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  1. Last night's episode about Derby Wagner-Richardson. WHY did it take 37 years to arrest this guy?????
  2. I thought his first weight loss was great. But no way in h**l that his blood pressure was 138/72.
  3. Maybe Amy should work it into a conversation that when Matt dies, she inherits the farm. Let's see how fast Zach and Tori start showing up at events then.
  4. Anyone surprised that Amy was late to her own not-ready-for-guests party, as was Chris? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?????
  5. Everyone at Fujitsu was arrogant enough or stupid enough that they did not think the subpostmasters would just believe everything Fujitsu and the post office was telling them. When the Fujitsu guy was demonstrating how easy it was to run the Horizon system, it probably never crossed his mind that Mike was smart enough to ask, "Are these changes you're making being done live, in real time?" I almost thought the look on the IT guy's face was, "Oh shit. Maybe this is why all of the numbers are coming up wrong." Until Mike's question, the IT guy didn't seem to have a clue that numbers on a screen had such a profound effect on real people. We watched the "real story" on PBS through Prime Video. It was ghastly to see what these REAL folks went through.
  6. Did anyone else think Aaron looked like he'd stopped at a margarita bar on the way to work?
  7. Wanna bet the kids "got" to play soccer?
  8. I am an afficionado of pretty much all British TV shows and movies, and have developed a hobby of trying to identify where else I've seen British actors whenever I watch something. So last night, I saw Professor Quirrell from Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, and Edward VIII and Wallace Warfield Simpson from The Crown. The latter pair really cracked me up, as I watched a scene when the actors - Alex Jennings and Lia Williams - were facing off across a conference room table. When those same two actors were in The Crown, they had a conversation and at the close of the scene Edward looked at Wallace, folded up his newspaper, and asked, "Shall we f**k?" MBvTPO is one of those "truth is stranger than fiction" stories. I used to work in computer tech support. If I had been getting multiple calls reporting the same problem, no way could my managers have gotten me to tell callers, "No one else is having this problem."
  9. They're doing a lot of Arizona bars this season. May have to do some scoping out. We went to Chilleen's last week ("A Horse Walked Into a Bar"). They are doing well, and have even expanded to an event business. (Can't imagine a LOT of events in Black Canyon City, but at least now they have SOMEWHERE to go.) The owners divorced, and the husband (Scott) left town. Got into a crash while driving drunk in Colorado in 2021, and was found guilty of 8 charges earlier this year. His girlfriend died in the crash and he - ever the gentleman - tried to tell the police that SHE was driving. Sentencing is not yet complete.
  10. Honestly, there was so much over-acting in this whole episode that I'm being dissatisfied with the series as a whole. Dr. Turner is beginning to annoy me as much as Lady Grantham in Downton Abbey. And how could Fred blow up balloons that floated as though they were filled with helium?
  11. The house is a lot cleaner and well-maintained as an Air B&B than it ever was when Amy lived there. IMO, since Matt bought out Amy's interest in the farm, she has no more say than anyone else as to having Matt's things moved without permission. I assume Matt is DONATING the use of the farm property for the charity event. That makes moving things without permission even more egregious. Maybe if Amy had provided that list that Matt and Caryn asked for, Matt would have had the moving done on time. If he knew what the time was. LOL. "The time" to clean stuff up was when Amy wanted it done. And she apparently didn't communicate that clearly to Matt.
  12. Here's a "wiki" type of article that provides a lot of info about Trixie's childhood.
  13. That was a tough lady in the 4/7 episode. I actually applauded and enjoyed production's decision to have her ride off on that horse at the end. She was SOOOO happy!!!!
  14. I was born in the 40s, and left home in the 60s. We had five smokers in our not-very-large rowhouse, and sometimes if you walked downstairs into the living room, the top half of the room was literally filled with cigarette smoke. I wonder what my clothes must have smelled like. I never smoked. I'm now 77 and have asthma and other lung issues. It's a terrible thing to do to a child who pays for it as an adult.
  15. From this article I found, Romy actually said that walking away was the "only step to preserve my integrity." Good for him!!!!
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