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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. I implore you to skip to about 51:00 of Jill’s vacation video. This is after the gang has all had a hilarious time trying to see how far they can sink themselves in sand. Timothy has the most bizarre...I don’t even know if I can call it a speech pattern. He actually sounds like a four-year-old child. Or someone who has been high for four hours. “Mah-maw, you should take a picture of us just sitting on the saaay-aand.” This is right after he tells Samuel, “that’s not a craaaab. It’s a jellyfish.”

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  2. 16 minutes ago, Mothra said:

    Maybe these two women of a certain age need to find US sugar daddies and learn to play golf.  There's more money in that career than they'll ever see from TLC.

    They don’t want those guys. They want young “hot” guys that look like the guys who used to stand outside my college library dressed in all black Armani Exchange smoking cigarettes. 

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  3. I’ve said this before, but Moriah dresses like all the girls I went to school with who were raised in strict Christian homes - many of them preachers kids. They stashed all their tacky clothes and make up in their book bags and changed in the bathroom before the bell rang. The ass out jean shorts weren’t a thing back then, but they wore whatever the early to mid-nineties equivalent was. I will say having your ass cheeks exposed doesn’t seem all that comfortable nor sanitary for the wearer or people sitting behind them. The first time I noticed this trend, I was at Union Station and saw a girl wearing them. A filthy, pissy train station with all kinds of vermin and other things crawling around and she sat her bare ass cheeks down. I kind of wanted to hang around to see if she stood up with gum or pennies or an old sandwich stuck to her but I mean, YOLO I guess.

    Every time the camera focuses on Ethan, he looks like a ticking time bomb. He’s gone from the sort of doofy Kenneth Ellen Parcell kid to a very (justifiably) angry, brooding tinder box of unresolved emotions. It’s sort of scary to look at and my mind immediately goes to Andrea Yates. Let. me. be. clear. I am in no way comparing this young man to a monster who would murder their own children nor am I am implying that Ethan is prone to violence. But I do believe Yates’ untreated mental health issues were exasperated by the subculture in which she lived. Ethan is clearly struggling and if he has the opportunity to seek counseling, he should take full advantage of that before it gets worse. Mental health care is inaccessible to so many because of several factors including lack of money (hard to find a therapist that takes insurance!) and the stigma associated with it. 

    I hate how the show is portraying Barry and Kim this season. They’re allowed to sit there in interviews as if they’re Ward and June Cleaver and their kids are just out there doing their own thing. I absolutely hate how they refer to their children’s’ issues with them as “bitterness,” because it’s a way to dismiss the kids’ completely justified complaints about their upbringing and lack of education while absolving themselves of playing any part in it.

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  4. Jill is going on a manic Hunk spree. She sure seems to be trying to prove something to someone in her dowdy Facebook circle that her life and marriage is awesome. I wonder if it was around this time when she went on that manic social media posting spree where she posted that weird card and gifts supposedly from Hunk. And those ghost written posts that were allegedly from her children. 

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  5. On 9/16/2021 at 9:47 PM, Tuneful said:
    On 9/11/2020 at 9:25 PM, bichonblitz said:


    And it's encouraging premature hair loss. TBH, I don't care for his hair down, either, he looks like Veronica in the Archie comics. Or an effeminate, bad wig in a comedy sketch. 

    According to Father Silva, Georgi is already balding and the ponytail is placed just where the bald spot begins.

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  6. Plath family: Husband and wife are nut jobs who became fundamentalists, had a near-Duggar sized amount of kids. Wife accidentally ran over one and killed him. Oldest son married a girl raised in a similar lifestyle. They both ended up rejecting their families’ teachings. Two younger Plath siblings (ass cheek girl and strangely handsome brother) followed suit and moved out. Oldest boy and his wife no longer speak to Plath parents. Two younger ones have reconciled with them.

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