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  2. I guess I was under the impression the cafeteria was in a specific dorm, not a cafeteria for an entire college. That's how it worked at my college. Or, at least, it's one of a few cafeterias where the dorms are located.
  3. So a supper club is... just a restaurant?
  4. Re-watching some. WTH does Emily think she is, talking over, challenging, accusing, and making her ugly faces at Kevin?! And IMO, Emily's unremitting negative attitude towards Brennan no matter what he says is evidence that she is stuck on him ❣😉!
  5. guess i was wrong about Lucy actually experiencing the sun. the show sure made it look exactly like the vault's corn field. how did Moldaver survive 300 years? she obviously wasn't a ghoul since she died (from something other than a head shot - which appears to be the way you kill them). apparently ghouls can heal their injuries, at least to a point - i actually hope that gets explained more - why did thaddeus heal fully when given the elixer, but Cooper clearly has some injuries and poor Rose was virtually a skeleton? For as long as it has been since the vaults were created, not too many 31ers were brought back to oversee 32 and 33, and 33 had 3 current 31ers before Moldaver's raid. were the vault dwellers living longer? and it seemed like even before the raid, 33's numbers were quite diminished (same with 32) that they must have had issues with interbreeding. so why didn't cooper go into whatever vault Beth and his daughter were taken to? and are they in cold storage chambers too? or will he only find descendants?
  6. There are Auntie Karens in all cultures. With apologies to people who have Aunt Karens they absolutely love.
  7. Yeah I didn't really remember her either, although I recognize the actress from other things. The brief "previously" clip at the beginning wasn't much help either. It was nice to see Lawrence again, and to see another side of him. I liked the ending where he just let the balloon go instead of popping it since he decided it didn't matter. I kind of had a feeling that's where it was going to go, but there was a deliberate misdirect with them playing "Over the Rainbow" during that scene. So glad Todd decided to ask Judy out (although she answered a little too quickly, LOL). She's cute and they make a nice pair. Although having her dressed like Dorothy at the costume party was perhaps one gay stereotype too far.
  8. Has anyone done a list of potential auditionees yet this year? I’ve been amassing my usual list on paper but haven’t been as plugged in here, wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything
  9. No text messages?!! NO PROOF?!! Just a bunch of words?!!! 🤨 ABSURD!!!
  10. My favorite album ever. I saw a community theater performance of it when I was a teen, and have been hooked on it ever since. Yeah, that was a head scratcher.
  11. Fourth Roxette album "Tourism" (Extended Version).
  12. It's the polite thing to do. I had to look up what mortadella is. Never heard of it before. I got a kick out of Sass watching Mark eat. "You eat that mortadella. You eat it real good." He was practically getting off on it. I appreciate the continuity on this show, it's something you don't always see in a sitcom. They brought it back to Nancy who claimed she had accounted for all the basement ghosts and repeated the "only a basement ghost" thing too. You can hear Pete yelling "Everyone grab your suck-off buddy" while Stephanie was going back to sleep. Explaining why Hetty didn't know about the vault. Reminding us Alberta can control the Alexa. Thor asking Flower if she turned into an owl. There aren't many loose threads on this show they don't end up tying up.
  13. No, but basically attacking him verbally the first time they meet him - knowing he's the nephew of their friend - doesn't exactly make them great guys either.
  14. This would've been after Andrea Evans left the show and right before Karen Witter joined the show, it seems. Sadly, Bronwen Booth (Brunette Andy) died of ampullary cancer last year. When Fiona Hutchison was interviewed by Alan Locher last year, it was shortly after both Bronwen and Andrea's deaths, and she talked about how she and Bronwen became close friends again after running into each other by chance two decades ago--Fiona introduced Bronwen to her husband! Thank you, @Melgaypet, for the shoutout regarding Gabrielle! I haven't even really been here regularly in quite a long time (not even to talk about the Conners, which just came back recently and I had been actively talking about that show on its forum here from the beginning), and it's always nice to be remembered! 🙂
  15. No, that time she was avoiding prosecution for killing Haley. It is so hard to keep track of her crimes and jail times isn't it?
  16. The editing was really choppy in this. They obviously have someone writing/consulting who is very familiar with Orthodox Judaism, but no, he wouldn't have entered the "mikvah" naked in front of women. They had the conversion ceremony there with everyone for some reason, but the women would have left before the actual dumping. Having the ice during the dunking was weird, as the mikvah should have been made "kosher" beforehand. (There's also more to it than this, but I won't bore you!) Just one more thing, because I found it funny - the rabbi mentioned something about the mikvah being the biggest deal for most male converts. I'm pretty sure the biggest deal is the circumcision - ritual only (drawing a drop of blood) for most North Americans because they're already circumcised, but still terrifying to some, and a much bigger deal to their non-circumcised international buddies.
  17. I was unspoiled, but I thought that was insanely obvious. As soon as Jessie and Lee had the "What do you think?" conversation, all I could think was "Well gee, I wonder how the movie will end?"
  18. Was that when she went on the run with Lani and they ended up hiding out in that convent?
  19. IMDB has finally filled out the cast list for this episode. The lawyer may have been played by Nicholas Heffelfinger. He does a great impression of Iain Armitage if it is him.
  20. I’ll NEVER forget this. We envited my husbands Aunts an uncles for a bbq. It poured rain the whole day. Husband bbq in the garage and we ate in the dining room. I made coleslaw, potato salad and other side dishes. One Aunt was ripping the skin off the chicken. She didn’t eat any salads as they had mayo in them. She ate nothing. Then, she asked me why I didn’t work to help my husband out. I was over 30 yrs old with 3 little kids. What a Bitch. I went out of my way to entertain them and that’s what I got? Some people don’t know when to zip it. Thy are mean spirited. WTF? My husbands two sisters never had anyone over to eat. They were smart. Me, the schmuck tried to make it nice, but got burned.
  21. Ugh! Focusing on a haircut instead of, you know, the two people who were violently murdered sums it up pretty well. I can’t imagine what Nicole and Ron’s families and friends went through seeing the circus that was the murder trial.
  22. IMO, Duggars are Uber fundie and Vuolos are only partially doctrinally fundy.
  23. All I got is that Lady Mariko was signaling that she would lead a fight meanwhile the palace guard had to pretend that we are just police here there is no battle.
  24. I know! I spent the entire episode wondering when they were going to mention the history of the Harvey Houses! And it was even at a train station! Most of them are in the SW - I've eaten at the one in Winslow. Was this a real one?
  25. I've always thought Joy just wanted to be on tv. She's spent a lot of money to look that good and she wants the world to see it and appreciate it. And she's also NOT going to hide away on a farm! Has anyone from FWAW ever ended up on any of the other "dating" shows, like Perfect Match or Love Island?
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