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Posts posted by charmed1

  1. 2 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

    I feel lame saying this but now I want an astrologer to come in and tell me what's what.

    I felt the same way after watching Indian Matchmaking on Netflix. There was a little old man who worked full-time at NASA and was an astrologer on the side. He was hi-tech with digital charts on his laptop and everything. We can be lame together.

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  2. 3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    Yes, dig at the TV families. Jill you aren't fooling us,  if a Bates or Duggar courted one of the girls you would be jumping out of your skin! 


    Yep and if offered a chance at a television show like the Bates, Duggars, or Plaths, she would be camped out in front of TLC’s studio. I think this was also an FU to all who justifiably expressed shock and sorrow over how shabby her kids looked in those recent photos.

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  3. I think that’s the Amish-made dress she got for her. Jill will just claim that Sophia dressed herself in those filthy tights. Just like she allegedly dressed herself in those raggedy tights with holes in them before. No way a child that age can put on a pair of tights by themselves. I have to sit down just to get to get them on without falling over. Although I don’t think Jill dresses her either. I think she just orders the older kids to dress the younger ones in whatever rags are available and the older kids are just trying their best. We saw one of the boys combing one of the little girls’ hair. And is she wearing heels?

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  4. 1 minute ago, ams1001 said:

    Well, they're too thick to wear with shoes...mine are knitted with a fleecy lining inside. Not sure I could even wear them with my boots.

    Yes. I got mine from Marshall’s. So cozy. I didn’t know they were called reading socks. I’m glad you mentioned it so I can order another pair online.

  5. 1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    No matter what I order if eat out more than once a week I gain weight. 

    Same here. I know those two tacos I had are going to ruin me, but I had a crummy day and needed some comfort food. Where’s my yellow brick road?

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  6. 4 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

    I'm glad I am not the only one who dislikes Mayim Bialik.

    Oh it’s a 30 year dislike for me. She was in a parade or something here and a little girl asked her if she had a boyfriend and she bitched back, “I keep my personal life personal!” 

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  7. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Didn't one of them (Barry or Kim) say right after that "Well, we forgive you, too"? Because  you know they couldn't let Olivia get away with saying that on camera. Or was I imagining that?

    He did and I laughed because it was totally a “Well the jerk store called…!” moment lol. Oh Bar. Never stop dorking.
    Now I have to go back and watch so I can see the grown up Albino Plath woman. I only remember the one dressed like she was going to some antebellum reenactment and carrying a parasol. And the odd girl in jeans who asked Lydia a question. She looked like she was more into the youth pastor than Lydia. Kim said those rando kids play volleyball with the Plathlings. And also, youth pastor plays volleyball. So I’m guessing there’s a volleyball net at their church and Kim invited the congregation. What is it about narcissistic cult nuts and volleyball?

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  8. Micah was the voice of reason in questioning how you could move to Tampa with no plan in place although the details on his own move to L.A. are sparse. Do they all plan on just living off their TLC checks? Moriah doesn’t even have a GED. In my neck of the woods, she could at best get a job in fast food service or dog walking, but that wouldn’t be enough to pay rent.

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  9. How could I forget about the flat affect youth pastor? Did Lydia ever confirm if he was the “special friend?” This episode just confirmed for me that Kim is a stage parent. She loves the attention she gets from having culturally specific attractive children. She’s a fundy Rose Hovick.

    I’m sorry, but I find Max to be a weirdo. The incessant kissing like someone clinked a knife against a wine glass at his wedding reception is bad enough. But the inappropriate touching of Moriah’s siblings is over the line. Especially Isaac.

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  10. You all have made so many good points, it’s impossible to quote them all. A few things that stuck out to me. 
    Kim tried to act like the kids knew all the randos at Lydia’s “graduation” party to make it seem like they had friends growing up. Moriah confirmed that was a lie. She only recognized four or five people and some of them she’d only seen once or twice. Just like Micah said before. 

    Kim also said they would have had graduation parties for the other kids had they not been planning weddings. Sure Jan. Moriah confirmed that they never had parties, graduation or otherwise.

    Kim immediately going on the defense when Moriah asked the younger kids to help Lydia with chores. Claiming that because Moriah hadn’t lived there in so long, she wasn’t aware of Lydia’s change in responsibilities. I believe Lydia confides in Moriah and I think she’s still got a Cinderella role.

    ”’Whoa dude!’ is what I wanted to say when I saw that hair.” Barry is the dorkiest dork in dorkville.

    is Isaac still on the back of the UHaul?

    I thought Ethan was awkward with Lydia, but I realized he’s awkward with all his siblings. The way he talked about Micah moving to L.A. sounded like me talking about a coworker I don’t really care for. I found it interesting that he didn’t get along with Moriah growing up because she seems to dote on all her siblings except for maybe Isaac.

    Did Moriah get braces or is the bad lip filler causing the lisp?

    I take it Micah didn’t share the news of his move with the producers. He looked a little thin too. I can’t help but think of the Chili Peppers’ lyrics with him:

    🎵And little girls from Sweden dream of silver-screen quotation
    And if you want these kind of dreams, it's Californication🎵

    Two teenagers move in with a married couple of 22-year-olds. What’s the worst that could happen?


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