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  1. They picked a fine time to go on vacation.
  2. I think Cam's race from the river to the house and arriving after midnight proved that Josephine was lying about pushing Reena over the bridge. Dusty said Jo came in a little after her (11:45) but the doors were locked at midnight. There was no way Jo could have made it back to the house before the doors were locked had she still been at the river that late. That's why Cam was angry and hitting the steering wheel at the end; she still doesn't know what happened to Reena. At least that's what I think was going on. The actress is doing a fantastic job, but man, that girl (Jo) is awful.
  3. I so agree with you all. I miss the old format. I did enjoy seeing the completed music videos, but I prefer to see the kids pair up and perform in various genres live. There are so many memorable performances that moved me and entertained me. After this season is over I won’t remember anything the current dancers did. I've always fast forwarded thru the judging anyway. With this being so scripted I wonder if the producers already know who they want as winner.
  4. That TC was bonkers. I cracked up at everyone shaking their heads and looking confused as they voted. But despite Q quitting and all the chaos no one voted for him? Clearly these folks don’t ascribe to the “anyone but me” theory. I don’t get why sometimes Probst boots a quitter on the spot without a vote and sometimes like this they have to go through the motions. How did the producers know Q would survive the vote? I seriously think Q has a personality disorder. He flips moods at the drop of a hat.
  5. I am so annoyed with teams sharing answers and colluding to block other teams out. It ruins the spirit of the race. There needs to be a rule that limits how much you can bail out another team. I was sooooo hoping the alliance were so lost before the meat challenge they’d be scrambling to avoid elimination. Hopefully this will happen sooner than later and those racers who have been relying on the kindness of other teams to carry them forward will be eliminated. Bah. Not cool, TAR. Does Danny seriously believe that when it comes down to a foot race that Rod or Vinnie are going to wait and hold hands and jump on the mat together all kumbaya? I don’t include the two all women team in this. Theirs was a temporary alliance to put some distance between them and the mega alliance. Too bad it didn’t work.
  6. So after all that no one voted for Q? The hell?
  7. Aww. Huey Lewis makes me think about a good friend who was crazy about him up until she died a couple years ago. 😢
  8. I never watched The Good Wife but loved The Good Fight. Such great strong female characters. Elsbeth is ok, something I'll watch when there's nothing else on, but she doesn't evoke the same feeling of admiration. (Now, if she would reveal that the ditzy character is just a front to make people underestimate her, that would be different.) I already have one kooky Columbo-esque woman detective in Poker Face (when is that coming back, anyway?) and I think Charlie is more interesting than Elsbeth. Yeah. This.
  9. Omigosh, the tension in the seppuko scene was terrible. I was riveted and horrified, but kept waiting for something/someone to stop her. I was shocked Blackthorne said he would second her. (Despite this I still don't see the attraction between them.) Then she dies anyway, fulfilling her mission. What a sad episode. Anna Sawai and Fumi Nikaidô (Lady Ochiba) were superb in their scenes. Now there is a relationship that makes sense. They break my heart. Ouch. I feel old. Yeah, Richard Chamberlain was a very big deal then. I watched the series and read the book but really am enjoying this version with the focus on Toranaga and Mariko instead of Blackthorne. They are far more interesting characters.
  10. And the sister saying to her dog, "You're the only family I need anyway."
  11. Aww, she’s just a child. She only knows what she is taught.
  12. Trixie is oblivious but Matthew is being an ass by not leveling with her about his financial difficulties. Nothing bugs me more about tv dramas than when characters don't talk to each other! Yeah, probably a sign of the time but he has let left her in the dark for way too long and it's not doing either of them any good. She is going to be more angry about being treated like a child than about having to give up a car. LOL That's a low bar for success! Poor Mae/May/Mai (however it is spelled). Instead of candy and iced buns she should have been rewarded with a firm reminder to not wander off by herself, especially into the water! (How cold was that water anyway?)
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