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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. Hunter and Nelson are both from Are You The One? Kailah was on Real World (Go Big or Go Home). http://thechallenge.wikia.com/wiki/The_Challenge_Wiki This link will basically tell you everything you want to know about the challenge contestants, how they got there and what other challenges they have done.
  2. Most if not all prepared veggie trays....the veggies are ready to eat right out of the package.
  3. Adam would beg to differ on that.
  4. The $1700 isn't her total sales...it's her commission. It's still not great, but she sold a heck of a lot more than $1700 worth of that stuff. Just sayin...
  5. Yep. And most of the pictures in that first article showing her maybe looking pregnant are old. She was wearing a flowy shirt, so it's possible...but she didn't look too different to me. And you should know from Jenelle that if you are preggers and don't want people to know then you wear a skin tight dress. Duh!
  6. Aww, too bad she isn't Clear or her brain could just heal that right up! She must be living her life wrong and that's why her kidneys went kaput. Bad Scientologist, BAD!!!
  7. I don't think Chelsea gets leeway because she's a fan favorite. If she gets any leeway it's because she's in a position to walk away from filming and be fine without it. I think she's getting closer each season to doing it. If she doesn't want some things filmed and they push her....she'll be done. The rest can talk a good game, but MTV knows they need to keep filming. Chelsea likes the MTV paycheck, but she doesn't NEED it.
  8. Then why did the guy that was watching Carrie and Quinn followed go there??? That can't just be a coincidence.
  9. Really? Jo has joked with Kail about their past and how douchey she was before in the past few conversations. That doesn't seem like walking on eggshells to me. Right now...they both just seem like good friends.
  10. If she is able to get a restraining order then he has to leave. So, if he is taken away in a DV incident and she gets a temporary or a permanent order, it would matter if he was on the deed or anything else, he gots to go.
  11. The show didn't directly say Dar planted the bomb. I just put two and two together. Dar's been watching Carrie for a while now since he has her under serveillance meeting with the PEOTUS. Is he rogue or is he officially working under the sanction of the FBI? Probably the former, however now that Sekou is out, I wouldn't put it past our government to kill two birds with one stone by taking him out and making it look like an act of terror. It would be a black ops job and just the kind of job that Dar might happily sign up for. I could also see the guy not knowing who Quinn is since it's been a while and he doesn't exactly look like the stealth agent he once was. However any decent agent (if he is one) should have his spidey sense go off when Quinn said he lives across the street and that is where Carrie lives.
  12. Another episode without the Champs. Boo! I am still snickering that the young group keeps trying to make moves by sending people in to send them home....this time Cory and Jenna and once again they both come back. BA HA HA! And now that is two more people safe til the merge (oh wait...this isn't Survivor lol). Oops! Looks like their strategy could use some work! As for Theo refusing to jump. This surprises me none. And I'm sure he'll find a way to blame someone else for his own personal failing. I still cannot wait until the champs all show up and this young egomaniacs realize what's up!!!
  13. Damn. The show just went down the rabbit hole of many conspiracy theorists....that terrorist attacks are actually done by the US government and not the Muslim with the bomb. The world will paint Sekou as a radical terrorist and while he is stupid and runs off at the mouth...it's the govt that just detonated a bomb on its own soil. In many ways, I also don't blame Sekou. He is being treated like a rat and he also is right, he didn't agree to the deal that Carrie made for him. It should have been his choice. Why should he have to silence the truth because it is inconvenient for the US government? And now he has been eliminated and got to increase the goal of fear of radical Islam. Check mate for the FBI and for Dar. As for Quinn. If we didn't follow Quinn and know he was right....we'd think he was looney tunes too. I don't blame Carrie. I do hope that she puts it together and realizes that he has all the pieces to the puzzle that she needs.
  14. I think Jo is super duper happy with Vee...however when he and Kail are getting along they really get along and have a bunch of chemistry. I think when Kail is not being a vile beast, Jo likes her a lot. I am sure that is part of Vee's issue as well and it's understandable.
  15. Leah had to watch that segment with Deb live....so I'll give her a pass this one time. LOL.
  16. I've always been surprised that Nathan hasn't gone to court and said that he doesn't want David's family being the daycare for Kaiser. Jenelle has been able to put in the order that Nathan is supposed to be the only person watching him....which is BS since Nathan's mom was good enough for her when she was with Nathan.
