y'ALL!
  14. If I was the new owner of the home, I would have sent Sandra packing and pitched everything. Sorry, not sorry. I kinda hope this is the last episode. I was talking to a co-worker about how this show takes advantage of the plight of some of the contestants often and that I needed to stop watching. However it's like an accident that you just have to take a look at.
  15. Javi in that pic. Dude....thou dost protest too much. Like a lot. You got fucked a lot overseas. Kail probably did too while you were away, however she's the one you slut shame for it over and over again. These fuckers just need to move on and hopefully that is where they are at now in the real timeline.
  16. I betcha that Scientology lawyer is really regretting that they didn't put a gag order in as one of his conditions of probation. Oh well. Too late now. *neener neener*
  17. If only that was true. Kail would be served a lot better if she didn't give a flying fuck what strangers on the internet thought of her.
  18. I've seen Kail say some nice things about Javi since the split on twitter. I also applaud Javi when he rises above his pettiness....and then when he says some shit like Isaac isn't his kid when it is convenient, I blame him instead of blaming Kail. I think they both can be real shitty, but at least right now I am pretty happy with how they are handling their split in the real world timeline. I think that is being a good parent and hope both continue it for the sake of the kiddos, if nothing else.
  19. Javi's comments in that article is the most mature I've seen him be in a real real long time. It's refreshing. I hope it stays that way. For Isaac's sake more than anything else.
  20. She took the Snap because the first part of a MLM is to make money for yourself and the next step of the pyramid is to get people selling under you. She wants to show she made money and then she'll get her lemmings working for her in no time.
  21. I've seen a lot of blended family in my time as a social worker and seen many step moms and dads called Mommy or Daddy. I really think it depends. The most success is when there is another mom or dad like name in my experience. Kind of like Chelsea does with Daddy Cole, etc. Of course with Kail it seemed doomed from the beginning because Kail wanted to replace Jo lickety split and never considered what an asshole she was replacing him with. And it can get even more complicated when you have a child with the step parent. If you allow or have the child call the step dad (or mom) Dad then it can cause problems with the bio dad and if and when the relationship doesn't last. HOwever if you don't allow the child to call their step dad Dad then it can make them feel less like a complete member of the blended family. Long story short....I think there are a lot of ways to go and it really depends which one is the right or wrong was to go. However HUGE PROPS to Jo with how he handled the whole situation. He could have been an ass like Adam, but instead he just accepted that Isaac has more people that love him when Kail and Javi were together. He didn't blow his top when he sees scenes of Kail and Javi trashing him as a father figure. Super duper props for that. And now that they are divorcing Jo is just being the best Dad he can be to Isaac while he knows he is hurting.
  22. And if I feel having to share all of info with my partner takes away my autonomy doesn't make it untrue or that my relationship isn't a real one or a doomed one. I don't think not sharing means you don't have trust. I think it is the opposite. People can have different relationships and different ideas of what should and should not be done. Absolutely. One thing doesn't absolutely mean something across the board. I love that I live in a world with differing perspectives....and have enjoyed finding partners in life who enjoying sharing my life in a way that is meaningful to me.
  23. It would surprise me. I think we've seen a lot of the dark sides of Kail, so I imagine we'd see this too in her relationship. I don't see it. I don't buy it. I've seen it from Javi, not from Kail. I'm getting off this wheel since opinions are like assholes and that's a good thing or we'd all be full of shit.
  24. I don't think she's the type to go around researching and demanding access to her partner's things. I've never seen that. That's my take on it. I see Javi as emotionally abusive and controlling of anyone in his household. He treats people as property.
  25. Meh. I've never seen Kail investigate like the FBI. I could see Jenelle doing that because we've seen it. Haven't seen that from Kail. I don't remember her going postal when the Snap thing came to light, not like Javi did when it was shown she texted someone he doesn't like. I think one is fueled by jealousy and one isn't. YMMV of course.
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