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  1. Notabug

    MLB Thread

    Cleveland fan here feeling the same. Never happened with our baseball team, but we lived through it with the Browns. I equally enjoyed and hated the A's back in the 70's. What a collection of free spirits/weirdos! Charlie Finley and the mule look good in comparison to the current regime. How many great players did those teams have? Reggie Jackson, Vida Blue, Mudcat Grant, Gene Tenace, Sal Bando and on and on. What great teams those were and so much fun to watch, especially for those of us living in the vast wasteland that was Indians' baseball in that era. My nephew died way too young earlier this year at only 43. I am thinking of him today as his very favorite player ever was Jose Canseco (hey, he was a little kid!). He had a beat-up A's cap he wore 24/7 for a couple years. I took him to Cooperstown to see the Hall in '94, shortly after Jose was traded. He was heartbroken, but so excited to see his idol's A's uniform was the one on display with the team uni's. I took a great photo of him standing next to it, the look on his face was priceless. We also spent hours combing the card shops for a Canseco rookie card. He shelled out $80 of hard-earned lawn mowing money on it. He still had it, pristine in its plastic case, even though it is probably worthless now. Nothing like your first baseball hero, even if he did turn out to be Jose Canseco.
  2. It's a short video about people giving children silly names. Jessa is mentioned as having a son named Spurgeon.
  3. You are probably onto something. I checked the website and the courthouse/jail is free to visitors. On the other hand, there is an Andy Griffith Museum which costs 10 bucks a head to visit. I'm sure Jill has been there just as I am sure that none of the kids have.
  4. Its also possible to buy a Eurail Pass which would cover virtually all train travel within Europe for a specified number of days. Anyone wanting to visit 3 or more cities would probably save money over the cost of airfare to multiple destinations. I've taken trains in Britain and Scotland as well as the Eurostar round trip between London and Paris. The trains are clean and modern and give you a great opportunity to see the countryside. They're almost always right on time and they often take less time traveling between cities than it would take using a car. Travel within London and the surrounding area is particularly quicker and easier by train compared to car.
  5. American military presence is huge in that part of Germany, it is the basis of much of the economy. Rammstein employs over 16,000 military and civilians. The general area has multiple other US military facilities and more than 50,000 employees. It is a city unto itself.
  6. Nothing like a little pole dancing to invoke the feeling of the Regency Period.
  7. There are literally dozens of great sights to see in North Carolina, why keep going back to the same one? I've got no problem with visiting Mt. Airy, my dad was a huge Andy Griffith fan and, when I was an OB resident, our chief resident would badger us all to hurry up and finish seeing patients in the clinic so he could go to the call room and watch Andy; but once seems more than enough.
  8. Didn't they visit here just a few years ago? I seem to recall forcing the kids, who all had a GI virus, to pose for photos like this one. I realize they were sick and maybe missed some of the high points of the experience; but why go back again so soon?
  9. Wow! Each outfit terrible in its own way. The yellow sweater that's about 5 sizes too big in the last photo is particularly egregious. She looks like her house burned down and she got whatever she could find at the Goodwill Store.
  10. They'd adopt privately through some like-minded fundie family who had a daughter who wasn't chaste, as they say.
  11. Consider the source; these are the same people who think Moriah has a professional quality singing voice and writes incredible songs that are going to be hits. From what we've seen, none of these folks seems to have more musical talent than the average person who took some music lessons as a kid or sang in the choir.
  12. Considering her ongoing insistence that Michael wasn't a child molesting monster; claiming Randy didn't assault his partner is not the worst lie Janet Jackson has believed.
  13. I have, and I think its a MMV situation. I am not all that impressed with Olivia's 'journey' either. The Plaths are an awful family, it seems that Olivia came from a different awful family; but that doesn't make Olivia all that wonderful in my eyes. By comparison, she's a bit more mainstream, but she is very full of herself, impressed with her minimal achievements such as leaving a toxic marriage and family situation; but, on her own, I don't see that she's all that special. And, I agree, she met Ethan knowing that they would marry and now, she's met a new guy, he lives thousands of miles away from her; yet she seems ready to throw herself all in with him as though pfaffing around in Sedona on TLC's dime for a few days is the foundation for lasting love. Two relationships, but, both times, she is in hyperdrive trying to nail him down. I wonder how long it will be until she's got a list of Brandon's flaws for him to resolve ASAP as well as a reason to distance herself, and him, from his family. In her own way, she is almost as intolerant as her former in-laws. If someone doesn't agree with her, they are wrong and must change their ways. She's very good at enumerating all the ways in which other people have failed; not so much at seeing her own issues.
  14. There's also the incident where, as young teens, a group of girls were using the pool at someone's house and Brianne stripped and went skinny dipping; much to the embarrassment of the other girls there. Seems like she was pretty strange and did a lot of weird stuff. The poster also repeatedly says Brianne loved her baby sister but absolutely hated the two kids born between them. She would go out of her way to set them up to get in trouble which, since her parents were very strict and didn't spare the rod, was really upsetting to the friend. She also tried to get the friend's younger sibs in trouble but the friend's mom caught on to her ways and nipped it in the bud. Very Jill-like, methinks.
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