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Everything posted by portfino

  1. I have my doubts about Dan and Kirk's heterosexuality, given Kirk's freakout about an overnight date. Also, something makes me wonder if a couple guys quit right before filming and that's why there were like 5 more girls at the rose ceremony. My favorite lines were both Jared's "I really hate having this conversation ...again" and "She's not suffering anymore."
  2. I think Dickon Tarly and Garlan Tyrell are going to be combined for the show.
  3. There were a few fight scenes that were good, and Skrein had good chemistry with Chabanol. I wish there was more between them. Other than that, it was pretty by the numbers. Ray Stevenson was having a good time. You can tell they don't care about the American audience because all the audio was dubbed.
  4. Yeah, but you know they're going to undo this, and somehow Briggs will once again be the smartest, best, and amazingest. If it took these bozos this long to believe Mike. Small wonder they think Briggs is a genius.
  5. Because the explanation is simple. It's all scripted for Chris and Kerri to wind up together. And so is everything else. Do you think Fallon's actually evil? Do you think Dan actually vomited? Do you think Chris really wanted to keep Amanda or Moenay, who he wasn't attracted to? Do you think Moenay was attracted to Chris? If there's another season of this show I want them to go back to Season 1. At least, a naked version of Blind Date would not have to script drama.
  6. The show is only two more weeks thankfully. Kerri's a whiny hypocrite. She's complaining about Dan flirting when she was sitting on a guy's lap. Dan's immature and possessive, but he's still better than Chris. As someone said last week, I'd rather be watching the rejectees than Kerri and Chris.
  7. I watched "Gender" and it was outright fantastic IMO. This could be a great show. Jerod Carmaichael doesn't need to be peak Robert DeNiro, but I need him to get to Jerry Seinfeld level of acting ability.
  8. I agree that the women got short shrift. Jonathan, Tanner, Dan, Jared, and Nick P are the only guys worth anyone's time, and the latter two have a more distinctive look appealing to only certain women.
  9. Dan is the absolute worst. All of his "concern" for Juelia was really about his infatuation with Samantha. Then speaking for the group saying that no one blames Samantha. At least, Joe was honest about the fact that everything he was doing was for Samantha. I still like Jared but he really should pull himself out of the show because Ashley I. isn't handling this well. Amber is a very pretty girl and seems intelligent, if none of the guys at Paradise are right for her, she should have the self-worth to leave.
  10. I think even the people on social media are beginning to see through the show. I don't get one ounce of genuineness from either Chris or Kerri. My favorite part of this week's show was the panicked expression on Chris's face as Amanda was speaking at the end. You could see him worrying about whether the producers lied to him about a positive edit.
  11. The weirdest part is Ashley saying that Jared "ruined" her for other guys. Now maybe like Nick, Jared has some special powers that are only apparent in person because everyone talks about how perfect he is, but is she for real? All of BiP takes 3 weeks so she's known him for a few days at most, and her life is ruined? I know that she's being dramatic and exaggerating, but there must be something we didn't see. Did producers tell her that he was in love with her? Are the other women completely misreading the signals and telling her that Jared's really into her? Given all this "kiss me like you kissed Kaitlyn"/not being over her talk I suspect that someone else is influencing this. (In addition, to her normal drama queen-ness.)
  12. Clearly, Ben Z said no for some reason, and Cupcake has a real job. Then they went down the list.
  13. I would argue that Briggs fucked things up not Mike. Paige also should have had more "situational awareness."
  14. I think the Fallon hate is over the top. Was she arrogant trying to hide her insecurities? Of course. But she developed what in her mind were real feelings for Chris and then had to see him parade with two different girls every week. Yes, that was what she signed up for (or did she based on what last season was like?), but I think jealousy is normal. And the producers almost certainly encouraged her to sabotage the later contestants because they needed a villain so I don't blame her for that much for trying to preserve a relationship with "her man" by any means necessary. Particularly since I'm 90% sure there's a side deal between the producers and Chris/Kerri. Chris gets the "villain." Kerri gets a bunch of duds. They "miraculously" find love with each other.
  15. This is clearly rigged. Now we're entering the "Chris matures and realizes what a catch Kerri is" stage. After a brief respite for the semi-OK Justin and Doug, Kerri's parade of losers continues next week.
  16. I'm not sure having her develop feelings for a contestant again is such a good idea. Or vice versa, it sorta worked that Adam developed feelings for her over all the contestants, but I'm not sure there are enough stakes to believe a contestant torn between Rachel and the Bachelorette. He could just quit in a way Adam couldn't.
  17. Don't get me wrong, Mason has convinced himself that life is a country song and I wouldn't want to date him, but I liked him more than Chris or Kerri. What about Chris's behavior gives Kerri the sense that he's ready to settle down? Unless we're not seeing something (which I have already said I suspect to be the case) why does she think he's interested in her? This is all coming across as Kerri's obsession.
  18. You should read Twitter and Facebook, it's comment after comment of Poor Chris being fooled by Evil Fallon, and how much of a great guy he is.
  19. I think the producers have told Chris/Kerri at the beginning that they will get a positive edit if they choose each other in the final episode, and that's what I expect will happen.
  20. I know Chris is charming and well endowed, buy my goodness, these women are infatuated with him. Is he drugging them? Part of the problem is that the male interlopers are so much worse than the female ones. Despite Chris's flaws, he's still probably the 2nd or 3rd best guy who's been there at worst. Mason is too good for Kerri, who in a way I find worse than Fallon. She's seen him sleep with these women and still thinks he's the right guy for her. Either that or Mason was lousy in bed.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if the sweetener wasn't "and Samantha really liked you watching Kaitlyn's season" whether that's true or not. I wonder if partially that's how casting works. For example, they knew Tanner liked Jade and maybe vice versa.
  22. How good can this show be when they don't know what gaslighting means? I agree that the show wants you to ignore the rather obvious more than a decade age gap between Johnson/Kebbel.
  23. I preferred this version of Adam more than the Prince Charming of the penultimate episode or the idiot in the finale.
  24. Joe's interest in Samantha makes me understand why women are salivating over Jared so much. Also, Tanner talking about how he thought Jade was going to be The Bachelorette. Some were probably expecting the Bens or Cupcake and since they aren't coming, their choice was being disappointed or shifting all to Jared. Speaking of Tanner and Jade, I assume they are having sex constantly and therefore, never seen.
  25. I feel they couldn't do a Grace episode for the same reason they couldn't show Adam hesitating about not going off with Rachel, it would undermine the theme of the show. A feature on Grace would impact how we viewed the other contestants, particularly Anna. And even if they were still convincing that Anna was there for the right reasons, it would have felt like dumb luck that the one woman Adam actually spurned was the "winner."
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