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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. It looked like she was checking that cat for lice.
  2. Jessa's old-timey suitcase bugs the shit out of me. However, if it was say, Jana's, I think I would find it endearing. I guess its just a general feeling: Jessa bugs the shit out of me. Her suitcase just happened to catch my eye and is the recipient of the hate.
  3. Joey looks like she's aged 20 yrs. That outfit. Good god.
  4. I love these kids. They're so freaking cute. I'm much more interested in seeing them at preschool, ballet, skating, etc vs seeing Ro and Mia at the office. Could you IMAGINE if this family went the way of the Duggards some years down the road!@?!?!? I know! One of the boys seemed to be a head taller than the other boys.
  5. When Kail and Javi brought Isaac to the back sliding door in the rain, it reminded me of the Griswold's dropping off dead Aunt Edna.
  6. Cody reminds me of the kid in your high school class who gets in trouble for laughing at whatever. And then tries to stifle his laughter and it just keeps getting worse and worse. That 'proverbial' (not sure if that's the right word) kid was always my favorite.
  7. I wish the 'littles', as Michelle has been calling them lately, could have picked one item for themselves to paint (a unicorn, a horse, whatever) and one item to paint for Jill and Derick. I'm pretty sure they didnt pay for shit at that store. So, let them make something special they can call all their own! And Michelle, when you say that Jim Bob has been crying about the engagement/wedding/whatever, its because he has FEELINGS! He's SAD that his daughter(s) will be leaving him. That's normal. That's how a parent should feel. You Michelle? You just might not have a soul. Sorry. I can't stand her.
  8. Why did JoyAnna paint a large red 'a' in the center of her plate? Also, in their talking heads, Jessa 'tries' to be funny/sarcastic and Ben just.doesn't.get.it! I dont think there's a humorous bone in his body. In Jessa's either. I find her 'humor' to be very lacking. I think its been mentioned before, but my god what on earth do these two talk about?
  9. I like the relationship they have with Steve. They seemed to be having fun, joking around....with people OUTSIDE of their family. It was nice. And if you're going to take the time to re-upholster (is that the right word???) the stools, why not pick a cool fabric? That shit was ugly but I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else.
  10. I hate when they say 'this is the biggest competition/veto/etc of the summer.' EVERY comp that we're watching/they're playing is the biggest because its the most current one...so its the one that counts the most.
  11. Awww. I actually liked EJ tonight. Never was a fan before this episode.
  12. I love that Victoria finally won a competition...by doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! :) The mess the jury made of the house would have killed me!
  13. Madison looked like a cheap version of Claire Danes. Would it kill her to let her daughter wear some pink or purple? She (the mom) obviously has some deep rooted issues. Get yourself into therapy and leave your daughter out of your nightmare of a job. I hated her.
  14. Way back when, during a St. Patrick's Day episode, the kids were making 'green' eggs. The camera guy asked James if he liked green eggs. James looked at him as if he was 100% nuts and said 'no.' From that point on, he has always been my favorite. Like someone upthread mentioned, he has no fucks to give and I love him for it! Also, I find it strange how easily Jill fell into calling a guy 'babe.' It's just weird to me.
  15. Funniest. Episode. Ever. I love the face game they played. But I love their reactions to the faces even more. Cody and Derrick killed me. Derrick's reaction to Caleb's 'smart' rats was great!
  16. I would be on board for Graham as the next Bachelor.
  17. Lacy and Marcus are the exact same shade of tan.
  18. Something looked different about Des but I can't figure it out. Anyone notice anything? And Irritable, you said it best: lack of humor. That's exactly what seems to be missing with Marcus.
  19. Oh Victoria: "If I didnt drop my balls...." "I mean if I didnt fall off the shovel." So, there was a chance, Victoria, of you winning? You make me smile :)
  20. I thought Chelsea Houska (of Teen Mom 2 fame) had entered the house when I heard Frankie ask, in baby-voice, if Derrick was proud of him for winning HOH. Gross.
  21. Um, Derrick gets sexier and sexier every week. I know I know, some of you are probably thinking 'wtf.' But I think its his confidence. I love it! When he won HOH on the first question, I kind of melted. He just looked hot. Anyone on board with me? Seriously. Anyone? :)
  22. This season should be called the Expect the Expected Season since nothing these houseguests do is a surprise.
  23. That reminds me of Tobias Funke. He should tape record himself talking ;) I thought Derrick said he had a 'pornographic' memory. He can remember every porn he's ever watched. I had to turn the show off at the beginning for a bit bc I was so irritated with Nicole's whining and squeaky voice (I've never been bothered by it thus far). I know she can't help how she sounds when she's talking, but my god she got to me tonight. And I 100% thought Caleb was doing a little psych-out with Victoria. After he told her she looked beautiful and she got up to walk to the nominee chair, I thought he was going to say, 'and that's why you're safe this week. Frankie, have a seat.' I really really thought that. I should have known better.
  24. I want the scarf Anna was wearing when they were saying goodbye.
  25. When JoyAnna was driving Ben around the property I was reminded of Christopher Walken in Annie Hall driving Woody around. Made me LOL. Just what an 18 yr old boy wants in his bedroom....paintings done by 5 yr olds hanging on the walls. The scene in the hospital with Derrick's mom was too much. Made me way too sad. Mackenzie is one of the cutest little kids I've ever seen. I just love her.
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