  17. Jenelle....Dave is continuing with his controlling ways. I did find Nathan's oversharing with him by text to be strange, but then again, it's Nathan. I did laugh at Nathan driving away as soon as he could.....leaving dust by David and the kids. Peace out buddy. Poor Jace. He always seems so excited to leave Jenelle's place. And of course Kaiser runs around looking for him...because without Jace he's stuck with just David and Jenelle. I am sure Jace parents that kid more than anyone else in that house. Leah: Another adult really needs to go with her to these doctor appts....so she can remember everything he said. He did say Ali is getting better, however as she continues to get older...she may get worse. It isn't saying she is magically cured because she is stronger and falling less. However, celebrate the small joys. Kail: I do like how well she and Jo are co-parenting and talking to each other right now. Them going together to bring Isaac to school was sweet. I did laugh at Jo laughing at how young they will be when Isaac is in high school cause he knocked her up so young. I also like that Jo can give her a little bit of shit about how shitty she has been to him in the past. I was impressed Kail didn't yell and scream when he just brought up custody. Teeny tiny baby steps. Chelsea: Yep. Still very cute. I don't see the point of hiding the gender from MTV since she has had Watson already, so the audience would know she had a boy. I guess she was worried about it being leaked...so I can understand that. I would think that MTV would keep it under wraps though. That blowup doll and Aubs immediately seeing it was naked....and Chelsea having to say it was naughty. Oops. Oh well, the kid will live. AfterShow: Umm, Debz OG and her rapping? No. And she is once again wearing a trainwreck of an outfit. I always get the sense that there is something fundamentally wrong with Deb. It's uncomfortable to watch her.
  18. Nope, not Jewish. He just is convinced it is gonna cook all down and start a fire. He's an engineer. He should understand how this all works, but it's just never been part of his life or experience. P.S. If you put a can of condensed milk covered in water with a few inches over it....and leave it in the crockpot overnight, you wake up, open the can and it is the most delicious caramel. Delish! Yes, Leah doesn't take negative attention very well. She gets very reactive when she gets any criticism. I remember that one big meal she made....I think another time they were moving. It was pretty crappy. I also think that shows that when people in her life/family did cook....it wasn't healthy/good cooking. It's sad really.
  19. My dad is literally terrified that the crockpot is gonna light on fire. The idea of leaving it on while he is not home....is crazy talk to him. Me? I know how that shit works and if it is on low all day, I come home to a warm dinner and my apartment smelling divine!!!
  20. They don't have them cold here, just hot. I wish they did. I menu plan sometimes with the families I work with and it would be a great option for those without many in the kitchen skills. I agree that the girls are barely being filmed and they could be on their best behavior for 2 weeks. They just don't have that ability....and that's why MTV loves them. We've seen Kail trying to do that this season with controlling what will and won't be filmed, etc....however she is also circling drama on the regular and so it backfires every time. If she had the mental maturity to actually control herself for 2 weeks....if Leah has the ability to not be late and do the basic things that life needs....if Jenelle could not yell at someone, treat her child like shit and have a major tantrum. They can't. It makes the drama suck of a tv show that we all love. Chelsea can do it....and she's the palette cleanser between the shit shows, but boring as hell. If the girls started controlling themselves while being filmed....MTV would be an unhappy camper.
  21. If it means moving to NY or LA, I don't see Jo complaining much....and he'll be right behind her with Vee and Vivi in tow.
  22. You never know. CT (Real World/Challenge beast) now works in production with MTV. It could happen. I could easily see Kail rangling some Nessa like job at MTV. She doesn't even have to have talent....she can sell her D List celeb status, at least for a while. I've seen a lot worse get jobs in the field.
  23. I know he never sees Suri anymore, so I am assuming she wasn't there for the service.
  24. Yeah, I agree that Leah and many of her cohorts on this show are perpetual preteens. I think they had a baby so young, had shitty upbringings themselves and then had this shit storm fame at the same time. It really stunted almost all of their development. Chelsea has come out of it the best and even she took way longer than one should to get there...and I firmly believe she came out of it because she had a pretty normal family by comparison. All of these moms....sans Chelsea....behave like teenage brats. It's not okay and they can grow the fuck up anytime they want...and they should, but I totally get why. Understanding why someone is messed up isn't an excuse...it's just an understanding. I grew up cooking with my mom in the kitchen. I have a good background and safety net when it comes to the kitchen. I did have to teach myself a lot of things though since once I moved out on my own....I decided to become a vegetarian/vegan leaning. So I had to adjust everything I knew...but at least I knew something. Side note....my dad was the stereotypical husband. He worked, came home and my mom put the dinner on the table. My mom passed away about 10 years ago. My dad still struggles to cook anything that isn't a frozen dinner or out of a box and into boiling water. He tries and does it for a while, but he struggles. He then goes back to buying frozen meals and ordering out. It's not that he's lazy or not intelligent. He spent most of his life having his meals placed in front of him and he just struggles. He can use a crockpot and yep, that is a good suggestion to anyone who is a sucky cook who doesn't want to be. He still has so many questions about it. I have said a million times over....just throw it all in there and turn it on. It'll be fine. I promise. I also agree about the cooked chicken in the deli section. Not for me of course...but for the average mom. Here is my pet peeve....you can't buy those with food stamps cause it is cooked/prepared food. It makes an easy, healthy option for families not be an option for really poor families. You can buy a box of frozen fried chicken that is not healthy, raw chicken that is scary to cook, buy soda, buy candy, but you can't buy that healthy cooked chicken to make a quick, easy, healthy meal. Thankfully none of these moms are financially in that situation, but we all know families that are.
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