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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. I wanted to say I can't believe that Adam didn't even call Aubs on her birthday, but I totally can. Thank goodness she has Chelsea and Cole. Kali and Javi deciding to be friends...while being passive aggressive assholes to each other while doing it. LOL. I will give Javi credit that in this one small instance, he's not stupid. He knows that she has something going on with someone else. And Kail talks about how Javi doesn't have the right to ask about her friends or relationships....so don't grill Javi. Goose Gander. I think Jeremy is pretty assholey....however Addie does love her daddy. It's clear that Leah and Corey don't understand why Grace is being tested. They aren't looking to see if she has MD, but if she is a carrier for it and could pass it on to her children. Jenelle is a piece of work. She calls last minute wanting to take Jace out of school early to go to NYC for the weekend and is shocked she gets a no. Boo. Jenelle should be concerned about Nathan being arrested and the extent of those charges just like Nathan should be concerned about Jenelle and Dave's charges. That poor kid. The Teen Dad special....was all kinds of weird. And of course, Nathan has to take his shirt off. I was hoping they were gonna have Nathan arm wrestle Javi since both workout 24/7. Or....because I'm slightly obsessed with CT, I wanted an MTV crossover and have him come out there and just watch Nathan literally shit himself and then be destroyed by CT.
  2. While Quinn has a TBI, he also has PTSD from what he went through. It isn't one or the other. It rarely is for people with TBI.
  3. I personally doubt that Kail went to town with her vibrator with her two children in the room. So, I have no issue with her taking her vibrator with her on vacation. I also think the idea of her having and using a vibrator has nothing to do with her failing as a parent. I know many many parents who can still focus on the needs of their children and still get their vibrator buzzing in private moments. I consider it health TBH.
  4. Many people shame folks for sex related things. I not a fan when anyone does it. I happen to think having a healthy relationship with one's vibrator is something more women should have. We had a day here a few years back where a company gave away thousands of free vibrators. Many people were outraged. Not me. Go stand in line, get one and be happy (pun intended).
  5. I know of many many moms who also regularly masturbate...even when....gasp...on vacation! She wasn't going to town on her lady bits while with Lincoln and Isaac, so not sure why that's an issue other than shaming a woman just because she is a mom for wanting to take care of her sexual needs. I know that a large segment of the population still thinks it should be taboo especially for women...and it should never be spoken of, but I feel differently.
  6. The vacation was while Javi was still deployed, but whatevs...I don't really care who pays for it. It's still a vacation with the kids....as there have been others, sounds like she's planning another one. Kids seemed to have fun on that vacation and saw her on the scenes with her kids quite a bit.
  7. Kail took both kiddos to Puerto Rico this summer on vacation.
  8. I honestly think Leah is often surprised when she gets backlash. That is why I chose to post that given how she was raised....this is all pretty normal for her. She is feeding the kids what she was fed. When she made that big ol' breakfast is a great example....I think she expected to get a bunch of high fives and instead got crap for feeding the kids....well, crap. I don't think if she watched the episode before it aired she'd think anyone would think anything bad AT ALL about SoupGate and her shocked in tweets confirmed that for me. She gets feedback that her crappy learned mama ways are crappy and so she over corrects to tell the world that she's the BEST MOM EVER!
  9. Well being a huge fan of Quinn....that was a hard episode to watch. He did keep Franny safe, but also terrified her because of his PTSD issues. While we know Quinn was more right than wrong, I can't see him coming out of this without enough charges to spend the rest of his life in jail. But it's Homeland, so I'm sure he'll be out and fighting alongside Carrie in no time. Of course Carrie sees his phone and starts to actually put the pieces together and Quinn might not be as crazy as she once thought. The idea that the President Elect can just be kidnapped is kind of laughable. Hopefully Keane gets herself a backbone and gets herself out of that mess. If this season doesn't end up with Dar getting his due or a bullet in his brain....I'm gonna be highly disappointed.
  10. I'm sure Javi said he did it. It was his dear ol' daddio. Not gonna just decide it is Kail....cause. Javi's family did it. I also didn't see Javi's family complaining later they didn't or even Javi saying later (in his many Snaps or Instagram lives or tweets) when he hated Kail that he made it up to protect her puta teaching ways. So yeah, they said it, they taught him, they did it. Grandpa used his grandson as a potty mouth toy. *shrugs* And as we're continually told by the powers that be to stop going round and round. I'm out. I know what I heard and what Javi said. Peace.
  11. I'd believe Javi saying his dad taught and how hilarious he thought it was....vs a made of story of how Kail did it because of whatever. But sure, believe that Javi made it all up because of....(insert reason). Javi's family used Lincoln as some potty mouth toy. It is what it is.
  12. I heard Javi SAY his dad did it. And laughed like a jerkbag.
  13. Usually, I just go by what was actually said.
  14. I went by what Javi SAID. And then he laughed about it.
  15. Yep, that is how I remember the scene as well.
  16. They are sick fucks. Either they said or Javi said that they taught it to him and they thought it was funny. Laughed about it. Psychos.
  17. I'll agree to disagree. Teaching a child to swear and then encouraging him to use it is pathological. They are sick fucks.
  18. I have never seen the older, cold chickens either, but I am told they are sold. They are cheaper and can be used as cold, cooked chicken. They would also be eligible for SNAP. That would be no different than buying cold cuts except for that it is still on the bone. What may be gross to you is something that is affordable to another.
  19. Swearing around kids isn't cool...I guess, but it's different than actually teaching children to say gutter words. Javi's family laughed at how funny it was that they taught Lincoln to say puta.
  20. I'd feel for Javi's family since it's always gnarly to be caught up in a divorce with kiddos involed...if this trash didn't teach Lincoln to say puta and think it was the funniest thing ever. Nah, they can pound sand.
  21. Javi is in love with controlling his partner. Javi is is love with the D List limelight and his social media fam. Javi is in love with his crocodile tears and the pussy it's putting in his bed.
  22. LOL at you being sarcastic and then the comment above that people are gonna die cause of veggies in a veggie tray. It is what it is.
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